Attitude of Students towards Teachers


Over the years, many changes have occurred in the educational system; as well as the attitude of the students towards their teachers have changed differently today.   Old people said that during their times before, as students, they had experienced to be beaten by rulers, stick or rod whenever they committed misconduct or misbehavior inside the school premises.  And, the worst thing was, slapping on their faces was just a common punishment among students then.  However, that was before, and now is just a new generation of students and teachers.  And, it is very obvious the big difference between the relationship of the students and teachers now as compared   in the ancient times.  Many schools today have their own new   guidelines and policies for the students.  This study revealed that one of the English medium teachers was asked about the current situation now between students and teachers.  And, she answered right away that teachers nowadays are no longer allowed to beat their students despite any circumstances or wrongdoings of the student.  In the same manner the teachers are not allowed to let their students stand for more than ten minutes.  Instead, only written or verbal reprimand should be given initially to the student.  If the misconduct is still continuing, the Guidance Office will be the one to talk with the student or students, and their parents will be called upon for further deliberation. If the child or student/s may not change his misbehavior and even gets worst. He or she may be expelled from the school.


Furthermore, the students today are more vocal about their personal opinions and feelings towards their teachers. If they find their teacher is competent and smart and patient with them, they are more likely have a good relationship with their teacher. And, most of the students now know their rights as well as the obligations of the teachers. So, they are more happy and contented if their teacher is competent and effective in teaching them.  Similarly, a teacher who has the ability to communicate well and have a good interrelationship with his or her students has a better chance to be admired and loved by the students.  However, if the teacher is strict and aloof, the students tend to avoid them as well. Sometimes, they are also not comfortable   with the learning strategies and methods of the teacher. Especially if they could hardly understand the lesson; and the teacher still not able to explain well to the students the main idea of the lesson. Moreover, students today, have a lot of guts and full of self-confidence in expressing what’s inside their minds.  They do not care whether the teacher of other people concerned will get offended; as long as they can exert their freedom of speech.  Perhaps, this bravery of the students is being influenced by the external factors such as the various forms of media such as television, newspaper, magazines and the intervention of modern technology like computer and other innovative gadgets that they are using at present time.  Obviously, majority of the students today, got a lot of confidence in oral recitation or class discussion, they are more inclined now in public opinion and social-related issues in the community.  In the same way, they can easily adapt modern changes in their environment as well in the schools.  Most of them are good communicators, they are eloquent and can easily understand English, and the best thing is they even acquired an American or British pronunciation and accent.  All these factors are deeply rooted from the fact that a lot of American and British TV shows and movies are being shown worldwide today.  And, children tend to like   Hollywood movies and cartoon shows than others.


Correspondingly, this research showed that most of the male students today are difficult to deal with than female students. Preschool boys and even boys in elementary level are   difficult to handle, they are very playful and do not give serious attentions to class discussions.  Also, the most common remarkable factor among students, they are more closed or associated with young unmarried teachers. They have better rapport with these young single teachers than old and married teachers. They are more at home with them, and show their real selves unlike when they are with married and strict teachers; they are scared to do something that the old teacher may get upset on.   In view thereof, elementary, middle and high school students’ attitudes toward their teacher are based on the ethnicity, bilingualism, civil status, and age and gender reference of the teacher. 




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