Communication and the Media 2006 BA 18

Critical Reading Exercise Template:


Student Name:


Bibliographic information



Book title


Title of article, chapter, etc.


Publication details: publisher, year, edition no., pp.




Journal title


Journal publication details: vol, no, pp.


Identifying features only if this is another type of publication: eg. video, webpage, newspaper etc.


URL, database details, date accessed



Summary of the reading


What is the main purpose of this reading? (approx. 150 words – no dot points)





Outline the main points: use your own words wherever possible. If you copy from the text make a note next to the quote explaining why you needed to quote e.g. ‘need to revisit this idea’; ‘seems to be important’;  ‘need to come back to this’; may use in my essay etc. (approx. 200 words – expanded dot points allowed)









Comment critically on the author’s ideas: note points where the author agrees/disagrees with other authors or schools of thought; note ideas that are new or challenging to you. (approx. 200 words – no dot points)








What Research Methods are used? (what discipline or academic field is this from? How does the author go about identifying and substantiating their claims? Eg. textual analysis, applying theory, surveys, interviews, fieldwork, etc.) (approx. 100 words – expanded dot points allowed)





How might one or more of the methodologies or ideas be useful for investigating or understanding another aspect, issue, or area of media inquiry/practice?  Give an hypothetical example (approx. 100 words – expanded dot points allowed)








Glossary of key terms                              


New word  (p. #)


Definition – appropriately identifying how the term is used in this context (cite source)


















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