Intelligent Vagina


There were some theories that ignored the intelligence of the vagina in both western and eastern culture. For instance, in the east, the old Chinese traditional symbol, Yin-Yang gives an idea that women belongs to yin which indicates “negative, passive, cold, contracting and weak” image. Similarly in the west, Aristotle applied the heat theorem to compare females with males. He says females have less heat in their body; therefore they are less perfect than males. This thought seems to be vagaries, today. Both eastern and western archaic theories of the female overlooked the true function of the vagina. Unfortunately, the intelligence of vagina is not still popularly known even today. Catherine Blackledge points out this problem and tries to give the correct idea of the vagina. As Blackledge insists, the vagina in the female’s body is well developed, and always makes optimal decision. Today’s people should keep this truth in mind

   Before the fertilization, both male and female go through many processes. First, he or she makes gametes. This process is called gametogenesis. In this step, men form sperms in scrotal testes, while women form eggs in their ovaries. Unlike the male’s numerous sperms, the female produces relatively small amount of eggs. Because eggs are large and expensive cells, they should not be wasted. That is, eggs need protection from indiscreet accesses of sperms. The vagina deals with this matter. For doing this important job, the vagina has a well developed structures and mechanism. It has storage spaces for sperms and very narrow and convoluted ducts. The storage spaces prevent all ejaculated sperms from approaching eggs and temporarily save them. Blackledge’s research says that the female can store sperms from five to eight days and even some fishes such as sharks can store sperms up to several years. In addition, Blackledge says that the spermatheca which is reproductive ducts controls the sperm’s movement. These ducts are usually so long and narrow that many sperms cannot easily finish their journey. For example, in female elephants, the distance between vulva and ovary is three and a half meters. If the vagina does not control the ardent motility of sperms and easily allow them to contact with an egg, the egg will be ruined and the successful fertilization can not be guaranteed. In the vagina, only a sperm is accepted, and the egg is impenetrable by the rest. It means that the vagina is truly smart. In short, the vagina monitors and controls sperms in its elaborate subordinate parts such as sperm storage and sinuous ducts.

The most important function of vagina is its selectivity. Blackledge mentioned this characteristic of the vagina. She says “…females have the ability to judge a male’s potential as a father, not only by his external appearance and behavior, but also at the level of his sperm, assessing his internal genetic make-up.” The vagina looks for the optimal person who has the most genetic match with females. The sperm is not randomly chosen and the fertilization is precisely planned. The vagina has exactitude for that. When genetically matching, females choose different or opposite types of gene from the sperm. They are reluctant to get similar gene with theirs. Blackledge says “In birds, research investigating the DNA fingerprints of female and male partners reveals that if a couple’s DNA fingerprints are more similar it is far more likely that any eggs resulting from their sexual union will fail to develop or hatch”. To find genetically opposite partner is important because it provides the variety of nature. Also, the partner’s different types of gene complement shortcomings of the female’s gene.

   Today, biological technology is well developed and many scientists try to create a living thing artificially. The example is the cloning. This technology is almost at the pinnacle. So far, many kinds of animals have been cloned such as mammals. Last year in Republic of Korea, a biologist, Woo Suk Hwang succeeded to clone a dog. The cloned dog, Snuppy, is healthy and looks normal as other dogs. The Times called it the best invention of 2004. Considering this great advance of cloning, people can think of human cloning, too. Some person may desire to do so. Also, information of the cloning is teeming. Human made human will appear soon. However, this idea has possible risks. Blackledge warns by illustrating an example. She says, “It is also now being realized that when such recently developed fertility techniques as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are carried out, they are far more likely to result in embryos with chromosomal abnormalities or embryo death”. It means that imitating the system of the vagina is impossible. Actually, only a few successes of cloning have been found, and unfortunately even the survivors are having troubles. 

   Dolly, a ewe, was born in 1996. She was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell. For this successful achievement, the experiment failed 276 times. This explains why the cloning is such a complex task. It seemed that the theory of the cloning is realistic and not hard to accomplish. However, the cloning researchers found that some extra magical performances should be added to complete the fertilization. The vagina only can perform that role. Albeit she was successfully cloned after 276 times, Dolly had had many problems until her death in 2003. According to an article from Telegraph news, shortly before Christmas in 1996 she became torpid in her left hind leg. Even seriously, she had a genetically old age from the birth. The article says, “Although she was born in 1996, all the cells in her body sprung from a single cell in a six-year-old ewe.” Thus, some people argue that the cloning is cruel and should be restricted. Also from the religious aspects, people are solicitous of the destruction of morality. Even scientists become aware of the complexity of the cloning. From the failures of artificial fertilization, the vagina’s well developed and organized function can be more highlighted.

   Even though there are still many questions, scientists succeeded to make another being by artificial manipulation. However, the point is that the human-made living objects are not perfect and not even normal. Until now, no scientists have made a successful reproducing mechanism as the natural organ, vagina. The vagina controls and monitors fertilization and has its own selectivity. Also, the selectivity of the vagina gives the world biological variety. That is why the vagina is a truly intelligent and morphologically perfect organ. Maybe, it is ever impossible to make another perfect living creature through unnatural process. If biologists know and keep in mind the intelligence of the vagina, they will realize that their final goal of cloning is to make a replica of the vagina. Artificial creation is eventually evanescent. In conclusion, despite a success of artificial creation by scientists, only the vagina can make the best decision to make descendants. Also importantly, the vagina is not passive as ancient theories said but intelligently active.


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