Respondents of the Study


            The qualified respondents for this study will be the various healthcare professionals from different states/parts of the country. The respondents must be citizens of the country. These healthcare professionals aging 25-40 years were selected as respondents of the study regardless of socio-economic status, religious affiliation, gender, and marital status as long as they are working in any of the healthcare organization. Educational attainment and occupation of these respondents also do not matter. They could be doctors or nurses or a hospital clerk. The main point is that these respondents are aware of what is going on in the healthcare field. Not to be included as respondents are healthcare professionals that do not speak English nor has difficulty speaking English.



Respondents of the Study


            Since data for this study will be collected by mail or through telephone interviews, the respondents have the convenience of answering the survey in their own home or wherever is comfortable with them. However, the researchers will have their own headquarters at one of the researcher’s house where they can make the telephone interview calls.


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