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Will Apple Change our Lifestyle in the Future?
No matter the breakthrough product design of Apple, but also the outstanding brand value, they both can bring the shocking influence on our world. Through the study on the brand of Apple to investigate what is branding and to explain why Apple is so successful.
Different companies are using branding as a technique and strategy in the business field with rising regularity. Brands and branding are no longer a new idea, but businesses, nowadays are giving importance and focus on the process of branding (cited in Rooney 1998, p. 48). Many market analyses had agreed that the trend and growth of branding will continue in the future (cited in Rooney 1998, p. 48).
In connection to the said subject, brand names and branding has a great impact to the lifestyle of people in the world. It can help to change the preferences of people as well as to change their taste and wants.
The main reason why I choose Apple Inc is that the said company had been one of the leader brands in their industry. Another thing is that their products are setting new trends in terms of fashion and in terms of technology. The company also enabled their customers to love their product and eventually the company itself. That is why Apple has been one of the most successful brands in computer and media player. Another important factor is their iPod, the product that had change the status of the company in the industry as well as the product that made the hobby of listening different.
Brand and Branding
Professor Doyle has defined brand as a name, symbol, design or some combination which identifies the product or service of a particular organization in order to gain considerable and extensive differentiated advantage or benefit (cited in Rooney 1998, p. 48).
In the perspective of the customers or the buyers, the brand is the best choice, or something that they are familiar to and they had reacted to (cited in Lake 2008).
Branding is an efficient marketing tool that is useful for many companies and their offered products and services. It is a process of creating a connection and relationship with the customers, so that when they have a need, they will think of a certain product in order to satisfy their need (EBay 2008). It is the process of creating an association between a given symbols, purposes, passions, insights together with the product and the company with the goal of driving loyalty from the customers and creating differentiation from the competitors (Hislop 2001, p. 6).
The main focus or reason for implementing branding is recognition. It is being done in order to catch the attention of the customers and let them bring to mind or remember the product whenever they are in need. In addition to that, emotional responses of the customers is also important matter, it involves their feeling of security like for example, Volvo with a sense of safety and cultural responses, for instance, Mountain Dew for the Youth (Hislop 2001, p. 6).
Branding is a process that will enable companies to get their target market to see their product or service as the only solution to their problem (Lake 2008). The main purpose of branding is to build the image of a product and service that will eventually influence the perceived worth of the product as well as increase the value of the product to the customers that will eventually lead to brand loyalty (cited in Lake 2008).
Background of Apple Computer Incorporated
Apple Computer, Inc is an American Multinational corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and closely related software products. It was established in Cupertino, California on April 1 of 1979. The company is developing, selling as well as supporting different series of personal computers, portable media players, computer software, computer hardware and hardware accessories.
But the main product of the company that is best known in the world and making its record in the market is the Apple’s iPod.
Apple’s IPod
IPod is a pocket-sized music player that holds 100 songs, 15,000 songs and even more, depending on the model of a player. There have been many models of iPod that is available in the market, from a screenless 512-megabyte version that can hold plenty of songs that is used for gym activities, up to a 60 gigabyte multimedia jukebox that can spin out colored photos together with the colorful music (Biersdorfer 2004, p. xv).
The introduction of iPod is just like the introduction of Sony Walkman that revolutionized the personal listening experience during the 1979. Apple announced their original 5-gigabyte iPod at the end of 2001, and it has caught the attention of music world’s ear. Steve Jobs, the CEO of the company had said that using the technology, “listening to the music will never be the same again”. Due to the uniqueness of the product together with the different marketing strategies that have been implemented by the company, iPod had sold more than 10 million units by the end of 2004, making it the single bestselling music player in the entire market as well as the most dominant player. The said product had helped the company to gain their position in the market (Biersdorfer 2004, p. xvi).
Apple’s iPod Branding
Branding has a great impact to the companies as well as to the customers. It is a key of many companies to get into the heart of their target customers and get their loyalty. iPod can be considered as a cult brand, a luxury brand as well as an emotional brand.
What is a Cult Brand?
Cult brand can create an experience, a feeling as well as an aura of a group identity that involves the customer in a way that make use of them (Saghir 2008). Cult branding has become phenomenon in terms of building different brand that some people will love, not that type that no one will hate. The reason it was called cult brand is that because the brand focuses an exclusive group with same attitudes, viewpoints and practices. These are the groups that cooperate to those who just love being part of it, or maybe hated by those people outside it. Many companies are already implementing the said technique by designing their products based on specific group or segment of their target customers. That group will show love and trust towards the brand and will have a great loyalty to it (Saghir 2008).
Consumers are now becoming more enthusiastic and authorized than before, that they feel that, they can affect any brand in any way that they want, even if it’s negative (Saghir 2008).
Regas has stated that cult brand has 7 powerful effects. First is that, more often than not, consumers has an urge to be a part of a group that is different. Next, is that, the inventors of cult brand has the ability to show daring and determination for the customers. Third is that cult brand sells lifestyles. In addition to that, cult brand can be considered as a choir, you have to listen to them and then create your own cult brand evangelist. Another thing is that, cult brand has the ability to create consumer communities and is considered as inclusive. The last thing is that, cult brand can promote personal freedom and has the ability to draw power from their competitors (cited Ahern 2006, p. 237).
There are some famous companies who implemented the said brand type: Whole foods, Harley Davidson, Ikea and Apple (Saghir 2008).
iPod as a Successful Cult Brand
One of the examples which show that iPod is a cult brand is when the Neistat Brothers created their own movie and own website that pertains to the faulty battery of their iPod unit, and that the battery is irreplaceable. The main point of the action of the said customers is that they did the said action because they love the brand. The said protest or criticize from the customer had helped the company to improve the quality of their product by adding different features regarding the request of their customers. That is what makes the cult brand, rather than shun the criticizing customers; the cult brand embraces them, changes their approach in response and then thanks the customer for their help.
At first, the company had launched iPod that can work only with the Apple computers; it was warmly received by the same people who loved the Apple computers. The said technique shows that it is a cult brand, because the product had targeted their loyal customer in their computer product. The cool presentation and look of the model of iPod had caught the attention in the industry. So in order to cater other in-need customers, they have launched the next version of the technology that can work together with the Microsoft Windows computers. The said action of the company had helped them to bring the product to the mainstream (Pearson 2007).
Another important characteristic of cult brand is that, it can be helped by the power of word-of-mouth. It had helped the iPod because; the first users of the said technology had helped to make iPod as a fashion symbol that attract other people to acquire it. In addition to that, Apple has introduced their iTunes that revolutionized the music industry, by allowing people to download one song at a time. The said technology also has a great impact for their customer to continually support their product (Pearson 2007). It has also added to the fact that, it had makes the users or the customers to be connected to the global network, together with the different file sharing innovation like, podcasting and Bluetooth cultivation (BrandNoise 2005).
Mass appeal is another important matter when it comes to the cult brand. In order for a certain product to be successful in using the cult brand technique, mass appeal should be able to get by any product. Apple’s iPod has showed that it has its mass appeal from the introduction of the product up to the next and new edition or version of the product. In order for the company to continue their application of cult brand, they have created and launched different model of iPod that will meet the demands and needs of much bigger market, by attracting customers from different range of budget (Pearson 2007).
What is Luxury Brand?
Encarta Dictionary has defined luxury as an expensive and high-quality surroundings, together with the great comfort that they can be provided. It can also be considered as a desirable item but not essential and more often than not, they are expensive and hard to get. The meaning of a luxury good is a product where in, 95% of it is accessible for only 5% of the entire population. A luxury product can be considered as both an object as well as a catalyst for thought (Danziger 2004, p. 49).
A luxury brand can also be considered as a brand, which most of its products or services are for luxury. It is also associated with other brands that are associated with luxury, high price as well as high quality.
A luxury brand can grow its main business by buying or acquiring another luxury brands in order to increase the product’s sales revenues without risking the individual brand dilution with the overexposure. It can also access significant design talent as well as production amenities through acquisition in order to create new product (Bruce & Moore 2004, p. 169).
iPod as a Successful Luxury Brand
iPod, nowadays, is no longer just for music lover. It is also considered as fashion icon in the industry. There have been many iPod models or units that have been released with accordance to different fashion style that will be suitable to the taste of fashion people as well as techie.
One of luxury product that it has released was the diamond encrusted iPod that is worth US,000. Figure 2 shows the diamond crusted iPod. The said model is a combination of an iPod and diamonds that caking it right from one corner to another in all sides and corner. The headphone of the said iPod is also covered with diamonds (Elite Choice n.d.). The said iPod has been made by the Norwegians. The fact that the design together with the glitter of the diamond was associated and linked to the iPod, it can be considered as Luxury branding.
(cited in Elite Choice n.d.)
Figure 1 Diamond Crusted iPod
The said unit of iPod shows that it is indeed a luxury brand. Who will be needing bunch of diamond if you will just listen to music? The high price of the said product is also another matter.
In the simple note, minus all the diamond and expensive accessories, iPod indeed is a luxury brand. According to the definitions of luxury that have been given in the previous part of paper, luxury are those materials or products that are expensive and of high quality. They can also give pleasure but they are not considered as a must or necessity in life. The main reason why people are buying and craving to have an iPod is due to the fact that it can give them the identity of professional status. According to Kahney, the users of the products of Apple are those who are employed in the creative industries such as music, art and design, film and media as well as cultural research (cited in Rojek 2007, p. 129). This had a cultural effect to the customer that is why they are buying or availing iPod because it serves a status symbol in professional world.
Another important aspect of iPod is that it is innovative and trendy. This is the main reason why many people are availing it, with its podcasting feature, iTunes as well as other function, it serve as a multi-gadget. iPod is also high in quality, and high in price, if you are going to compare its price from other player, together with the name that has been already built of the company. The product is sure a luxury brand.
The main reason why iPod had become a successful brand is due to the fact that it offers different innovations and features in each and every model. Another thing is that the designs of every model are all stylish and caters to the needs of their customers who are craving for fashion and trends.
Adapted from (Kapferer 2004, p. 69)
Figure 2 The Pyramid Brand and Business Model in the Luxury Market (Kapferer 2004, p. 69)
What is Emotional Brand?
Emotional brand is the condition in which people are connected to the company and their products or services in a reflective emotional manner.
Emotion is an important aspect in branding. According to the research of social psychologist in neuroscience, brand decision is related to the senses and emotion of the consumer or buyer. The said factor is more important than that of rational thinking or the appeal of different functional benefits (Gronlund 2007). Calne, a neuroscientist had stated that, the essential difference between the emotion and the reason is that, the fist can lead to action while the other only leads to conclusion (cited in Gronlund 2007).
iPod as an Emotional Brand
iPod, together with other Mac products of Apple, are one of the most loved brands in the industry. The fact that the company had uses the cult branding as one of their technique, it signifies that the products, more specifically, iPod has already been part of the emotional aspect of its users. Apple is not just intimate with its customers but also connected and loved by them. The reason behind the said thing is that, Apple, its manufacturer focuses on imagination, design as well as innovation and commerce. Another important matter is that the ethics which are implemented by the company enables them to be connected. The company practices a humanistic corporate culture as well as strong corporate ethics that are distinguished by volunteerism by supporting good causes and different participation in the community. Another thing is that the company depicts unique as well as simple visual and verbal vocabulary that is expressed and showed in the design and advertisement of their product. The most important thing is that iPod brings an emotional as well as sensory experience towards computing, thus it is people-driven (Kahney 2002).
The main reason why iPod belongs to the emotional brand, is that due to the fact that Apple has understand and listen to the needs, demands and wants of their customers. They are reading and listening to the reaction of their customers, from different blogs and videos that serve as an advice from their customers. The company is using those ideas; apply it to their next unit or model of iPod, with additional features.
The fact that, Apple is listening to the customers, add up to the emotional relationship of their customers to their products, because they are thinking that they are being listened and that they have the responsibility and role in order to make their iPod better. iPod has the ability to pour fuel on the yearning and craving of its users with a foamy combination of astonishment and enjoyment or pleasure to get the attention of their customers, this will eventually provide a simple, meaty, exclusive or distinct and reliable experience whenever the customers are availing or using their iPods (Eisenberg 2008).
Brand Value of Apple
The brand of Apple has a great affect to the society as well as a cultural aspect of the world. It had change the preference, demands and needs of people in terms of music player and the hobby of listening to music, with the help of their products such as iPod, iPhone, iTunes etc. One of the most important impacts of brand value of Apple in the society is its relationship to their customers. The brand of Apple had enlightened the customers to become more vigilant with regards to the brands that they like, in order for the company or manufacturer to improve their product. Criticism and protest can help them get what they want and what they expect to their preferred brand or product.
Apple can also bring trend and style that will change the lifestyle of the mass or those customers who are availing their products. Apple products, more primarily the iPod have been one of the status symbol in life. It had affected the mentality of the people by letting their users to feel that those who use Apple products are professionals and belong to those elite or talented groups.
There are many factors that must be considered by Apple in order to meet the demand of their customers, especially the users of their iPod. There is no doubt that Apple; more particularly iPod has a great impact to the lifestyle and preferences of people. In order for the company to maintain their position as a trend maker and innovator of multimedia portable player and other computer gadgets, they must continue to improve and maintain their brand in three types: Apple as a cult brand; Apple as an emotional brand; and Apple as a luxury brand.
As a cult brand, the company must maintain their connection and relationship to their customers by making sure that they are listening to the needs and demands of their customers. It will also help if they will continue to study the demand and preference of their customers.
Another important factor is innovation. With the use and implementation of continuous innovation, it will be easy for the company to catch the attention of their customers. New features of their products can help them to maintain their brand as a luxury brand. Another important aspect is that the company must associate their products to another luxury product such as fashion products in order to catch the attention of the elites with regards to fashion of technology. The said factor can help the company to become more of an icon in terms of advance technology and fashion.
The effort of the company with accordance to their emotional connection to their customer is also important. The company must continue their clear connection to their customers by means of their advertisement as well as their customer management.
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