According to an ancient belief and modern medicine the Moringa leaves can prevent at least 300 diseases. This tiny leaves can act better than a multi –vitamins because of its all original content and natural sources of health giving nutrients. Believe it or not a few grams of this leaves may contain as much as twice the cup of a yogurt plus seven times the vitamin C of an orange plus four times the calcium of milk plus four times the vitamin A of a carrot plus three times the potassium of a banana. These are the wonders of this tiny leaves that is why is it highly recommended in everyday meals.

      This kind of plant is easy to grow in almost all types of natural soil it can be planted using its seeds or cut branches. It can grow like a grass that it is why it requires a little attention for this plant can grow on its own, it also requires a little amount of water and so it can grow. The best of all is it can bloom in full for at least seven to nine months.  

      Almost all the parts of Moringa tree including the bark, roots, leaves and branches  has its own uses and can be use to cure or prevent many diseases. Its leaves can be included in almost all dishes, the bark can be used for tanning and the seeds can be extracted to produce healthy oil that can be use for various purposes. This plant is highly recommended for overall wellness of individuals. The benefits of this plant for the body include all of the following;

1.    Moringa can increase the natural defense of the body against natural diseases and act as an anti-oxidant.

2.    It can nourish the eyes and the brain especially for young people.

3.    People should eat lots of this leaves because it promotes a good digestion.

4.    Good for people who suffered from high blood pressure because if lowers the cholesterol inside our body, it even promotes a good blood circulation.

5.    Because of its high nutritional value the leaves can be used to be prevent malnutrition and for lactating mother who gave birth to a child. 

6.    Good for people who have diabetes cause if can promote a cell structure inside the body that maintains the sugar level.

7.    For people who are beauty conscious this is a good source of vitamins that nourishes a good and healthy skin and lower the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and it works inside our body and goes through outside the skin.

8.    This is good for people who always feel weak since it improves an overall metabolism to strengthen us, and give us energy.

9.    It promotes the normal functions of kidney and liver.

10. This is good for people with diabetes because it maintains the level of sugar production. It is an anti-inflammatory promoting the body cell structures that heals wound naturally. 

      Typhoid fever As we all know that this kind of disease is a natural disease that can be experience worldwide since this is a bacteria that can be transmitted by contaminated bacterium of food and vegetable, insects, animals and human waste that carries on to dirty water than we may drink or include in our food. Typhoid fever according to World Health Organization is infecting the world population of at least twelve million people and more than half million death every year.   

      The Nigerian government has initialized the study of the combination of Balanites aegyptiaca plus the extract of Moringa Oleifera since the vaccine they used for treating the people with typhoid fever were only exhibiting a very slow response in curing their people using various medicines. Some even reported to have a minor side effect such as vomiting and allergy. While using the combination of two leaves they have found a faster cure. In a study conducted by Microbiologist in Nigeria the leaves extract of Balanites aegyptiaca plus the extract of Moringa Oleifera can cure the Salmonella typhi or typhoid fever.

      Since then the demonstration of this leaves has been proven effective in many diseases in Nigeria and could prove to generate more anti-infection and a natural healing anti-biotic like effects that can be easy to formulate since the resources and leaves can be easily found in the backyard and definitely much more cheaper than any other medicine treatment than they have used. More and more people came to realize the amazing benefits that we can get from this plants and leaves and therefore highly recommended for everyday use, this leaves is definitely a wonderful gift of nature.  



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