u[CMR1] DJ

       Every people [CMR2] has reasonability to reduce Global Warming

Executive Summary

Along with the development of science and new technology, the mankind’s living quality got[CMR3]  a very great exaltation[CMR4] . However, after we got[CMR5]  benefits from the science and new technology, we also got another outcome—Global warming. This is a very big problem to influence [CMR6] our life, because it can make us to lose the only space to live. Many people thought this is caused by factories or chemical industry. But I am argue that everyone lives on the earth should have a responsibility to try best to reduce the speed of global warming.

Statement of Need

During last ten years, the global warming have already started to affect our living environment. Now, the temperatures of our environment are getting higher and higher every year. Arctic Oscillation and Antarctic Oscillations both show that their sea levels are raising because of global warming. In most areas, summer is getting longer and come earlier; winter is getting shorter and it is not too cold just like spring. One movie called “water world” warning people that if we can not reduce the speed of global warming, after 100 years, the earth nearly has no land and everywhere is water because the global warming, the badly environment is very difficult for people to live.

In the recent G8 meeting, global warming is still a big topic of the meeting. This means that global warming is one of the biggest problems what we are facing. Because of this, I am writing this research paper to make people to understand global warming easily and realize everyone should do something to reduce global warming, not just governments and scientists’ responsibly to reduce the speed of global warming.

Project Description

I will use five steps to developing my project. First of all, I will point out the speed of global warming [CMR7] is increasing every year; show some facts what global warming bring to us, how it is getting worse, why it is important to us[CMR8] . Then I will use some academic article to support my point, such as “The Arctic and Antarctic Oscillations and their Projected Changes under Global warming.” And “Global warming in the twenty-first century: An alternative scenario.”[CMR9]  Both of these two article show that global warming is a big problem of human facing. Third, I am going to lay out some facts what are causing global warming [CMR10] from our day life. This is easy to make people to understand that the global warming is not just produced by factories or chemical industry, it is also from us. For example, using air conditioner, Driving car, burning the plastic goods, destroy plants and so on. The fourth steps, I will give out some ideas how to reduce global warming. Such as: avoid wasting gas. Last, I will make a conclusion to support my argument that every people have responsibility to reduce the speed of global warming.[CMR11] 


I believe that my audience will be someone who wants to do something to reduce global warming but not too professional, someone who does not know how to reduce global warming, such as: young students, family women, and some old people. [CMR12] My research paper can help them to have some general ideas how to reduce global warming from daily life.

 [CMR1] you have a good topic here, and you offer some interesting ideas for your project. I think your paper may ultimately suffer from too broad or too general a focus, however. This is a large topic that requires you specify your focus. See my comments in the end for focusing your audience a little more clearly. The problem is that your project description is really too general, covering too much territory. I want a focused paper, that speaks to a specific audience about a specific aspect of this enormous debate. Grammatically, your writing is really hurt by your grasp of verb conjugations, which is what I mean by agreement problems. Grade: 6/10


 [CMR3]Agreement problem.

 [CMR4]Which is?

 [CMR5]This is slang. You would generally never use this past tense form of the verb “to get.” ‘…have received’ would be better.


 [CMR7]This belongs in your introduction, as an attention grabber.

 [CMR8]Faulty parallel.


 [CMR10]This stuff, too, belongs in your introduction. You seem to be shifting around here, really just offering an overview of this topic rather than really focusing on a clear argument.

 [CMR11]I think all this is good and really should be where you focus your argument. But use the circle technique we discussed in class to find your specific thesis.

 [CMR12]Why would you assume such individuals in particular do not understand global warning? You might want to speak to an audience who really doesn’t get it and who you could speak to directly, such as, major polluters in the world from business and industry, or those nations who are the biggest problem. But don’t generalize about who you think needs this information. You need more clarity about your audience, and that will give your project a clearer focus.



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