Scientifically speaking, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in nursing refers to the standard use of mental and behavioral health involvement on the patient’s specific health problems.  There are areas of medical practice that use EBP such as medicine, psychology, psychiatry, rehabilitation and many other  fields of medicine.  The conception of evidence based practice promotes gathering and interpretation patient’s data, then integrating them into valid patient report.  This is very essential in evaluating the patient’s health condition as well as to apply the best possible clinical judgments and treatments as well as implementing nursing care among the patients.  Moreover, evidence based practice in nursing field has been started during 1970s with the ideas which was introduced by nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale.  Through her step by step assessment on the environment as well as thorough collection of medical data, Nightingale had been able to intervene and monitor her patients’ health condition effectively. From then on, the modern-evidence based practice began.  There are basic steps that must be followed in evidence based practice in medical field.  First is to probe, in EBP it is essential to identify first the clinical problem. Then, after identifying it, next step is to review the medical problem and rule out the medical interventions that have already given to the patient.  Second is to do research on the medical problem, this stage aims to gather relevant medical information that will provide suitable treatment to the health problem of the patient.  Third is to analyze and assess the medical findings, and choose the most related, most reliable and most effective sources of information for the treatment process of the patient’s disease.  Fourth is to give treatment to the patient. Fifth is to re-examine the treatment process, this is the reason that physicians required the patients to have follow up check up after the initial treatment; this  is included in the medical protocol.  By re-examining the patient’s health condition, the doctor could determine if the treatment program is effective or not.  With all these in mind, evidence based nursing practice has been an old practice that proved to be more effective in treating various diseases in the human bodies


In addition to that, EBP is used in the medical field because it provides highest quality and most cost-efficient nursing care among the patients.  This can be done through  deep research and be equipped with the  knowledge on thorough research, this medical strategy is being taught in nursing education as well as in health  professional trainings.  Correspondingly, evidence based practice uses scientific methods and strategies with efficacy, safety and lots of interactions with different concerned individuals to make the research valid and effective in nursing care.  This kind of practice takes many years of thorough research and queries before coming up with new developed effective treatments for specific health conditions with the help of modern science as well.  In fact, evidence based practice is really far from alternative medicine and quack medicine.  Since this alternative treatment field does not provide concrete scientific proof and evidence that the treatment could work effectively an efficiently to the patients.  Besides, most of the alternative treatments are being handled by those people who do not have proper medical training and education.  And, most of the medicines that these quack doctors prescribe to the patients are all herbs which have poor efficacy to the patients; and more than that, the treatment are mostly based on what the patients feel and experience.   As well as the alternative healer only relies on his or her intuition.   


In this connection, the major objective of evidence based practice medicine is to treat and heal people’s diseases with the use of evidence based practice medical procedure and medicines.  The medical practitioners and professionals are putting their best medical skills and knowledge to discover more effective medicines for different kinds of diseases of the patients through a rigid process and procedure that will surely beneficial to all concerned individuals.  This is the reason that in the medical field, prescribed dosage of medicine in take is very crucial factor in treating any disease.  Since this is the very critical part of combating effectively any virus, infection in the human bodies.  With this regard, before a physician prescribes a medical treatment protocol, he first rules out the health background of the patient as well as the roots and reasons why he or she acquired the illness or disease.  All these things are needed to be assessed or evaluated in order to come up with the best medical procedure, treatment as well as effective patient care.  .  However, personal experiences, feelings and personal relationships with the patients are also important in providing them effective treatment and nursing care. 











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