All of us have a dream of becoming rich and successful in our lives and no matter how much difficulty we struggle it is almost always that education is the primary key towards success, because knowledge is a powerful tool we can give ourselves and so we need to established a long term plan to reach our goal.

      Now that I’m going into a college school I would like to enroll in Penn State University (PSU) because of its high value and commitment in education to take up Electrical engineering course which I am very passionate about. This course will give me the knowledge and aspiration to become one of the best Electrical engineer in town and probably in our country. I would like to invent many innovative devices that will enrich our lives to be a better place. This invention will bring forth changes in our lives all over the world. Like Thomas Alba Edison or Michael Faraday and Nicolai Tesla. In doing so I will strive to study hard and make a difference.

       When I graduate from this course I would like to be gainfully employed in a well known company and I shall serve them the best I can to give back the favor they have given me for trusting me and to gain more experience in this field. And when I learned so much I would also like to share my knowledge to everyone who is also interested in this field.




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