
2:07 PM Bibliography

Interactive Online Tutorials



Education plays a very important role in the learning process of every individual in the society. It is the foundation of understanding and knowledge, and serves as a basis for the success of each individual. In relation to this, the contribution of teachers in the building blocks of education is very important. Teachers, alongside academic institutions are responsible for the effective education. With this, teachers must be equipped with a variety of effective teaching strategies or techniques to encourage many students to listen and become involved in the lessons, for effective teaching serves as the basis for effective learning, contributes to the efficient gathering of knowledge, and develops understanding (Merriam & Caffarella 1999: 392).

            The overarching aims of education underlie the construction of the curriculum.  Education, in the broader sense, aims to develop the individual, to enlarge an individual’s knowledge, experience and imaginative understanding, and thus his awareness of moral values and capacity for enjoyment (Waddock, 1995: 45) and also to enable an individual to take his place in society. The school education on the other hand, has the aim to provide opportunities for all students to learn and achieve, to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and to prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.

            Consider the school of the late 20th century. It has not changed a whole lot in the last fifty years or so (Lave & Wenger 1991; Matthews, 1991 and Waddock, 1995). Isolated from the rest of the world except for one or two school-business partnerships. Working at the edges of the school, these partnerships attempt to provide students with some insight into the working world or give some marginal discretionary resources for the principal to use. The resources are used on one of a multitude of unrelated programs that the school has set up to cope with the problems that society has dumped on the school.

            The school itself has created barriers that shelter and isolate it from the work of the world that goes on around it. The technological innovations that are pervasive in the business world have yet to penetrate the classrooms except for a single computer in each classroom that the teacher barely knows how to use. Few business people, even the partners, ever come to school; those who do are shocked by the conditions they find and by the discipline problems with which teachers must contend. Still they are comforted by the fact that school feels pretty much like it did when they went to school.  With these regard, this paper will evaluate the intended learning outcomes of the course that are to be achieved and how students will be supported in their learning taking into account their varying ability levels and differing professional needs.

As part of the development of online technologies in the current era, interactive online tutorial over the internet becomes essential. Actually, these online interactive tutorials are not only for staff in which their companies are engaged in e-business practices but also to any individual who wanted information from the electronic medium. Online interactive tutorials occur in businesses, schools, health organisations and others.  With this consideration, this paper will attempt to develop online interactive tutorials designed for teachers that will assist them in teaching Health and Safety for Children.


Analysis Phase

Ø  Performance Problem

The media suggests that the Internet, and especially the World Wide Web, is a solution to all the needs of Education. However, there are many ways in which Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can make an impact on the teaching and learning process. The extent of the impact of communication technologies depends on teachers changing their practice in classrooms (Leask & Meadows 2000). In the book E-Moderating: the key to teaching and learning by Salmon G (2003), he talked about the rapid development of ICT. Its key focus and importance are on the changes to learning made possible by ICT, but he looked at these changes through the eyes of online teachers, for where he used the term ‘electronic moderators‘ or the so-called ‘e-moderators’. Today, ‘online networking’ covers a range of technologies. In education and training, technologies that concentrate on computer mediated communication are most common.

For this development, the creation of an Interactive Online Training designed for teachers who are teaching health and safety for young children is needed. Basically, there are many Interactive Online Trainings are available online and from computer stores and textbook companies but with regards in teaching Health and Safety among students, it was very limited. The goal of this online interactive training is to enhance teacher instruction in several ways.


Ø  Target Group

Computers capture the teachers’ attention because the programs are interactive and engage them the spirit of competitiveness to increase and enhance their learning experience and of course of their students. Also, part of the interactive tutorial is that the instructions given for teachers moves at the learners’ pace and usually does not move ahead until they have understood the context. 


Ø  E-Learning Approach

And since these are interactive online tutorials, teachers can be easily accepted this type of learning approach.  Interactive online tutorials for teachers describe an educational environment where a computer program, or application, is used to assist the user in learning a particular subject.  It is becoming one of the newest ways of learning and teaching student. It has been widely accepted in education and as a useful means of gaining knowledge. The development of computers and internet has enabled Interactive online tutorials to include a lot more illustrations, videos, photographs and interactive material, making Interactive online tutorials packages very appealing to everyone.


Ø  Subject Matter Expertise and Existing Materials

For the creation of interactive online tutorials designed for teachers teaching safety and health, expertise and materials are vital.  For this, computers and internet connection are the primary tools needed for this project. With regards to the subject matter, teachers who are teaching health and safety will be surveyed and asked about the possible content of the interactive tutorial.  Knowledge concerning the behaviour of young student and information about teaching health and safely among children is also crucial in accordance to the subject matter expertise.  Actually, there was a wide range of topics that could have been covered.  Topics were brainstormed at the beginning of the project. Due to the time scale given, it was not possible to attempt on all of the topics, therefore a discussion with the teaching needs of the teachers and the feedback received from them in the questionnaires allowed the author to focus on the more important topics that they felt were especially necessary.  These topics can be added for further development in the future.

In addition, a software package needed to be chosen.  In order to do this, a software review was carried out to find the best suitable package that will fulfill the requirements of the system and achieve the best possible output. 

The software packages evaluated to implement the application were:

Ø  Macromedia Director

Ø  Macromedia Authorware 7

Ø  Visual Basic

The advantages and disadvantages of each software package were discussed, and compared, and the best software that met the requirements was Macromedia Authorware 7.

Aside from this other software packages that were used such as Pov–Ray, Flash MX, 3D-Max, and Dreamweaver.  Each software played a significant role to the development process of the application.

  • Dreamweaver was used to create the flash buttons in the system.  The buttons were imported into authorware as a flash movie.

  • 3D max was used in order to create some of the three-dimensional (3D) images in the system.  Images included 3D text, which gave the application a more dynamic look. 

  • Pov-Ray, which is a ray tracing program was used to create a logo for the application.  This logo was inserted into the print sheets that were connected to the application and also the user guide. 

  • Flash MX was used to edit some of the images used. 


Design Phase

Ø  Overall Objective Statement

To provide online help among teachers engaged in teaching health and safety of students.

Ø  Pyramid analysis of training objective

To develop an interactive online tutorial that will enhance the teaching skills of teachers. This interactive online tutorial is designed to show and develop interactive images, text and high-quality sounds for teachers.

Ø  Training prerequisites

Users of interactive online tutorial are required to have computers, internet connection, and appropriate multimedia software.  Basic knowledge on teaching student about health and safety is also important.


Development Phase

Ø  Development of Training Content Structure

This part of the report discusses the stages undertaken during the design process, and how any problems were solved.

Designing the Storyboards

Storyboards are an appearance of everything that is featured in the system.  They show what menu screens will look like, what pictures will be seen when, whether they are still or moving, and for how long and what audio and text will go with the images. They are a way of showing everything that can be seen or heard or experienced by the end-user of the multimedia program.

 When the chosen topics were selected, the next stage was to decide how the topic would be taught to the children.  As mentioned previously, it was important to keep each topic and page as simple as possible.  The aim was to train teachers on how to try and teach the child without them getting uninterested.  It was important that the children were kept focused and involved while learning, and making it fun at the same time. 

As the storyboards were being produced, the author had to keep in mind that these would not be the final designs, and that there would be further changes that would need to be made as the project progressed.  Other issues that needed to be covered were such things as the navigation buttons. The author needed to decide where to position the buttons on the screen.  The buttons needed to be in the same location on all the pages.

                In the process of designing the storyboards it was difficult to decide such things as the layout of each topic and activity. The author also tried to think about where sound can be integrated into the application to make it more fun and interactive.


Creating the Prototypes

After the storyboards were created, the author decided to design a prototype for each page on Microsoft PowerPoint.  It was easier to change the colours of each page and decide which colours work better together.  It also gave an idea on how much space certain buttons and images would take up.  Another thing that needed further consideration was the amount of text on each page. The prototype gave the author an idea on the amount of text to put on each of the pages without making it look overwhelming with information.  Other factors such as text size were also looked at, to make sure the correct size was chosen for the headings and for the body of the text.  Fonts were also considered as this was an important part of the application.  The font needed to be clear and readable.

                From the research it was decided that keeping the same colours throughout the system will give it a continuous flow.  Some of the main colours chosen were Red and Blue, which would be based on a white background.


Designing the Images

Images in the application were combinations from the internet that had been edited in Flash MX.  Images were needed for the demonstration of the recovery position, in order to make it easier for the children to understand.       Due to time constraints the images could not be animated, which would have made the process of learning more fun. 


Using Sound

When integrating sound into the system, it was important that it was not overloaded, where the user may be put off.  A microphone was used to narrate the written content that was displayed on each page.  Other forms of sounds used were applauding sounds, to praise the user for completing a task, or for a correct answer.


Ø  Writing Training Content

As mentioned in the software review, macromedia Authorware was the chosen Software package to complete the system.

When creating the application the first characteristics that were completed were the size of the application window.  This was set at 460 by 600, which was fixed at this setting, so it would stay throughout.  If a user had a smaller screen, then the application window would get cut off.  Certain options for the user were chosen to be available at all times throughout the application.  These options were to exit the application and return to the main menu. The author found that these were the only necessary options that the user would need at all times.  These options are available at the bottom of the application window throughout, along with other navigation buttons including next and back, which allow the user to navigate through the pages depending on the activity.

The main background colour chosen was white, as this is a soft, cool and neutral base, and would draw the eye to any strong colour on the page.  The white background is kept the same throughout the application.  The images used on the screen would stand out on the white background, and would not overload the page with too much colour.

The flash buttons were generated in Macromedia Dreamweaver.  The buttons used matched well with the colours chosen for the application. 


Ø  Screen Layout of Content

As mentioned previously, macromedia Authorware was the chosen Software package to complete the system. When creating the application the first characteristics that were completed were the size of the application window.  This was set at 460 by 600, which was fixed at this setting, so it would stay throughout.  If a user had a smaller screen, then the application window would get cut off.  Certain options for the user were chosen to be available at all times throughout the application.  These options were to exit the application and return to the main menu. The author found that these were the only necessary options that the user would need at all times.  These options are available at the bottom of the application window throughout, along with other navigation buttons including next and back, which allow the user to navigate through the pages depending on the activity.

The main background colour chosen was white, as this is a soft, cool and neutral base, and would draw the eye to any strong colour on the page.  The white background is kept the same throughout the application.  The images used on the screen would stand out on the white background, and would not overload the page with too much colour.

The flash buttons were generated in Macromedia Dreamweaver.  The buttons used matched well with the colours chosen for the application.


Implementation of Start Page

When the user clicks on the safe and sound application the welcome page will appear first.  This was the first stage of the implementation process, from the designs and storyboards that were produced. The feature created was the title of the application.  As the white background was neutral, one of the strong colours decided by the author and the client was dark red.  A background box was created for the text to give it a dynamic but subtle look. The changes made to the main page from the original designs were the implementation of the picture that was created in a ray tracing program call Povray. The author wanted to personalise the application with a type of logo that can be added to the user guide and the printout sheets.  Povray was chosen because it was a familiar software package that the author was learning. 

                The transition of the welcome page was altered to give it a welcoming effect for the children.  The particular transition chosen was the mosaic effect giving the introduction a dynamic look.


Implementation of Login

The login screen was the last thing that was done, simply because the author would have to sign in each time the application is loaded.  Once the application is almost finished, the login screen would be implemented.  The login was simple so that the teacher could see which students had used the system.  There was no need to create a username or password, as the application did not really contain any information the children could not see. The author amended the original designs of the username and password login, to just name and student ID.  The teacher only really wanted to know who has logged in and when, so there was no need for a password login.


The Main Menu and Sub-menus

The main menu was the second page that was implemented; this page is where the user would decide what they wanted to do.  This included picking a topic to learn, or picking an activity.  The author originally chose the default buttons as a quick technique to decide where everything would go on the page, and also to find a button that would best suit the purpose of the application.  The buttons could not be navigated until the pages were implemented.  The next stage was to implement the activities menu, and the ‘learn how to’ menu. The author chose the same layout and colours to maintain consistency throughout.


Implementation of the activities

                As part of the development of the content of interactive online tutorial, tutorial activities in teaching students are as follows.

Teachings Guide about Dangers in the KitchenThis was the first activity to be implemented. This was a very important requirement for the application, as this would allow the teachers to effectively teach children to think and observe what dangers are shown in the picture. This activity will be discussing how and why each hazard is a danger.  The implementation of this activity included the process of making the application count down each danger the user had clicked on, and praise the user when they have clicked on a correct hazard.  This involved some coding in the authorware code.

Teaching Kids to play Memory Game – This will guide the teacher to make their students understand and allows the child to test their memory and improve concentration.  Each time the user finds two incorrect pictures the number of tries increases.  This game can be played repeatedly as the position of each picture changes when the user starts the game over.

Teaching kids to do Jigsaw Puzzle – This was another fun activity that was included in the interactive online tutorial. This will guide the teacher to understand the critical thinking skills of kids. Actually, Jigsaw game is a game that most children are familiar with.  In the tutorial, it will illustrate the importance of praise to be given to child on the completion of the activity. 


Ø  Development of Test Question Structure

Questionnaires are a good tool for research, but when examining system requirements it is not the best possible form. However, since we are dealing with the effectiveness of this interactive online tutorial, then questioning is possible for evaluation. The main aim of the project was to create an interactive online tutorial designed for teachers to teach children with basic safety information.  It was required to be fun and interactive, and to contain many features that would make the learning process interesting with the use of sound and graphics.  Thus, questionnaire and list of questions to be developed should ask if these features were achieved. Actually more complex features such as animated images could not be implemented primarily due to the initial planning stages.  Particular stages of the development process required more time than anticipated, therefore certain aspects of the project needed to be looked over further due to the limited amount of time available.           

Ø  Writing Test Question Content

In writing test questions content, factors such as colour and style of the interactive online tutorial media is part of it.  Questions about the main requirement of the system will be also part of it. Questions about the quality of content of the tutorial will be also asked.  Basically, the tutorial was intended to enhance teachers teaching to get the child’s mind working in order to change their behaviour when dealing with these issues. As discussed in paper, most tutorials attempt not only to guide teachers, but make this guide fun and interactive and appealing to them. There would be also questions related to sound features of the tutorial. The sound used in the system should be very effective.  Different noises and button sounds made the user want to explore the system further. 


Ø  Realisation of the training content and test questions

Based on the previous discussion, interactive online tutorial plays significant role to the teacher particularly to those teacher health and safety among students. Basically, the related information above enables the educational multimedia user interface designers to build applications that improve learning. The most strongly supported principles suggest that designers should (a) use closely related verbal and pictorial information together and (b) build in tasks that encourage learners to elaboratively process the information.

Furthermore, as interactive online tutorial combines the technology of video and computers, one of the most important advantages is that it may offer a unique environment for interactivity, user control and interest and motivation. It should be indicated that the quality of interactive online tutorial depends on the integration of technology, information, and personnel. Merely piecing together existing media components cannot solve many problems associated with the development of a quality instructional system. The interactive online tutorial and its technology are still on its developing stage. It is believed that multimedia and its technology with its potential brilliant prospect is impacting our classroom teaching and learning, and it will continue to do so.

On the other hand, it is recommended that the instructors and school administrators should continue to support the integration of interactive online tutorial into the classrooms as an instructional tool would include designing classrooms that compliment multimedia instruction. Time and resources should be allocated for faculty development in instructional design using interactive online tutorial. Interactive online tutorial software and hardware should be continually upgraded to provide state-of-the-art instruction and communication between all levels of the administration and faculty should be expanded to effectively integrate multimedia-related activity.



Lave, J & Wenger, E 1991, Situated Learning. Legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.

Leask, M & Meadows R 2000, Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Primary  School, Routledge, London.

Matthews, DB 1991, Learning styles research: Implications for increasing students in teacher education programs. Journal of Instructional Psychology, pp. 18, 228-236.

Merriam, SB & Caffarella, RS 1999, Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide 2nd ed. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass

 Salmon, G 2003, Far from remote, The Management Specialist, 4 (9), pp 2-14.

Waddock, S 1995, Not by Schools Alone: Sharing Responsibility for America’s Education Reform. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers


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