You were chosen as a respondent to answer this survey – questionnaire on the effects of country of origin on the consumer preferences and behavior of Dubai residents. Your answers will provide the data needed in this study. Rest assured that your answers would be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you very much.

            Thank You.  

                                                                                                                                      Part 1.  Profile of Respondent


Direction: Please fill up in all the necessary information about yourself. Don’t leave any item unanswered.


a.            Age  _______

b.            Gender

Male ( )           Female ( )

c.            Marital Status

Single ( )        Married ( )      Separated ( )             Widow/Widower ( )

d.            Educational Attainment

Elementary ( )    High School ( )    College ( )    Graduate Studies ( )

e.            Monthly Income

(  ) 2,000 and below dirham           (  ) 2,001-5,000 dirham

( ) 5,001- 10,000 dirham                 (  ) 10,001 and above dirham


Part II. Consumer Ethnocentrism Scale (CET)


Direction:       Encircle the number corresponding to your answer


                        5          -           Strongly Agree

                        4          -           Agree

                        3          -           Uncertain

                        2          -           Disagree

                        1          -           Strongly Disagree



  • People in Dubai should always buy
     Dubai made products instead of imports


  • Only those products that are unavailable in Dubai should be imported.



    5          4          3          2          1





    5          4          3          2          1





  • Buy Dubai made products. Keep Dubai working


  • Dubai products first, last, and foremost


  • Purchasing foreign-made products is un-Dubai


  • It is not right to purchase foreign products


  • A real Dubai citizen should always buy Dubai made products


  • We should purchase products made in Dubai instead of letting other countries get rich off us.


  • It is always best to purchase Dubai products.


  •  There should be very little trading or purchasing of goods from other countries unless out of necessity.


  •  Dubai should not buy foreign products because this hurts Dubai businesses and causes unemployment.


  •  Curbs should be put on all imports


  •  It may cost me in the long run, but I prefer to support Dubai products.


  •  Foreigners should not be allowed to put their products in markets.



    5          4          3          2          1



          5          4          3          2          1



          5          4          3          2          1



          5          4          3          2          1



          5          4          3          2          1




          5          4          3          2          1





          5          4          3          2          1



          5          4          3          2          1





          5          4          3          2          1





          5          4          3          2          1



          5          4          3          2          1




          5          4          3          2          1





  •  Foreign products should be taxed heavily to reduce their entry into Dubai


  •  We should buy from foreign countries only those products that we cannot obtain in our own country.


  • Dubai consumers who purchase products made in other countries put their fellow Dubai’s out of work





    5          4          3          2          1




    5          4          3          2          1





    5          4          3          2          1





    PART III. Problems and Solutions


  • What are the problems and issues challenging the choices for products for consumption in Dubai?





    2.    What are the implications of this issues to Dubai’s economic health?




          3.  What are your proposed solutions to the issues and problems you’ve          mentioned?






    Guide Questionnaire

    (For economics and marketing experts to be interviewed)


    1.    Can you briefly explain the economic situation in Dubai right now in terms of goods, products and services coming from other countries?


  • What country or countries usually dominates Dubai in terms of volume and in terms of sales?


  • What about Dubai’s local products? What is the development in relation to the past years?


  • Compared to foreign goods, are Dubai-made products doing well?


  • What are the possible implications of Dubai consumers buying more foreign goods than locally-made products?


  • At this point, can you observe changes in the consumption pattern of Dubai residents? What are these?


  • To what reasons are these attributed to?


  • In terms of country of origin preferences, to what country does Dubai consumers usually defer to?


  • Does country of origin affects the consumption behavior of Dubai residents?


  •  What do you think is the implication of Dubai residents’ consumption behavior to Dubai’s economy?































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