“Prevalence of Breast Cancer in United Kingdom”


      According to the “British Journal of Cancer” among all forms of cancer breast cancer is one of most prevalent in United Kingdom. England shows the biggest numbers of cases while Northern Ireland shows the least in these countries although most women suffered from this disease. Last 2008 study, statistic shows that 99 percent are women and only 1 percent or less are men. Study shows that cancer mortality rate increases about the year 1991 to 2000.     

      There are about 12,000 women and 70 men who died from this disease annually, in fact this is the second most reason why people died in these countries of United Kingdom and first was lung cancer.  There are many reasons why women at most suffered from this breast cancer, let’s further study the following:

·         This phenomenon may be heredity since many women who are diagnosed to have this kind of disease also have parents or sister or other relatives who also suffered in breast cancer.

·         Another factor affecting women is obesity or overweight a person especially women who experienced imbalance diet are most likely to suffer from this deadly disease due to hormonal changes in fatty tissue.

·         The risk of migration takes place, the changes in lifestyle and environmental factors is one of the primary reasons why women are experiencing breast cancer and reports show a slight increase when for example a woman from Malaysia which is a tropical country suddenly migrate to Japan can experience sudden change in her body may basically suffer from breast cancer although only some records have been reported.

·         Lack of physical activity may also be the reason especially from older women of more than 50 years of age may have less physical activities have encountered changes in hormone level.

·         Alcohol especially for women consistently show association in bloodstream can create higher hormonal changes in women. A women who regularly drink alcohol will eventually suffered from breast cancer before she even reach the age of 50 or more.

·         Fat intakes from all preserved and non preserved foods significantly risk 13 percent more. Salty foods and other unhealthy chemical in fatty food have extensively added more reason to be subjected to cancer.

·         Night difference or night shift have shown evidently reduces the risk of women who suffered from breast cancer. Lack of sleep reduces the level of hormone in our body and rejuvenation process has not been taken place because of work. On the other hand sleeping longer may reduce the cause of cancer.

·         Radiation exposure such as X-rays and other medical and electrical devices may also cause cancer. There are about 29 cases of breast cancer patient infected every year due to radiation incident.

·         Use of drugs and illegal medicine for women who are using it for self medication and none prescription may cause variety of diseases including breast cancer.

·          Smoking is evidently the cause of many cancers since it includes at least 4000 harmful chemical that is inhaled inside the body.  

      Psychologically a woman who has been detected to have a tumor will likely be influenced by distressed and anxiety causing them more pain and disturb during treatment. But then again the impact may vary from different person’s point of view.

      In response to the prevalence of Breast Cancer among United Kingdom nations the “Breast Cancer Screening Program” by National Health Service was introduced. They have carried out a model based preliminary assessment for cost effective screening and proposed intervention to lower the cases of this prevalent disease.

      By 2007 the National Health Service Cancer Reform Strategy includes a steadier proposal particularly in the introduction of double view mammography. Since then the improvement of medication paved its way to the treatment of patient with breast cancer in terms of test diagnosis, psychological evaluation and observation. Once again the effective of extending mammography shows amazing results. If this double view mammography has been effective or not the continuous studies from NSH will eventually take place to really adhere to the prevalence spread of this disease.    

       The spread of media and promotions to cancer prevention has also been taken into consideration. They also encourage women of age 50 and above to go through medical diagnosis even if they have not experienced hormonal or biological changes inside their bodies, they say that earlier detection of cancer can improve significant rate of survival. Not much of detection but prevention.     





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