Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet



Name:  _____________________________________  Date:  ________________



A. What do you do well?

B.  What are your skills, experiences and capabilities?

C.  What skills do you have that employers want?

D.  What tasks you are good at and enjoy doing?

E.  What unique resources can you draw on?

F.  What do others see as your strengths?

G.  Identify work experience, qualifications and training as well as 

      transferable skills

H.  Additional items to consider:  good relationships with your manager

      or colleagues; solid stable family situation, ability to relocate,

      financial security, and good health



1.  helping others

2.  manage busiest Arby’s in Charlotte

3.  willing to work many hours and overtime

4.  enjoy helping others, good at managing retail stores


6.  willing to help where needed

7.  crew leader, worked in retail, hospital experience

8.  good relationships with managers, good health

9.  stable family situation, willing to relocation




Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet



Name:  _____________________________________  Date:  ________________



A.  What could you improve?

B.  What do you do badly?

C.  What can others do better than you? 

C.  Where do you have fewer resources than others?

C.  What type of resources do you have less than others?

D.  What are others likely to see as your weaknesses?


1.  writing skills and paying more attention to people talking to me

2.  Reading and writing

3.  Reading and understanding things at a higher level

4.  experience in work

5.  working in a hospital can’t have contact with patient

6. don’t really show my weaknesses in public or around others



Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet




Name:  _____________________________________  Date:  ________________




A.  What opportunities are open to you?

B.  What trends could you take advantage of?

C.  How can you turn your strengths into opportunities?

D.  What are the interesting trends you are aware of?

E.  Is there a hobby that presents an alternative career path?

F.  What jobs or careers are growing rapidly and will be in demand in the future? 


1.  Finish school, then work in a hospital

2. way people work together



5.  yes, helping others work in a hospital of Doctor’s office

6.  healthcare



Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet



Name:  _____________________________________  Date:  ________________




A.  What trends could harm you?

B.  What obstacles do you face?

C.  What type of competition could you face?

D.  What are your competitors doing?

E.   Is your job (or the demand for the things you do) changing?

F.  Is changing technology threatening you or your position?

G. Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten you or what threats do your weaknesses expose you to?

H. What could prevent you from accomplishing your goals?



2. not being able to finish college

3.  other managers or nurses applying for the same position

4.  finishing classes before me

5.  yes

6.  no, it is helping


8.  Just giving up on college



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