Using Skills Learned to Benefit Others and Society

Using Skills Learned to Benefit Others and Society

There are many ways wherein one can help in the improvement and the betterment of others as well as the society. One way of helping can be financially or maybe even through our skills and talents. By using our skills and talents, we can help other people. However, before being able to help, one must understand what the problems are in the society. One must be able to have a clear understanding of what it is that the society needs, what the people need. One must be sensitive enough to the issues that surround them in order to be able to help others.

            Before being able to help, one must learn the basics about the problem. Educate yourself on the nature of the problem as well s the people that will help you on solving your problem. Identify who are the local players in the problem. One must assess the community’s needs and help develop a plan for the solution to the problem and come up with other alternatives as well.

            It should be noted that you understand what you are getting into and then develop a plan of action and develop networks as well. Become the voice to the society’s problem and make a difference. Upon implementing your program to help, monitor and assess your progress. 

              One of the major problems that the Latino community is facing, the Latino youth in particular, is alcohol and drug abuse. Current researches show that there has been an increase min alcohol and drug abuse among the Latino youth. This drug and alcohol abuse among the Latino youth is a concern as this present condition will worsen in the future if not being taken seriously and no active measures or solutions will be undertaken.

            One of the ways to help the Latino community is to develop effective substance abuse prevention programs. One can use their skills in organizing the programs. One must develop programs that will help the youth develop the correct behavioral skills as well as develop and improve parenting skills. One can help through providing the needed support service and improve the nature of the environment. In addition, one can also help by making acculturation easier for the youth.

            In conclusion, the skills that one has learned can be used upon the implementation of the programs in this specific problem of drug and alcohol abuse among Latino youth. By understanding other people and how they act and behave in certain ways will be a big help in the program. One must assess the causes for the abuse to be able to understand the person’s behavior.


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