Employee Reward and Recognition Programs: What Really Works


Problem Statements:


1.    Motivation strategies such as commendation and appreciation of employee performance works better than monetary rewards on all positions levels

2.    Monetary rewards is more preferred by rank and file employees whereas top management executives prefer promotion and recognition

3.    A homogenous and identical reward system is less preferred by workers concerned in sales and marketing as opposed to that of workers concerned of paper works alone.

4.    Social benefits such as medical, housing and car plans are desired by female employees while male employees prefer higher salaries

5.    A singular generic strategy of reward system is more desired by employees rather than a more dynamic reward system

6.    Regular employees favors increase in salary rather than increase in the compensation package offered by the company

7.    Male employees prefers position advancement or promotion rather than increase in their salary

8.    Female employees favor security of tenure rather than a faster promotion system in the company

9.    Monetary rewards is a secondary consideration for employees on probation while it is the top priority of employees who have security of tenure

10. Work autonomy and the freedom to exercise discretion is favored by male employees whereas female employees prefer a superior to constantly check her job progress

11. Job satisfaction and fulfillment is the top priority for rank and file employees whereas promotion and higher monetary incentives is the top priority of top executives

12. Morale booster programs is preferable for male employees than female employees




  • There is a significant difference in the performance of employees and non-monetary rewards such as better benefits (car loan, housing mortgage, medical benefits)

  • Monetary benefits in employees does not affect performance as oppose to the improved performance when recognition and motivational strategies is applied

  • There is a significant difference in the priority and preferences of male and female employees regarding reward




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