Thesis Statement

Business strategy for foreigner SME involve OEM business



            Most of the countries today have opened their gates to foreign businesses creating opportunities for growth. Small medium enterprise as well as large enterprise is free to trade in almost majority of the countries.

             However, the challenge doesn’t end in being able to establish business on other countries. The challenge begins when the competition starts in the market.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur needs a handful of business strategies in order to survive in the fatal competition in the market. A foreign Original Equipment Manufacturer that is classified under the small medium enterprise is not an easy role in the market.

According to an article, the last five years was a roller-coaster fall of the U.S. Economy. On the last five years, it showed a performance of low employment and low corporate expansion. The small medium businesses were highly affected because of the unstable economic status.

             The barometer of a business’ success, according to theory is formulating a business model and executing it based on the intrinsic strengths, weaknesses and interpretation of interactive fluids in the environment, which may both create opportunities and threats.

            Apparently, the profitability of a small business enterprise can not be measure through the amount of cash flows that is being generated at that moment. The future of any business lies on the anticipation of the risks and opportunities.

            Thus, this study is interested in formulating a business strategy that would fit a foreign small medium enterprise which, at the same time, is the maker of its own product. This study would explore on the risks and opportunities the business may encounter along the process. The business models will be based on Business Administration books and articles written regarding small medium enterprises and original equipment manufacturer. 

This study will be beneficial to business establishments.



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