I feel that you have a general focus on virtual teams as a CASS (Complex Adaptive Systems) phenomena. You should try quantitative research instead. Qualitative study in this case will be more complex. So now the focus needs to become more precise. You use the words research question and hypothesis in your document but you do not state these precisely enough for us to know what data you intend to collect. I then suggested that when your research question is more precise then the way you write the background literature can be organized toward introducing your specific research. I asked for examples of data you might collect so that I could get a better sense of the operationalisation of your variables. I again suggested to you that you look at related empirical studies to see how those researchers conducted their research. The literature that you reviewed in mostly practitioner or survey articles. You can recognize an empirical paper because it has methods and results sections. Maybe your next step is to look for more research articles about virtual teams and get more narrowly focus about your research question. I look forward to more progress with you.


Your assignment is: Rewrite the research question. Your Research question is not clear.


research question – How to observe this data?  Compare findings to Complex Adaptive Systems (CASS) theory. Your research question. Your question should address a principle or issue that can be generalized beyond the immediate research setting.


Measure – What is the measure of effective team performance?  “Individual performance” of individuals of a team.


are these variables? and if so what is the measurement of different values of the variables: individual development (define it), CASS (define it)


parallel relations; does this imply correlation of two variables? so scores on one variable are parallel to scores on other variable?


give example of one value of individual development and its relation to one value of CASS

one value means a concrete, specific observed instance. Otherwise, choose another variable.


page 6 of the prospectus suggests that a variable is individual development (productivity score).

Bell and Kozlowski give propositions about methods and factors related to performance. What are the methods and factors related to individual performance and CASS?

focus on specific research idea=foreground. One idea, not mixed up.  

then the background can be chosen that is meaningful to that foreground.


The articles used, as reference, should be Research articles. They need to have the following structure:




And Discussion.





The Research prospectus is a summary of the Research proposal. It should follow the same pattern:

Your research method. Outline the research method you plan to use and present a brief justification for your choice. Briefly address each of these elements of the methodology: design, measures, controls, sample, procedures, and analysis


The Bell and Kozlowski  (2002) (Typology of Virtual Teams) you have used in your prospectus is a good example.


Another good example is the IBM Study reference:

Flexible working practices and staff retention (These are good examples of variables).   This would be a good research prospectus: 


Research carried out by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

(COPD) in the UK has found that 75 percent of employers say flexible

working practices have a positive effect on staff retention, while 70 percent say that it has had a positive effect on staff motivation. The COPD research suggests that organizations who only half-heartedly introduce policies or fail to effectively implement good policies could lose out on the possible benefits associated with flexible working patterns. However, almost half of the line

managers who took part in the research (including employees of Ernst & Young,

Centrica, Telexes, The Scottish Legal Aid Board and St. Mango’s homelessness

charity) reported difficulties with implementing flexible working practices.

Factors that can affect the successful implementation of mobile working

patterns include: • Management failure to: demonstrate

fairness between employees, communicate effectively with their team and control workflow. • Monitoring and evaluation: only 25 percent of organizations who took part in the survey formally monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of flexible

working practices. • Organizational culture: businesses need to improve awareness of flexible working arrangements and establish trust, fairness, consistency and cultural acceptability.




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