Advice to the LPNS

The intangible costs of work-related accidents and illnesses include lowered employee morale, less favorable public relations, and a weakened ability to recruit and retain employees. It is only natural that employee morale will suffer in an unsafe environment. A bad safety record may also be a major reason for poor employee relations with management (, 2002). If employees perceive that their managers are unconcerned about their physical welfare, employee manager relations can deteriorate. Safety is often a primary reason for unionizing. A poor safety record is also harmful to an organization’s public relations. It may deter customers from purchasing a firm’s products or services (, 2002).


Individually, employees may be able to exercise relatively little power in their relations with employers. The treatment and benefits they receive depend in large part on how their employers view their worth to the organization. Another way to correct the situation is to organize and bargain with the employer collectively (, 2002). LPNS should first determine what are the pros and cons of them having a union; they should know how the union would affect their relationship with the company. If they would unionize they would acquire more benefits but the company might be forced to replace them with nurses that are not unionized. In unionizing LPNS should draft the laws and procedures of the Union so that everything will be in order. LFNS should not use blackmailing and other unethical techniques so that their request will be answered.

Advice to the independent living home management

 As corporations respond to increasing global economic pressures with reorganizations and downsizings, they replace their long-term employment relationships with temporary, part-time, and contingent just-in-time employment arrangements. The effacement of the corporate workplace community provides unions with the opportunity to help working people rebuild their own meaningful communities (., 1998).  As labor movement revitalization occurs through community rebuilding, unions will compete for worker allegiances, not only with employers but with voluntary membership organizations and other organizations that are already entrenched in the community-building industry. The effectiveness of union organizing, then, may partly depend on how well integrated workers are in their communities. Workers who are actively involved in community institutions may be less likely to unionize (., 1998).


Instead of opposing the unionization the management should focus on making sure that additional benefits should be given to the employees, they should also make sure that they listen to the demands of the personnel. If the unionization goes through the hospital might eventually close because of its losses. When the unionization is initiated the hospital should determine how it will affect the company and they should discuss with the employees the effect of unionization to the employees. The management should avoid labor practices such as unfair salary and indiscriminate release of employees.

The activities Happy Trails management team should engage in

There are different activities that the management team can engage in during the unionization. This includes different things. Actively promote LPNs, offer bonuses, and place some into leadership and management roles. Tell employees salary increases will cease in order to finance the collective bargaining agreement. Explain current employee benefits to the LPNs, comparing them to the union promises. Threaten to close the facility due to the union campaign. Assist in the circulation of anti-union petitions. Counter union exaggerated claims on flyers. Tell employees they do not need to talk to union organizers, that they can vote against the union, and that the independent living home does not welcome the union. Solicit employees to request the return of their authorization cards. Tell employees they will be replaced if they vote for the union. Appeal to the employees to defeat the union.


Among the different activities the management team can engage in during the unionization the more acceptable one includes actively promoting LPNs, offering them bonuses, and placing some of them into leadership and management roles. The LPN feels they are maltreated that is why they engage in Union. By giving them benefits the LPN might have lesser reasons for engaging in Unions.  Another acceptable thing that the management team can do is explain current employee benefits to the LPNs and comparing them to the union promises. This could help in clearing certain issues and eventually help the management team in solving the disputes with the personnel.



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