Effectiveness of Nursing Review Centers among Nursing Students Who Will Take Nursing Board Exam


The nursing education is an exciting, challenging adventure that will demand much of nursing students in terms of time and energy. Nursing is a profession that requires alleviating the pain and promoting the health of others. And the primary aim of nursing is the goodness of others; it is a value laden profession. This specific nature of nursing requires nurses to do what is right during their practice.

Background of the Study and Problem Statement

A nursing student encounters complex situations and conflicts which cannot be resolved only through theoretical knowledge and skills.  Moreover, the nursing students are seeking professional knowledge as they go on through series of studies and practice. Such situations may involve moral components that require the skills of ethical decision making for nurses. Yet, learning the skills of ethical decision making cannot be enough to resolve ethical problems due to many factors including the complex nature of a given problem. Pursuing the professionalism in the medicine industry gives a lot of stress in the part of the students especially when they are entering the world of the real nursing duty.Based on the background of the paper, there are two interrelated problems that are associated in the study:

·         What is the essence of the Nursing Review Centers?

·         How can the Nursing Review Centers emphasize the nursing ethics and knowledge?

Research Aim and Objectives

The main aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of Nursing Review Centers for the nursing students who will take Nursing Board Exam. In order to facilitate the investigation, there are objectives that need to consider. First is to identify the issues that are related in the nursing review centers and their service offering for the students. The second objective is to assess the issues and determine if the review centers answered the issues or not. Through that assessment, the gaps can be identified and can lead to the third objective which is to measure the effectiveness of the nursing review centers in providing various strategies that can result in a quality service.

Research Questions

There are several questions prepared that can serve as the engine of the study in the process in meeting the objectives. The health care system and management are the focus of the questions to ensure that there is an alignment between the literature reviews and empirical situations.

1.      What are the common challenges being faced by the nurses as well as the nursing review centers?

2.      What are the recognized difficulties of the management in terms of nursing education?

3.      What are the actions of the management about the area of their weakness?

Literature Review

One study identified the various problems of the nursing students and pointing out that the main cause of these problems is a big amount of stress during their life a student. Nursing students, actually in a broad sense, all of the students’ faces some series of challenges and stressors. But more likely, the nursing students are the one who are in the center of experiencing stress. The stress maybe came from their friends, professors, colleagues, family or relatives, and even relationships and competition. Every day, students doesn’t only needs a brain to do a workload and be happy to grab it fast but they also founding certain emotions in dealing with the other people and not always facing the thick pages of a book. Nursing students experience stress severe enough to induce mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. The source of the stress in nursing students is related in their learning experience and the programs that they enrolled into.

The learning experience is a series of planned activities in the community that would prepare students technically and professionally should they decide to pursue higher education in the health profession. Another factor is the time allocated in the nursing college’s classroom and laboratory. Students also advised, or rather required by the professors to present some research based procedures and clinical conferences. The continuous activities making the students accumulated the burnout behaviors which are characterized by reduction in their performance. And just like the domino effect, everything else follows.  The students are destined to feel slight health failure, physical illness and emotional stress. There is also physical and psychological symptoms of stress that are present in every nursing students that suffered pressure such as irritability, inability to concentrate, insomnia, depression, muscular tension and aches, palpitations, lack of appetite and others. But actually, not all the case of a nursing student finds a negative response on the stress factor. The existence of the review centers is believed, at some point, to increase and improve the nurses’ intelligence and performance.


The proposed method in the study is the use of the interview. Firstly, the participants are consisted of the nurses and management team in Black Lion Hospital. Their information will be provided such as their age, gender, position in the hospital, and number of years in practice and service. That information is believed to create an influence on to what the nurses and the management ideas and how the way they will act on the issues of nursing practice. Through the application of the interview, the conducted material can serve as the evidence for the development of the analysis.



Factors Affecting the Academics of Nursing Students: Conducted at a selected College of Nursing located in Makati City. [Online] Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/lanel09/final-paper-1717456 [Accessed 26 January 2011].

Factors Affecting the Academics of Nursing Students According to Ethics [Online] Available at: nursing.yale.edu/Centers/International/…/docs/98_Erdil.doc [Accessed 26 January 2011].






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