Improving organization techniques in Ghana

            Having been seen as one of Africa’s most promising countries, Ghana aspires to be a more successful in the field of economy by having in different parts of the world. To be hailed as one of the economically-advanced countries, as of the moment, Ghana is challenged to undergo trainings to improve its organizational techniques.

            Most of the countries which are acknowledged as the most advanced countries in terms of the economical aspects had had different programs in order for their resources, especially their manpower to develop its skills in promoting their country and its assets to the different parts of the world, thus attracting more organizations. Making the resources of a certain country, especially its assets known to the world makes it more tangible for a more globally-competent industry.

            Ghana, being one of the countries rich with agricultural resources, timber, gold, diamond, chrome ore, manganese, bauxite, and other valuable minerals, being also abundant with educated and skilled enterprising people has a very great possibility of making it successful in the market. The country’s main exports which are cocoa, coffee, gold, diamonds, timber, manganese and bauxite which are known as traditional items are now increasingly supplemented by processed and semi-processed industrial and agricultural products. Tourism is the third largest foreign currency earner after cocoa and gold. In this sense, the country of Ghana has a lot of factors for them to go in the frontline of economy.

            Given all these factors and great possibilities, added with proper training to its human resources and development techniques, there is not an impossible way that this country is not going to become the most successful country in Africa as well as the entire globe.

            All trainings usually start in schools where proper education is started. The Ghanaians have a lot of people who are well-educated but still, there are a lot of factors that hinder these people to become useful for their country. The basic formal education system is too broad and does not focus on specific job skill training. Being once under the colony of Great Britain, it also made the Ghanaians to have no clearly defined limits or structures for accommodating their traditions and cultural practices in their western style work places. Workers still need more sense of urgency in time management, and due to low compensations, most laborers are not motivated to work. Most workers communicate on the job with local languages even though the official language is English. Most management lack adequate human relation skills, they tend to overlook the most significant element of their business which is the people. The employee package programs in work places are ineffective and need to be upgraded. There are still a lack of job process documentation and proper record keeping. The Ghanaian firms do not adequately introduce training and development techniques in an institutionally supported and coherent manner. Most management do not use sufficient quantitative approaches in business making decisions. Limited capital resources available to most leadership of corporations are misallocated and are not fully utilized.

            These factors make a great deal for them not to achieve their goal as a unified country. It’s like the country needs a lot more development in terms of education and trainings in order to develop, first amongst everything themselves. Even if a country or a certain organization has every component needed for its products as raw materials, it is never going to work unless every single component works properly. One of the most significant components at all places is the people. It has always been shown that people management has a very strong impact in the performance of the people.

            It had long been proven by many organizations in the United States, such as IBM and Ford Motor Company in Great Britain such as the Department of Trade and Industry and South Bank University; and also in Japan such as Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. and Fuji Photo Optical Co. Ltd. that trainings such as the Total Quality Management are indeed useful in improving communication skills, employee morale, productivity, process efficiency, and have also reduced cost and waste. Even if there are still unpleasant effects that this training and all other trainings may bring, the advantages can outstand the negative possibilities of the trainings. Yet, when these disadvantages will be prevented to come in between often accompanied with cultural factors, the trainings will still be successful. In the end, TQM, as being used by different successful organizations all around the world have become their guide in working in each of their organizations. Thus, if the firms in the country of Ghana start to utilize these widely used and successfully adopted trainings, there will be a huge possibility that they cannot just enhance their productivity, but start it by enhancing the skills of their human resources, as the beginning of a successful company as well as of a country.


[i] Manu, J., 2004. Training and development techniques for improving organizational performance for Ghanaian firms. The Graduate School. University of Wisconsin-Stout


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