Final Reflection

            After finishing our first research project, I have learned so many things, not only in the field of education, but also in terms of implementing and launching research studies. First of the important thing that I understand is that there are different factors which can affect the learning process of an individual. Furthermore, I also found out that, like in any other field or subjects, technology has a great impact, however, along with that advantages that are different disadvantages or flaws which must be considered in order to focus on establishing preventive measures. Furthermore, based on the result of my final project I can also assure that the knowledge or information has a great impact on the perception of any individual towards a given new events, approaches or technologies.

             On the other hand, in terms of the research study, I have found out that there are different factors that must be considered in the process of communicating and investigating subjects. First is that it is important to focus on the different ethical consideration or focus on the emotion, feelings and preferences of the target prospects.
This is because of the fact that it can affect their behavior towards the study, thus can affect the efficiency of the result or the findings of the study. It is also important to consider that there are different laws and policies that must be taken care of in order to ensure that a research is following ethical, personal and privacy law. It focuses on the process of gathering, analyzing data, primarily if those data can affect the lives of the respondents in the event of spill.

             I also realize that there are different instruments which can be used in a study, thus it is important to plan the instrument to be used in order to ensure that it is suitable to the design and the overall structure of the study.

            At the end of this project, I have been able to realize that if I would be given more time and resources I would be able to conduct the study, where in I will be able to observe the actual behavior of the respondents or the subjects by focusing on their initial and final perception and reaction to CAI. Furthermore, I would also focus on the behavior, feelings and emotions of the subjects or respondents in a given period of time.


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