Business Symbols

(used in correspondence and tables)


@                                (for example 6 copies @ $ 25.95 each)           

&                                 and (usually used only in company names)

%                                 percent (out of 100)

$                                  dollar(s)

c                                  cent(s)

L                                  British pound

Y                                 Japanese yen

0                                  degree (temperature or angle)

=                                  is equal to

=/                                 is not equal to

#                                  number (before a numeral— # 10 )

#                                  weight in pounds (after a numeral—10 # )

`                                   feet (6`tall)

“                                  inches (6`2“ tall)

“                                  ditto (exactly equal; the same)

||                                   paragraph

Ss                                section

X                                 by (11“x14“); multiplied by (3×5)



Email abbreviation

By definition these are more likely to turn up in email than on Website’s but you should be familiar with some of these abbreviations if only because they may turn in the email that your sites inspires.

AFAIK                        as far as I know

BBIAB             be back in a bet

BFD                             big XXX deal

BRB                             be right back

BTW                            by the way

FAQ                            frequently asked questions

FWIW                         for what it’s worth

FYI                              for your information

G,<G>                         grin (placed after a joke or a remark intended as such)

GD&R                         grinning, ducking and running (after a humorously intended insult)

GD&R,vvf                    grinning, ducking, and running very very fast

lANAL                         I am not a lawyer (but…)

llRC                             if I recall correctly

lMNSHO                     in my not so humble opinion

lMO                             in my opinion

lMHO                          in my humble opinion

lOW                             in other words

LMAO                         laughing my ass off

LOL                             laughing out loud

OIC                             oh, I see

OTOH                         on the other hand

PlTA                            pain in the ass

ROTFL                        rolling on the floor laughing

RTFM                          read the XXX manual

SYSOP                        system operator (manager of a bulletin board or online forum)

TlA                              thanks in advance

TlC                              tongue in cheek

TTFN                          ta-ta for now

TTYL                           talk to you later

VBG,<VBG>               very big grin

WRT                            with regard to

WYSlWYG                 what you see is what you get


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