HOMEBUILDING INDUSTRY.                                                                                                                                 



                          By E.George Rusaw,President and Owner of RUSAW HOMES.




STATEMENT: American businesses today are striving to enhance performance applying conventional rules such as greater automation, reduced labor forces, longer work hours and demanding greater productivity on its people. Additionally, business recognizes and demands its people embrace the duel imperatives of producing quality products and delivering excellent customer service.



While everyone will agree that the above practices are essential and considered laudable, in so doing has management diminished the true value of work in an effort to create value through market share alone? Further, if management is focused as suggested above, are they effectively creating and fostering a pure secular culture in the workplace- thereby ignoring the intrinsic of work? Continuing, has management motivated by their unrelentless quest to achieve their objectives- effectively dismissed core values such as integrity, honesty, accountability, patience, grace and kindness, as a fundamental business practice.



Is it then true, has corporate stewardship supplanted the secular “GREED CREDO” that the end justifies the means, thereby ignoring core values and the laws and principles of the word of GOD. The same spiritual inspired laws and principles this great nation and great institutions of learning such as Notre Dame, Yale, and Harvard were founded. Moreover, these same principles enabled great businesses like Ford Motor CO., Hershey’s, Kelloggs, JCPenny and Wal-Mart, to succeed and serve mankind.


DISCUSSION: Let us not forget from WHENCE WE CAME! I believe all stakeholders in a business, especially leadership, must consider the foregoing issue as the axiom when goal setting, inculcating business practices, processes, procedures and policies. Rusaw Homes is no exception!  Since there can not be leaders without followers, it is imperative for all stakeholders of Rusaw Homes to examine “CUSTOMER CARE” with good spirit, purpose, and objectivity to ensure that all the values and principles espoused herein are in every respect congruent with that expressed by leadership.




One may ask what  the book of Proverbs from The Bible has to do with  Customer Care. The answer I believe, is that the immutable word of GOD; as recorded in the Bible-is the basis for moral and ethical behavior thus making it the most authoritive and comprehensive resource for guidance and consultation with respect to the principled treatment of people. In fact, the Bible contains more than two hundred references to work which clearly underscores the significance work is to mankind. Work done well and for noble purpose, is part of GODS’ plan, therefore, it is not only appropriate; but our duty to perform our work in accordance with GODS’ law. Gratefully, we shall receive empowerment and great joy in our work as HIS gift for faithful service.



Let us now direct our discussion to the Customer Care Commitment. Whom are we being asked to commit. The Customer you say! Then who really is the Customer? You may identify the Customer as the buyer of our product, and you would be right! However, Customer Care contemplates all stakeholders in the process as being Customers. Let me explain, logically since Rusaw Homes works for the buyer and  each one of you share in the work making everyone stakeholders; in a real sense we are all customers to each other. Therefore, if one stakeholder/customer does not fully commit to “Customer Care”, other interdependent customers cannot perform resulting in a chain reaction creating many dissatisfied customers/stakeholders-most especially the buyer.

WE ARE ALL CUSTOMERS TO EACH OTHER, BECAUSE WE DEPEND ON EACH OTHER. BY COMMITTING TO SERVE WHOMEVER DEPENDS ON YOU, YOUR COMMITMENT IS TO THE WHOLE AND THE WHOLE WILL KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE DONE YOUR PART. The following quote from the book of success by David Schwartz is right on point “Here is a basic rule for winning success. Lets mark it in the mind and remember it. The rule is: Success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be is the support of others.” From scripture we read in Isaiah 50:2 Why was there no man when I came? When I called, why was there none to answer?



Now that we have established that each of us are customers/stakeholders-dependant on each other-we must know embrace and understand the concept of teamwork. The experts define teamwork as a concept that varies based on the individual need and resources identified to correct a problem or improve overall performance, or, a group of people (an organization) that operates as a unit to carry out a process and produce a product.

Although on point, this definition lacks insight on how a group of people can assimulate and become a harmonious team.



The issue of team building is nothing new. Many experts have studied the “How To” issue as you might expect, resulting in various conclusions. Yet one central and essential component stands out. That component is BELIEF. Each person involved, must have a ROCK SOLID BELIEF that their work is NOBLE, that it serves a GREATER PURPOSE; and that people by nature are pre-conditioned to do what is RIGHT and GOOD.

This BELIEF system is built on the un-moveable foundation of FAITH, who’s building blocks are not made of stone; rather, they are that made from the best VIRTUES of mankind. VIRTUES include trust, integrity, compassion, cooperation, praise, humility, obedience, responsibility, servitude and persistence.



The above stated VIRTUES, built on the un-moveable foundation of FAITH; serves as the impermeable repository for our BELIEF system. WYNN DAVIS in his book of success states the following regarding belief: “Belief is the knowledge that we can do something. It’s the inner felling that we undertake, we can accomplish. For the most part, all of us have the ability to look at something and to know whether or not we can do it. So in Belief there is power: our eyes are opened; our opportunities become plain; our visions become realites.” From scripture we find in Mark 9:23. Everything is possible for him who believes. And in Hebrews 11:1. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. There we have it! FAITH and BELIEF is the ultimate answer as to how we function together as a team and achieve our objectives.



Now that we have agreed who the customer is we serve, and that teamwork is based on Belief, how do we apply this knowledge to achieve our ultimate goal- CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. What constitutes customer satisfaction? Satisfaction according to the experts, usually relates to a product; ascertained thought consumer surveys and quantified by a compilation of the results. Most consumer surveys focus on Quality, Value, and Service. While this approach is useful and therefore important, it is limited by subjectivity however. Quality, Value, and Service are based on individual perception  rather than fact. Others suggest that the absence of defects or superior service achieves satisfaction. I believe all of the above are correct, however, consumers alone cannot determine CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, because they represent a limited, albeit important group of stakeholders. Accordingly, all team members-stakeholders must perceive satisfaction for CUSTOMER SATISFACTION as contemplated in CUSTOMER CARE to be fully realized, including the consumer.



EXPECTATIONS: CUSTOMER CARE and Satisfaction, means establishing  expectations among all stakeholders/customers-then commit to meet or exceed those expectations. It is by doing the above, with GOOD SPIRIT and COMMITMENT, will total satisfaction be realized and CUSTOMER CARE  be the success contemplated. Having succeeded, realizing total satisfaction, is when the consumer tells you and your team members how proud they are of their home-our product. When you hear THANK YOU for your hard work performed well and sense joy and genuine appreciation for your work; you will KNOW  total satisfaction has been achieved. When satisfaction occurs people feel Happy, Joyful, and Motivated resulting from accomplishment. Accomplishment results in success which fuels the human spirit through Praise, Security, Control and Power over our emotions. Hence, the feeling of peace and serenity pervades, enabling us to plan, imagine and dream which allows the mind to Shed the constraining Bonds of Inertia. Satisfaction and the fuel it provides to the human spirit, will create momentum and opportunity. VISION and WISDOM will surely follow. From The Book Of Success we find the following quote by WYNN DAVIS: “ We are happy when we are using our potential. Striving against difficulties and overcoming them- reaching for achievement and finding it- this is happiness. We are happy when we are learning, growing, and accomplishing. Working toward a worthy goal that demands our best is the secret of happiness.” And from scripture Matthew 5:6;  Those who want to do right more than anything else are happy, because GOD will fully satisfy them.



Our discussion on how to achieve teamwork continues under the presumption that the foregoing has provided inspiring and compelling reasons to cast away inertia, thereby providing the vision to embark on this; THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED. I chose “ROAD LESS TRAVELED”, based on the fact that many organizations talk about Teamwork and Customer Care, but so few actually take the actions necessary to accomplish same. Could the reason be fear of failure or does it stem from the lack of a CORE BELIEF SYSTEM- LACK OF FAITH? Perhaps they haven’t developed in their hearts and spirit, a genuine desire to CARE for people- especially stakeholders/customers.



Whatever the reason(s) may be, henceforth, Rusaw Homes will travel up the road less traveled. One thing is certain! The road less traveled is not congested, therefore, we may proceed without delay or detour. As to the uncertainty, struggle, or sacrifice we may encounter on our journey; I ask that you fear not and be steadfast in the belief that overcoming the obstacles and trials represents the price of achievement- the cost of success. Again we turn to Scripture [2 Corinthians 6:14] for empowerment: Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers: For what fellowship has righteousness and lawlessness? [Proverbs 3:23] Then you will walk in your way securely, and your foot will not stumble.



Much the same as placing one foot after another to reach your destination, Customer Care is about continuous improvement- cumulative results. According to [WYNN DAVIS] “Progress begins a step at a time. There is no sudden leap to greatness. Our success lies in doing day by day. The house of success is built brick by brick.” [ROBERT COLLIER] has this to say: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out…..”

Inspired by the above eloquent words, we will unleash the Force of Teamwork on the processes and policies prepared for our journey. BEHOLD- our roadmap up the road less traveled. We will neither loath, nor for the sake of expediency- take shortcuts which would compromise our core belief system.



BELIEVE in yourself and your teammates. FOCUS on winning the battles of spirit so you can win the war intended to attack your Belief system. The Customer Care process and policies are sequentially tasked with individual responsibility and Teamwork in mind. Without exception, every expert on this subject agree that properly focused processes and belief driven policies, inculcated in a team conscious environment will ultimately yield success. The philosophy here contemplates this entire approach being the beginning of the Customer Care- never ending, albeit enduring and gratifying. BE DILIGENT-BE NOT DISCOURAGED; STAY FOCUSED-BE NOT SELF CONSTRAINED; ACT WITH SERVITUDE-BE NOT SUBSERVIENT; BELIEVE—–LEST YOU YIELD TO ATTACK. From scripture [PROVERBS 21:15] The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.



Also central to Customer Care as contemplated herein to succeed, rely on total adherence to the following critical behavior commitments: DO YOUR WORK RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. DO YOUR WORK ON TIME. DO THE FOREGOING EVERY TIME-BE CONSISTENT. These commitments are so critical, because the cost of non-compliance includes not only monetary loss and the loss of business, but inevitably the loss of trust in and for you by your teammates. Non-compliance exacts a cost NO ONE CAN AFFORD, the loss of instrumental and intrinsic value-not just money. The Bible [ LUKE 12:47-48] we find the following passage on this critical point: If someone does not know the rules and regulations and violates the rules, he will be punished less than one who knew the rules and regulations yet broke them. There is a principal that basically states that from thought will come action and from actions habits will form, habits (good or bad) create ones character and our character creates our destiny. ARISTOTLE said it like this “We are…”

Our Customer Care program not only rewards the FAITHFUL with instrumental and intrinsic value, it has monetary benefit and will help carve our destiny. WYNN DAVIS eloquently weighs in here:  “ Money flows to an idea. And all riches begin in the mind. The starting point is to see what others want and to think of how to provide it. People will pay for a product or service they want. The idea will attract the money-which follows.”

From Scripture [PSALM 128:2] When you shall eat the fruit of your hands, you will be happy and it will be well with you.



CONCLUSIONS: The RUSAW HOMES CUSTOMER CARE program comprises all the mainstream ideas on the subject including the necessity to increase productivity. The approach to motivating the work force, however, focuses on a belief system in the program as a means of achieving personal and business success. Making all individual customer/stakeholders satisfied with their efforts and that said efforts have been noble in purpose and in accordance with GOD’S principles. Moreover, Customer Care embraces the humanistic realities of business by introducing a Faith Based-Core Value culture in the workplace, thus providing the foundation for internal and external conflict resolution. The result and intrinsic benefits include respect, praise, satisfaction, joy and fulfillment for the deserving – for work done well. Finally, the most significant benefit rests in the now demonstrated fact that your work is part of GOD’S  plan, therefore, work done in accordance with his principles will assuredly be rewarded by him-temporal and eternal.


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