
2:07 PM Bibliography


The two statements below will give clear emphasis of Corporate Social Responsibility as discussed by Lance Moir in his article, “What is Corporate Social Responsibility?” presented in the year 2001. The statements will integrate points that help in the understanding of leadership, the leaders for CSR as well as the processes of managing change.


“Business only contributes fully to society if it is efficient, profitable and socially responsible” (Moir, 2001, p. 17). 


“CSR is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large” (Moir, 2001, p. 18).



The Corporate Social Responsibility assumes empowerment in every organization’s resources and diverse roles to make known of the business practices and principles. This assignment will be dealing to comprehensive discussions and analysis in certain perspectives relating to CSR ways in connection to leadership, how organization choose leaders and what choices are best fitted to CSR effectiveness. There will also be discussion on the CSR in lieu to integrating as well as recognizing several change management, the process deemed valuable as put within CSR stance and determining some related theories and proponents to gain additional knowledge of CSR, such conceptual utilization of some organizations with related points to leadership, formation and choice of leaders and knowing processes towards change management. There will be some case studies of CSR in organizational context and have comprehensive explanation of specific reasons why CSR is essential to the overall structure of the organization, mainly pointing on the business side.




Indeed, the foundation of organization involved in such business functions and its CSR success domains and that success in business not just happen to be in operations influence over various products and services but, a business can’t fully exercise the overall stature of the business without the presence of CSR or what is known as the ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’, as defined by Waldman and Siegel. Waldman (2006. p. 533) indicated that, “firms must have visionary leaders who are able to “connect the dots” and understand how various stakeholders, and the satisfaction of their needs, represent interrelated challenges. For example, the strategic management of human resources is related to customer satisfaction, and it is essential for firms to attempt to understand and deal with this connection”. The importance of CSR will imply that corporate leaders can act more socially responsible without using large expenditures of corporate funds. The organizations adapting to the process of CSR are ideally committed to the production of safe, reliable and innovative services in from within changes that are strategically involved into the organization’s application of the CSR.

The social responsibility amiably determine strategy in  management upon mapping business impact and leadership effects within the realm of certain economic as well as environment emergence. The presence of success into the CSR ways have to be well motivated from within some motivation factors such as for example, good leadership imposed by the executives and the organization receives motivation due to leadership being known, from within there outcomes into socially responsible decision patterns (Master and Heresniak, 2002). Thus, having effective corporate leaders for instance, managers as leaders have moral obligation to pursue profit and engage in social responsibility only when there is precise investment, leaders are driven by ample sales and profits and from having good CSR ways upon maximizing change and behavior modification. Organizational leaders are amiably engaged into the CSR from within strategic choice, also there astounds some ability to charge a premium price for a particular business product as well as selecting qualified workers does assume potentials for CSR, to be part of organization domains.

There is known relationship of CSR, into choosing of leaders and change, the organization might utilize CSR because of the fact that CSR integrates business and the society in general. The need to have useful business areas into such people management, and manpower formation, avoiding negative situations towards change and leadership. Moreover, Milton Friedman contributed to the creation of such CSR theory by asking questions like, ‘should organizations take ample responsibility for certain social issues?’ (Kok et al., 2001, p. 286)/ There such argument as pointed that, the only CSR, social responsibility of the organization is to increase profits by legal means, so transformational as well visionary leaders can effective. Consequently, there is usage of change resources as the CSR strategy can have ample profitability or increase the product prices of business (Pinkston and Carroll, 1996). For instance, the CSR values at Siemens have demonstrated attention towards continuous improvement of employees, allowing human resource to embrace change in its management and the formation of various leadership styles, through CSR change and leadership success, organization utilizes more CSR ways upon completing spontaneously in the marketing stature, there is providing of social responsibility dominance from wherein such related points are utilized by the organization for their CSR processes.

Another, conceptual point why organization utilizes CSR, is assumed from the process of globalization, the encouraging factors for the spreading of CSR practices, it is becoming increasingly clear that effective leaders have to be chosen so that whatever change there can be will allow deep success of the organizations CSR ways, there is ample need to understand leadership as well as change antecedents of the known CSR practices (Gunther, 2005). Thus, upon valuing of these antecedents, organizations are in the mode of creating better CSR pattern, understanding of leader attitudes and viewpoints, several change application as through which useful CSR of the business is being practiced. The CSR of the organization will imply to leadership formation and idealism of the values being known from the application of the CSR, changes towards decision-making is of tough commiseration (Finkelstein and Hambrick, 1996), have argue that change and or leadership stance into the CSR, is coming from leader’s decision of certain operation and some areas of concern and the discretion of change values in realizing valuable outcomes from within CSR formation. Thus, the CSR values emphasizes that managers utilize change as one channel to keep good and wise decisions, as the presence of better decision making are critical for having insights into CSR practices (Pant and Lachman, 1998; Agle et al., 1999). The need to be aware of several notions, such as from the work of Wood (1991), upon articulating the need to determine how the organization will perceive effective leader choices in order to push through with ample CSR change processes and its underlying approaches for example, those used in team building and work synergy. Thus, noting that leader choices are to vary in exact CSR ways adopted by the organization from within business paradigms and organization characteristics, like the ones related to various change drivers upon CSR perspectives as there help in to precisely assume ideal CSR conditions to fit into the leadership stance and change realization (Wood, 1991 p. 702).





CSR and Leadership

The organization might base certain conceptualization of leadership into neo-charismatic paradigm, the paradigm stresses how an exceptionally effective leader articulates vision that is based on strongly assume CSR values and powerful thinking, there stimulate thinking that foster some of innovative solutions to organization change as there emphasis on CSR ways, adhering to such manpower performance as determined. Furthermore, transformation type of a leader for CSR can possibly generate good confidence of the workers, there id also intrinsic motivation as well as admiration encounter towards the CSR leader thus, following of some emotional appearance due to some known change agents and how it is done within the organization (Shamir et al., 1993; Conger and Kanungo, 1998). Some of the research information, entail some relationship on some leadership aspect for example, those linking to the top executives (CEO), into social responsibility performance of the organization structures (Waldman et al., 2006).

Utilization with focus, from known aspects of the paradigm as relevant into forming in of the CSR domains on the part of leadership, the visionary leadership and integrity of the top management into such respective organizations. The visionary leadership involve relationship between the leader and his followers from basis on CSR ways and on the leader behaviors resulting into intense response as well as several attributions on the organization leadership and the process of change (House, 1996; House and Aditya, 1997). For the organization, having good substance of the CSR is a must and serves as core requirement for success in business operations, so leadership qualities are important to consider in choosing of ideal leader for the organization, as there includes the following points:

-      Providing effective purpose based on CSR opportunities

-      Articulating an change vision that challenges powerful CSR formation

-      Showing leadership determination upon achieving change and decision pathways


In addition, there can be constructive process of change, the CSR application does have organization effect on the part of leaders chosen as the change can assume aspects towards confidence, knowledge being perceived, the optimistic inculcation of theories deemed for explaining CSR ways into the organization as well as enough respect and admiration on leadership competencies found in complete assimilating of CSR resources along with leadership dominance (Sankar, 2003). The organization utilizes leaders’ integrity as one better dimension of leadership relevant to the CSR values of senior leaders. The concept of integrity are somewhat overlooked into some of the CSR theories such as stakeholders theory as well as social contracts. Indeed, the absence of CSR positive assumptions will prompt some theorists to argue on some ideas towards leadership and change, as there suggests for consistency of the CSR, into charisma and integrity posits (Sankar, 2003). There has been recent conceptualizations of CSR leadership as there should be careful assessment of the CSR domains of the organization from within recognition of charismatic leadership (Avolio et al., 2004), as some of the leader behavior is often within critical knowledge and the serving of organizational interest as possible.

Aside, CSR driven reactions on the part of change views, implies to specific style of leadership acted by the leaders thus, integrate perception of selflessness and trust into the leader of the organization (Gottlieb and Sanzgiri, 1996). There has been expected outcome of CSR leadership and change, organization utilizes concepts in building effective points for strong social responsibility values into the organization. Furthermore, some of the leadership influence should be found beyond offerings of the CSR values. For instance, proponents Shamir (1991), and Shamir et al. (1993), have designed theory of leadership as the research imposed that the organization leaders communicate various messages that contain change assumptions into CSR values and responsibility assurances. The presence of changed leaders brings a positive mark into organization CSR and from allowing change to partake such as those that have effective motivation touches into the management team, the presentation of leadership synergy as found through values that CSR ideas do represent in wider context. However, some of better application of leadership goals as well as change ideas might have ample linkage to the CSR values of the organization, with outcome posed on the follower internalization of the CSR process (Lord and Brown, 2004).


Indeed, organization utilizes concepts of CSR because of informed values which are to be endured in time and as always. Based from the work of Shamir et al. (1993), there proposes better leadership vision and change management into the integrity of the organization leader upon enhancing good points of social responsibility values of the team and the top executives for example, those that pertains to the stakeholder concepts as well as social contracts. The alignment processes whereby the effect of the CSR values serves to organize experience and guide actions, including change pathways and decision making for ideal leadership system as those linked into the CEOs of the organization, CSR values allowing immediate change as typical scenario known by the team and its top management (Lord and Brown, 2004; Avolio et al., 2004).



However, House et al. (1999) and Waldman and Yammarino (1999) have indicated that, leadership can be significant into the leaders’ function towards the shaping of CSR and its known values and well as their behavior towards change. Thus, Wood (1991), have considered some of useful principles into the formation of social responsibility, and that leadership pathways will show integrity by demonstrating that organization’s CSR policies and related expenditure of resources should not be defined by the whims or personal preferences of leaders. Instead, there stresses out how the organization’s social responsibilities have to be directed toward identifiable community groups as relevant to some of the specific strategic interests posed into CSR effective norms (McWilliams and Siegel, 2001). Moreover, several leaders may excite followers by engaging their self-concepts based on a vision stressing responsibility both to shareholders or owners, and to other relevant and identifiable stakeholder groups. On the other hand, visionary leadership may not be related to amorphous, welfare CSR values because of the position that leadership and change are company specific. The organization might believe that, leaders’ focus more on the operative success of the organization and does have fears of attaining risks and issues if change occurs in major areas of the business, for example Dell’s CSR are valuing supply chain ways into certain logistics assessment, and allowing change not to hit organization issues as a relevant factor for Dell CSR to be effective from within concepts along leader choices and change process, the integrity towards business nature are known and applied (McWilliams and Siegel, 2001). In short, leadership and change on the part of CSR into the organization will add solid output and thinking of predicting ways on some of stakeholder CSR values, beyond pressing impact towards national cultural values. The organizations are becoming more attached and at the same time are affected by CSR challenge that can be assumed into leadership development and resistance to change. Indeed, like Dell as one of global centered business will no have space to ignore social responsibility concerns, such as those points being noted by the stakeholders. From within the organization in CSR level, the idea of leadership and change is evident from within the integrated CSR matters in, strategic notion that allows CSR dimensions to take place into the organization and one of essential dimension points to CSR, the presence of social responsibility. The CSR integration will then balances business aspect into leadership patterns and its operational cycle from theories inclusion from the needs as well as concerns of the stakeholders and social contracts modification. The business aspects of the CSR are understood although put into great challenge, knowing that social dimensions of change leadership will seem to lack certain conceptual leader formation and the transparency of change goals from within. Truly, today’s organization CSR is pivotal to the center activities of the business and the management is being expected to be socially as well as ethically responsible in relations choice of leaders and the process of change linking to their customers, suppliers and to the employees and the overall business society, imposing real confrontations towards the innovative year. There have been demands for CSR, its solid phasing of social responsibility into adjustable phenomenon from within global culture manifestation with effective leaders and right amount of change, organization opportunities comes in full gear. Even companies other than Dell upon stating that, to be socially responsible some leaders might not have ample approaches in terms of managing CSR ways and social footprints behind the leaders, wherever CSR in motion operates. The organization uses concepts of CSR as there are known value for social responsibility that is being tightly connected to leadership practices and leaders’ attitude. Still, CSR system and leader approach does not work with several backing and progress of a responsible organization. There require organization leaders deeper awareness of behavior consequences and processes wherein personal leadership capabilities and business practices are for achieving CSR behaviors as developed. The CSR sense is based on core values as can be measured by the attitude of changed leaders. The everyday CSR action does seriously affect the organization’s representation as one effective socially responsible firm. The leaders’ skills can be grounded on actual operation of business. Then, crucial that CSR processes for choice of leaders and leadership handling encourages the team to embrace change if there is any, adding business dynamics, exploring CSR in terms of effective leadership and social responsibility directions. The organization utilizes CSR through committed leadership standing from within values, the organization needs upon meeting the CSR standard process, as there has to be values of  honesty, compassion, fairness, respect and responsibility into informed leadership success. The chosen leaders will have to pay less attention on the CSR concept but these leaders will need to put effective agenda on the organization approach for leadership. The need to lead from front, upon involving leaders into the business operation, the committed leadership is good way to take CSR action into positive forwarding of leaders’ composition (McWilliams and Siegel, 2006).


CSR and Process of Change Management

In every organization part of the business, change and its management plays one good success factor, there assumes change guide helping CSR oriented leaders to act as well as to think in creative motion and that there can be ways of how change will known in specs and determining how the process of change will take place rigorously, the CSR utilization in positive note will help avoid change resistance, risks as well as organization pitfalls that Dell company have encountered, for example. There has been organization pressure for change, a force that links to the decision pathways there is into the CSR formation and the process for change will be identified by the chosen leaders of the organization, the change decision to proceed phasing of the CSR are to be taken account and that utilizing CSR for the process of change will need to be properly communicated into the organization domains. Even if, there is pressure for change from within the CSR management as well as commitment allowing onset leadership to be part of change, and with CSR, the change may come from the clients into the organization chain (House et al. 1999; Waldman and Yammarino, 1999). Thus, it is accepted that when the organization takes pride for adopting change, better CSR performance is seen and there is achievement of a more standard purpose and goals into the business nature. For organization success as it can be regardless of change pressure, the leaders’ commitment as well as change drivers are of essential value for CSR applications, and that change momentum have to be kept for effective CSR execution process. For organization change effectiveness, the organization CSR needs to be adopted in all areas as to be embedded in the overall nature of the organization for instance, several employees, will respond well to the CSR challenge and prevent some stress from coming into the picture, getting CSR cycle to be motivated are critical as recognizing points upon CSR utilization of the organizations in relation to change.



Two Theories Explaining CSR

The stakeholder theory of the firm is used as a basis to analyze those groups to whom the firm should be responsible. As described by Freeman (1984), the firm can be described as series of connections of stakeholders that the managers of the firm attempt to manage Thus, in terms of the issue of CSR, the social responsibility, the central issue is whether stakeholder analysis is part of the motivation for business to be responsible and to which stakeholders. In practice, there might mean that firms with problems over employee retention would attend to employee issues and those in consumer markets would have regard to matters that affect reputation. There note from approaches to CSR that stakeholder analysis is important, but that the rationale remains largely instrumental (WBCSD, 1999; Business Impact, 2000), as for example, Business Impact begins by advocating that CSR should be based against set purposes and values nevertheless such purpose and values are also linked to contributing to reputation and success (Business Impact, 2000, p. 101). Meanwhile, there involves social contracts theory, and in context of CSR, there assumes alternative possibility, and it is not that organization might act into the responsible manner because of the social interest, and because it is part of how leadership and change implicitly expects CSR into the business to arrive at right operation. In addition, Donaldson and Dunfee (1999), have developed certain integrated social contracts theory as one way for the leaders to take decisions into the CSR process in between macro-social contracts and micro-social contracts. The showing of unfair leadership can be present as there arises CSR conflicts of interests and values among the employees and such unresolved issues from within the management and there is indication of discrimination from within the workers culture norms and such skills towards work. Another, it can be that CSR leadership is less shown as heavy shifting schedule is present in the organization, the leadership imposes sort of authoritarian notion and top executives can just decide on definite things to do and may consider that employees under the change, have no right to give such ideas and opinions. The CSR strategy may not be properly functioning, as there can be lots of issues concerning to CSR resource in full attention and comprehensive evaluation, strengthen CSR assumptions as crucial to employees growth and development that would generate a more stable and successful organization respectively. Aside, CSR ways being utilized may not be updated and it does not follow certain leadership guidelines and change regulations as deemed possible for the overall welfare of the organization.




There are some generalizations posed upon utilizing CSR concepts in relation to choice of leaders and process of change within the organization. First, it must be possible to associate unique CSR ways into leadership and change process, the organization must be able to make good CSR connection, perhaps by using unique CSR resource models and associate them with the components that made the process adaptable to the business. The need for understanding organization structure, having good relationship of CSR and the relations known enabling business leaders to possibly anticipate potential CSR problems and to be able to acquire useful CSR principles generating leadership as well as change models to adjust situations and implement change. Thus, the understanding and being aware of such actual leaders’ behavior posited by organization team, the CSR system undergoes vivid application and can be used as enough assumptions to regain effective corporate values and its related mechanism such as for example, leadership and change restarts as well as reduction of CSR assimilation being done. It can be that while CSR is being used for better organization operation, leadership as well as change situations can be applied to problems and issues into the workplace as well as the CSR resource creation and tuning and the refinement in the organization. Then, by tracing CSR effective paths from change servers, the organization utilizes CSR in leader choice and change process as there is integration of the CSR application and components, there can easily determine how the leadership process is shared across organization areas of the organization. Furthermore, CSR systems that emerged into both leadership and change, how the CSR ways will interact according to standards and conformity. Understanding the CSR relationships enables leaders and the organization team to resolve as well as anticipate potential leadership conflicts and change issues or problems. The current CSR function upon tracking effective leaders and adopt useful change drivers, in CSR relationship formation can rely on error indication of the known assimilation and outcome documentation, which are business feasible for rapidly changing CSR idealisms as possible and depending on the organization nature as well as culture recognition, CSR ways systems will then increase the competence posits of change to allow leadership foundation at its best. Therefore, the organizations utilizes their CSR in relation to leaders and change management in tough form as well as with positive valuation, as organizations have ample desire for certain ideal and automatic CSR integration of its underlying values and mechanism, for assuming good organization business domains, into constructive CSR structure for the application of strategic CSR ways into leadership and change processes respective of time realization.





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