Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the theory of knowledge its foundation and validity while social psychology is divided in two course of discipline, first is the sociology which focuses on the society or group study of human behavior and second is psychology which focuses on individual human behavior. Therefore the epistemological perspective of social psychology is to introduce and merge the reasoning pattern of both discipline and to what extent it can benefit the lives of people.

      The epistemological perspective of great men who formed this theory like Socrates, believed that knowledge does not exist, Aristotle and Plato could have a different theory even Protagoras theory would believe that no opinion can be greater than the opinion of others and that each of us is the judge according to our experience and all our ideas about knowledge is correct and true thereby beyond question, Aristotle theorize that knowledge is a collective measurement of facts and therefore can only exist in the individual who knows it and therefore experience. But all of them agreed that philosophical contemplation of the unseen world of forms is the highest goal of human life.

      After the decline of much interest in different centuries of philosophy St. Thomas Aquinas and other philosopher in the middle age have restored and unified the theories of great men to perceive that their entire concept is therefore reliable knowledge of nature. And all this is just a part of history not to philosophize but to trace the roots and epitomize how epistemological perspective of social psychology has been developed.

      Of course there is socio-cultural perspective that says that people can learn through interaction, testing or problem solving, evolutionary cognitive perspective that says that learning patterns are hereditary in nature, social learning perspective that may say that our ideas comes from group organization or schools or peers and social-cognitive perspective that says we gain knowledge through new experiences. But all of them are old supports of the known theory.

      The Philosophy of knowledge goes on and on that reaches up to the 20th century passing the history of mankind by distinguishing different schools of thoughts and beliefs and therefore the epistemological perspective of another branch of science which is social psychology has been challenged.    

      Social Psychology developed their perspective by dividing the basic discipline to group and individual approach by acquiring a thorough study and experimentation to prove the real source of knowledge and how it can be interrelated to mankind by group or individual. Their study concluded so many theories and a mastery of the subject until human being would have a real pattern to believe of how knowledge is acquired and how it can be accepted and applied in the society.

      The social psychology evaluation of facts is therefore an exaggeration of thinking pattern that cannot be imposed and therefore cannot be emphasize in general but different thinking pattern has been found to developed by cultural norms, nationality, age, condition and situation of the total upbringing of the person and groups and therefore continues and long winding. Social psychology’s perspective is thereby conclusive that human behavior and thinking pattern is therefore different over others.     

      Social psychology recognized the importance and the implication of their theory relative to the society and the individual that is why they revolutionized their program to be included in school, government, industry, organization and corporate world and other institution that needs it. Emotional attitude by groups and the personal importance of individual are to be prioritized. Social Psychology goes beyond perspective to human problem and social evaluation.

      Imagine the dogmatic behavior of the group of the activist would definitely create a perilous argument but never really made any difference. If the Atheist would join the Christian they will continue to defend their own faith and it will be a never ending philosophical approach to the society because their belief is deep rooted in their heart and mind. The company who took advantage of the salary of their employee will soon find their way to protest and rally of their people. And this is happening here and there in our society.

      The world of thinking will continue and the manifestation of facts and debate is endless but it never really does any good to the society but sometimes even worsen it when forced. But the discipline of Social Psychology continues that their objective in general is not limited to epistemological perspective to particularly evaluate a certain organization or individual behavior but most importantly to give cure to the problem of the society and individuals to re-unite their differences. And this is the real perspective and of this discipline.



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