The Relationship between Burglary and the Type of Accommodation



Burglary is one of the crimes that the residents of Leeds are facing. It has caused the residents the greatest anxiety.

Residential burglary is one of the most common crimes, of great concern to the general public as reflected in crime victim surveys, and regarded as a major problem by police forces studied in the literature.

“The victims of burglary were most female with a percentage of 77% over the 23% of which are males. Generally, victims are those who live alone which comprise of 74% of the total number of victims, 26% lived with someone and 12% lived in a sheltered accommodation. The average age of the victims was 78 years. In the analysis of police records over 1999-2001 period indicates average of 14,000 reported burglary crimes per year.” ()

It has been noted that the offenders travel the country, choosing locations with a high density of older residents or mixed communities within easy access of main or arterial roads. “Surveillance information suggests tens and sometimes hundreds of miles are travelled between offences. Offenders move on following a concentrated period of offending. The constant movement also makes detection both difficult and expensive compounded, by the incapability of police crime recording systems. This however, is set to change with forces exchanging data using secured telephone lines.” ()

This paper attempts to show the relationship of the type of accommodation to burglary in Leeds, England.


Literature Review



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