
Everyday I wished someone would care,
Someone that will boost my hope and willing to share,
That will embrace me and do something fair,
Who will cheer me and whatever the risk she would dare.

My life is bare, it feels I’m nothing,
I live in the world of imagining,
My desire to be love keeps me marveling,
Is there someone for me? My hope is losing.


I know that love is strong and true.

I’m longing for it, waiting for you.

Wishing you to come, bring light as my prize

But where are you? You seem to be in disguise.


I know that destiny is in the palm of my hand,

But I need relief from this hot burning sand.

I want to embrace you, believe that you’re true,

I’ve waited so long, where are you?



As I go to bed, I’ve prayed for many things,
Wishing my Angel come to save me from sufferings,
The time is running, my heart aching,
Boredom and doubts keeps coming.


I was in deep struggle, my heart feels so bare,
Searching for a light but lost in nowhere,
I’m tired and down feeling no one wants to care,
Swiftly, out of nowhere someone came.


My sacrifices paid off, my heart was so happy suddenly,
My wish was grated, my Angel came unexpectedly,
You are my best moment, the blessings I’ve been longing,
You are my Grace, the gift I am waiting.




It started with my imagination, the feeling of loneliness, uncertain emotions. It almost made me to feel numb. I’ve been through a lot of heartaches, sacrifices and pain but yet I’ve continued to walk against storm. I’ve been searching for my grace, for my happiness, for fulfillment and contentment. I am ready to take everything, no matter risk I’ve been facing, I’ll take it. I’ll do everything just to find you, and I believed that you are real, that there is someone that is meant for us.

Then, the right time came. You came in my life unexpectedly. And that day I already fell in love with you.  I never thought you would say those things when I said “I’m falling in love with you”.  I thought you would utter rejection or something positive like, “I also fell in love with you”. But I’m wrong, so wrong.  You said, “If you fell, just hold back, take it easy and stand up. You fell because you’re just so careless. I’m just here, I will hug you and I’ll take care of your bruises.” These are the words that make my heart jump up to the sky. I’m in cloud nine. I thought of good answer, but what I received was better that I expected. These are the words from your heart. These are the statements saying that you love me so much and you can accept me as I am.  Despite of my weaknesses, you’re always in my back supporting for challenge that life may bring.  You let me feel that I should know the right direction of any relationship. Every word you said made me realized that being in love is nothing if we are not taking care of it.  The truth is, your words are better than “I love you” because I feel that your ready to give your heart, your soul, your life for me, for our love.

There are no words to describe how I feel for you as you came in my life. I can’t seem to utter the perfect word how at this moment love you and would want to be with you for the rest of my life. The thing is, I don’t want this feeling to stay with me for a while, I want it for a lifetime. I want to watch the beauty of the sunrise every morning and how the sun sets in with its beautiful horizon, with you. I want to treasure every moment and spend my entire life with you. To care for you, to protect you, and to love you, as long as I live until my last breath fades away.

I knot that love is a very complex and complicated word.  I’m not sure of how I can really describe it. I’m not sure how the world revolves around the sun, I’m not sure I got this feeling, I’m not sure of anything in this world but I’m only sure of one thing, I realized my purpose since I met you. But now that I found you I feel like I can do silly, crazy even the most impossible mistake for I know you’ll be there, you’re there. I have never been so sure in my entire existence but you changed my life in an unbelievable and extraordinary way.

I’m so tired, but not my heart. It was continuously beating for you, beating until the last breath of my life.  It’s been so many years past as I met you and really wanted to thank God for having you in my life. I only prayed to have someone that I will love. But God is so great, he gave a girl that I can only love but a girl who love me most.  If I love you before, I love you in a hundred times today and love you more forever.  Maybe I’m not best man for you, I’m not too handsome, not too intelligent and I don’t have wealth that you wanted but I have a true heart that will love you forever.


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