
2:07 PM Bibliography

Counseling and Alcoholism

Effective Ways of Motivating Treatment for Alcoholic Adolescents



            Alcoholism is one of the problems that the society faces today. It does not only affect certain individuals and families, but the whole community as well. It has been reported that approximately 14 million Americans or about 7.4% of the adult population meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism (‘’ 2006). In addition, many diseases are being attributed to alcoholism, such as cancer, psychological disorders, ulcers, brain damage, glandular problems, birth defects and other bodily malfunctions. These diseases cause the lives of many Americans annually. Moreover, adults are not the only ones suffering from alcoholism, but teenagers as well. The community and the society become affected with the issue of alcoholism, as many teenagers commit crimes as an effect of drinking alcohol. It has been reported that the total cost attributable to underage drinking, including costs of traffic crashes, violent crime, injuries, and treatment, is over billion per year (‘’ 2006).

With these problems, it is necessary to propose treatment of alcoholism at an early age, preferably to teenagers or adolescents. With an early treatment, the incidence of alcoholism can be lessened in adult years. In this paper, the effective ways of motivating treatment for alcoholic teenagers or alcoholics will be presented. These ways will be evaluated and assessed to examine its effectiveness in convincing adolescents for early treatment of alcoholism. The hypothesis of this study is to prove whether adolescents with a family history of alcoholism are more likely to become alcoholics in the future. This will be proven and supported by the discussion of related studies already done.


Definition of Terms

Alcoholism – consumption of alcoholic beverages to the extent that it interferes with the drinker’s normal personality, family, social, or work life, and may lead to physical or mental harm (‘’ 2006).


Binge drinking – the irresponsible, heavy drinking that often comes under the disguise of fun and games (‘ 2001).


Extraversion – easily expresses emotions, not drained by social interaction, smiles a lot, believes most people like or will like them, bold, likes to lead, gregarious (‘’ 2006).


Hallucinations – sensory perceptions that are unrelated to outside events or seeing or hearing things that are not there (‘’ 2006).


Homicide – the act of killing a human being (‘’ 2006).


Suicide – the act of willfully ending one’s own life (‘’ 2006).


Review of Literature

Facts on Alcoholism

            Alcoholism is also known as alcohol dependence and is considered a disease with symptoms such as craving or feeling a strong urge to drink; loss of control or not being able to stop once drinking has begun; physical dependence such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety; and tolerance or drinking greater amounts of alcohol to “get high” (‘’ 2006). Many people believe that drinking alcohol will and may ease their problems regarding their family, work and the society, but in fact, it would not. Acquiring alcoholism may lead to more serious complications and fatal illnesses that would cause the person’s life.

            Several think that alcoholism is a disease, and in fact, the  (2006) is supporting this statement. The Institute explains that the craving that an alcoholic feels for alcohol can be as strong as the need for food or water, and an alcoholic will continue to drink despite serious family, health, or legal problems. Moreover, like many other diseases, alcoholism is chronic, which means that it lasts a person’s lifetime, usually follows a predictable course, and has symptoms (‘ 2006). The risk for developing alcoholism is influenced by both the person’s genes and by his or her lifestyle (‘’ 2006).

             It has been reported that alcoholism was first recognized as a disease in the 1930s by a group called “Alcoholics Anonymous”, and since then, the American Medical Association has recognized alcoholism as a serious and chronic disease (‘?’ 2005). Alcoholism takes time to develop, but once it develops, it does not go away (‘’ 2005). Cure is not available for alcoholism, but is treatable, and with proper treatment, an alcoholic will be able to reclaim his or her normal, satisfying lifestyle (‘’ 2005).

            It has been reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are about 2 billion people worldwide who consume alcoholic beverages and  76.3 million with diagnosable alcohol use disorders (‘’ 2004, p. 7). From a public health perspective, the global burden related to alcoholism and alcohol consumption, both in terms of morbidity and mortality, is considerable in most parts of the world (‘ 2004, p. 7). Moreover, given alcohol’s significance in world health, the World Health Organization has been developing a database since 1996, named the Global Alcohol Database, in its aim in providing a standardized reference source of information for global epidemiological surveillance of alcohol use and its related problems (‘’ 2004, p. 7). This database will be helpful for the organization to record the incidence of alcoholism worldwide. This is essential so the government can take action and responsibility in proposing or implementing programs to help lessen the incidence of alcoholism.  

Similarly, in the United States, alcohol is still the number one drug problem, and affects adolescents, middle-aged people and senior citizens, and people of all races, religions, intelligence levels and professions (‘’ 2005). In fact, there are approximately 18 million alcoholics in America (‘’ 2005), and this high incidence affects many aspects in the society. In 1995, the estimated annual cost of alcohol abuse in the United States was 6.5 billion, where alcohol use disorders cost .7 billion more than the estimated annual economic cost of illegal drug use and .5 billion more than the estimated annual economic cost of smoking (‘’ 2006).   


Effects of Alcoholism

             Alcoholism presents a variety of effects, not only on the physical or biological aspect of an individual, but on the society as well. It has been reported that short-term physical effects of alcohol use include distorted vision, hearing and coordination, altered perceptions and emotions, impaired judgment and hangovers (‘’ 1999). On the other hand, long-term physical effects of heavy alcohol use include loss of appetite, vitamin deficiencies, stomach ailments, skin problems, sexual impotence, liver damage, heart and central nervous system damage, and memory loss (‘’ 1999). Long-term physical effects also include diseases and organ malfunctions. These diseases include brain damage, which varies from psychosis to permanent memory loss; cancer, such as in the mouth, esophagus, and stomach due to the irritating effects of alcohol; heart disease, such as an enlarged heart and congestive heart failure; liver damage leading to cirrhosis or scarring of the liver and liver cancer; ulcers that produces stomach and intestinal irritation; glandular problems in the adrenal and pituitary glands; and birth defects on women who drink alcohol during pregnancy (‘’ 2005). This condition is known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or FAS (‘’ 2005).

            Aside from the diseases caused by alcoholism, it also presents psychological and psychiatric problems, which in turn determines social issues happening in the society, such as suicide, accidents, and crimes. Some of these problems include depression, which can be triggered by alcoholism and vice versa; anxiety, which occurs during attempted withdrawal; change in personality with loss of normal behavior and appearance; and hallucinations, which is an affect of alcohol withdrawal (‘’ 1997). These psychiatric problems often lead to social issues such as suicide, which is result of depression; accidents, being a result of drunk-driving; and physical abuse, which are the cause of a large portion of homicides, child abuse cases and other domestic violence cases (‘’ 2005).


Adolescent Alcoholism

            Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are not only adult problems, but they also affect a significant number of adolescents and young adults between the ages of 12 and 20, even though drinking under the age of 21 is illegal (2000). According to a research done by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, adolescents who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21 ( 2000). In addition, drinking at an early age can also be associated with alcohol-related violence, not only among persons under the age of 21 but among adults as well ( 2000).

            It has been estimated that over three million teenagers are alcoholics, and several million more have a serious drinking problem that they cannot manage on their own ( 2000). This is why early treatment of alcoholism in adolescents must be done to prevent further damage on their lives. It has been mentioned earlier that alcoholism presents grave threats on the lives of many individuals, especially on the lives of many teenagers. These threats include accidents associated with drunk driving, and crimes. It has been reported that the three leading causes of death for 15 to 24 year olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides, and alcohol is a leading factor in all three ( 2000). While drinking may be a singular problem behavior for some, research suggests that for others if may be an expression of general adolescent turmoil that includes other problem behaviors and that these behaviors are linked to unconventionality, impulsiveness, and sensation seeking ( 2000).

            It has been reported that binge drinking, often begins around the age of 13, tends to increase during adolescence, peak in young adulthood in the ages between 18 to 22, then gradually decreases ( 2000). Individuals who increase their binge drinking from the age of 18 to 24 and those who consistently binge drink at lease once a week during this period may have problems attaining the goals typical of the transition from adolescence to young adulthood ( 2000). These goals include marriage, education, employment, and financial independence (2000).

            Moreover, alcohol use among adolescents has also been associated with considering, planning, attempting, and completing suicide ( 2000). Research does not indicate whether drinking causes suicidal behavior, only that the two behaviors are correlated ( 2000). Suicide is also related to depression and anxiety, for these behaviors somehow trigger alcoholics to result to suicide. In addition, these behaviors can also become severe with the influence of alcohol. This is why during the event of suicide, the alcoholic has already experienced severe depression and anxiety prior to the activity, including the fact that with the influence of alcohol, a person cannot make sound judgments.

            Furthermore, the influence of peers can also be attributed to adolescent drinking. More often than not, adolescents become exposed to alcohol drinking through their peers. With this, the role of the parents becomes crucial in the discipline of their children. Proper guidance must be given to adolescents regarding drinking alcohol. Education also is important, for information regarding alcoholism and drug abuse must be give to adolescents for early prevention.


Parental Guidance and Influence

             (2000) reports that parents’ drinking behavior and favorable attitudes about drinking have been positively associated with adolescents’ initiating and continuing drinking. Children who were warned about alcohol by their parents and children who reported being closer to their parents were less likely to start drinking ( 2000). Lack of parental support, monitoring and communication has been significantly related to frequency of drinking, heavy drinking, and drunkenness among adolescents ( 2000). Harsh, inconsistent discipline and hostility or rejection toward children has also been found to significantly predict adolescent drinking and alcohol-related problems ( 2000).


Adolescent Drinking Study

             In relation to this is the study done by  (1999) regarding the familial density of alcoholism and onset of adolescent drinking. According to the authors, the purpose of the study was to assess the age of onset to begin drinking in relation to family history of alcoholism using survival analysis, and to examine the importance of selected risk factors in predicting outcome, using a Cox proportional hazards model analysis (1999). The study examined 52 children and adolescents at low risk for developing alcoholism and 73 children and adolescents from high-risk families, with the ages of 7 to 18 years old and evaluated annually to provide 2.1 waves of longitudinal data concerning age of onset along with a number of predictors ( 1999). These predictors include positive familial loading of alcoholism, extraversion, and manifest anxiety scores (1999). It has been reported that a number of normal population studies have shown that initiation of drug use in adolescence follows a predictable pattern in which adolescents first use licit drugs like alcohol and cigarettes, before they try marijuana and illicit drugs ( 1999). Furthermore, the identification of this sequence in adolescence, along with adult follow-up, has allowed for the determination that the earlier an adolescent begins to experiment with alcohol and cigarettes the greater the severity and persistence of problems with illicit drugs (cited in  1999). Excessive drinking during adolescence has also been found to be predictive of later problems with alcohol (1999). In relation, a study done by  in the year 1988 found that self-reported frequency of intoxication between the ages of 14 and 16 was predictive of being in Swedish registries for alcohol abuse in young adulthood. Similarly, the report of  in 1997 shows that age of onset to begin regular drinking predicts the likelihood of adult alcohol dependence in a large population-based sample, further suggests the importance of determining the factors that predict initiation of drinking in youth.

            With these findings involving the general population, the initiation of alcohol use in normal populations of adolescents may differ from that seen among adolescents who come from families with histories of alcohol and drug dependence (1999). Moreover, the factors predicting onset in high-risk families may differ from that seen in the general population surveys of adolescents ( 1999). This is why a study tracing the family histories of adolescents is important. It has long been known that a positive family history is one of the most powerful predictors of risk for becoming alcoholic (cited in  1999). Alcoholics with a family history of alcoholism in fact appear to have an earlier onset of problem-related drinking and an earlier onset of regular drinking, both of which appear to be highly correlated (cited in  1999). Therefore, it would just appear reasonable to predict that the children of alcoholic parents might become more susceptible for development of early-onset regular drinking and/or alcohol abuse compared to children of non-alcoholics ( 1999). With these reasons, it is considerable to target to those children and adolescents in particular who have begun to drink earlier than their low familiar risk counterparts for specialized intervention and treatment ( 1999). In addition, according to (1999), children of alcoholics are typically considered to be at greater risk for developing alcohol problems due to the presence of alcoholism in one or more members of their nuclear or extended family. However, these high risks children frequently come from multi-problem backgrounds (1999).

            With the information and problem in mind, the study conducted examined two major groups, namely, the high-risk group and the low-risk group. The high-risk group consisted of children and adolescents from high-density multi-generational alcoholism families, while the low-risk group consisted of children and adolescents with one of their parents coming from a “low-risk” target pedigree ascertained as part of a larger family study designed to assess the role of familial or genetic factors in the development of alcoholism ( 1999). Furthermore, the socioeconomic status and family stability of the participants were also determined.

            Results of the study indicate that there appears to be converging evidence that high-risk children not only drink earlier but also drink more during adolescence than do low-risk children (1999). These findings are further proven by the examination of the quantity per occasion consumed by individuals who had begun drinking revealed risk group differences as well ( 1999). Moreover, although the primary focus of the study is on intergenerational transmission of alcohol dependence, clarifying the patterns of use of other drugs such as marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, opioids, hallucinogens and tobacco was also of interest ( 1999). The tests revealed that among the 26 drinkers identified, seven came from low-risk families and did not report any drug use other than cigarette smoking ( 1999). In contrast, 42% of the high-risk subjects who drank regularly also reported some form of drug use along with cigarettes ( 1999).

            In discussion, the study implies that high-risk children begin drinking earlier than low-risk children do, and its significance is that population-based samples have demonstrated that the risk for developing alcohol dependence can be predicted by the age of onset to begin drinking (cited in 1999). In addition, the strongest predictor for alcoholism is extraversion ( 1999). Moreover, the results also suggest that the high-risk children will be likely to develop problems at a higher rate than other groups ( 1999). With this information, it will be helpful to propose effective ways for treatment of adolescent alcoholics at an early age. This is to prevent more grave consequences on the lives of the adolescent alcoholics, such as discontinuing education, substance misuse, and committing crimes.    


Ways of Motivating Treatment

            At some point, many alcoholics will choose to become treated of their disease. This is why motivation of alcoholics, especially of alcoholic adolescents must be effective to propose treatment. Treatment at an early age will be beneficial so as not to result to worse consequences or events.

            It has been reported that once a diagnosis of alcoholism is made, the next major step is getting the patient to seek treatment, and one study suggests that the main reasons alcoholics do not seek treatment are due to lack of confidence in successful therapies; denial of their own alcoholism; and the social stigma attached to the condition and its treatment (‘’ 2006).


Recognizing the Problem – It has been reported that the first and most important step in getting appropriate treatment for alcoholism is recognizing that you have a problem, and often, family members and close friends initiate treatment for the person with the addiction (‘’ 2004).

            In addition, the alcoholic patient and everyone involved should fully understand that alcoholism is a disease, and responses to this disease are not character flaws but symptoms, just as pain or discomfort are symptoms of other illnesses (‘’ 2006). They should also realize that treatment is difficult and sometimes painful, just as are treatments for other life-threatening diseases, such as cancer, but that treatment is the only hope for a cure (‘’ 2006).


Role of Family and Friends – Another effective way for motivation are the intervention of family members, employers, and therapists, which can be very effective in motivating a person to quit (‘’ 2006). This can also help in reducing drinking over the short term (‘’ 2006). Moreover, even brief interventions from a primary care doctor and self-help information can be helpful in reducing harmful drinking, for studies report, that only regular follow-up and reinforcement will sustain quit rates and possibly even improve survival rates (‘’ 2006).


Personal Intervention Meetings – It has been reported that the best approaches for motivating a patient to seek treatment are interventional group meetings between people with alcoholism and their friends and family members who have been affected by the alcoholic behavior (‘’ 2006). Using this approach, each person affected offers a compassionate but direct and honest report describing specifically how the person has been hurt by their loved one’s alcoholism (‘’ 2006).

            Moreover, the family and friends should express their affection for the patient and their intentions for supporting the patient through recovery, but they must strongly and consistently demand that the patient seek treatment (‘’ 2006). Children may even be involved in this process, depending on their level of maturity and ability to handle the situation (‘’ 2006). With this interventions, the alcoholic adolescents can be helped by their parents and loved ones, and be guided regarding what they should do with their life.


Employer Intervention – For adolescents who are working, their employers can be also particularly effective (‘’ 2006). Their approach should also be compassionate but strong, threatening the employee with loss of employment if he or she does not seek help (‘’ 2006). Some large companies provide access to inexpensive or free treatment programs for their workers (‘’ 2006). These rehabilitation programs can be helpful for the alcoholics to realize their worth as individuals in the company. In this way, they can be motivated to undergo treatment and in turn, become productive.


Long-Term Treatment – This is when the alcoholic decides to participate in the treatment from the Alcoholics Anonymous. To achieve total abstinence as being done by the patients, the alcoholic aims to avoid high-risk situations and replace the addictive patterns with satisfying, time-filling behaviors (‘’ 2006).

            Moreover, many alcohol treatment programs are based on the 12-step program, which is used in Alcoholics Anonymous, where the alcoholics are encouraged to be open and share experiences, but are not required to do so (‘’ 2006). Those who are serious about quitting must seek out a sponsor, which help them through their recovery process, and this person is available to them in case they are having a weak moment or if they just need words of encouragement (‘’ 2006).


Inspiring Words – It has been reported that alcohol treatment programs are designed to get the person back on track physically and emotionally, so that they can face their addiction and gain control of their lives (‘’ 2006). Self-esteem and self-worth is greatly distorted by the addiction, so treatment interventions include group and individual therapy to get at the root of the trauma which may have caused the cycle to begin in the first place (‘’ 2006). Inspiring words can be beneficial for the alcoholic adolescent to become motivated to undergo treatment. With this, the family and friends can help by talking frequently to the patient.


Drugs and Medication – The alcoholic must discover what causes them to drink, whey they cannot stop, and what counter measures they can use when these triggers occur (‘’ 2006). Recovering alcoholics may also benefit from prescribed medications, such as anti-depressants or anti-anxiety drugs to help them control their physical symptoms of withdrawal, which can only be prescribed by a medical doctor or psychiatrist (‘’ 2006). However, the parents or guardian of the patient must supervise the patient in administering treatment of drugs. In this way, the patient can be given the proper dose of the medication and can be ensured of proper treatment.  

Preventive Measures

            The saying ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ is applicable in this situation. With earlier prevention and information, many adolescents will not be involved in drinking at an early age. With this, parents and guardians of the adolescents must take responsibility over them to inform them of the consequences of being an alcoholic.

            It has been reported that one way to prevent adolescent drinking is to stay involved and interested in the teenager’s life (‘’ 2004). In this way, the parents know the activities of their children, including their peers and their schedule in school. Another way is to talk openly to your children, especially to pre-teens and teens, about the widespread presence and dangers of alcohol and drugs (‘’ 2004). This will serve as a warning for them and information to prevent the incidence of alcoholism. Act as a role model and do not drink excessively or use other drugs or smoke (‘’ 2004). The adolescents will realize that their parents are good example of moral values, and not indulge themselves to becoming alcoholics.

            With these, the parents can interact properly with their children and somehow monitor their behavior. The key concept in this issue is communication. With good and constant communication, parents and children can have a good and lasting relationship. This can help both parties to educate one another regarding life and become involved with the activities of one another. Good communication can help each other create a good environment for one another.



            A three-stage stratified sampling method will be used in this study. In the first stage of sampling, six cities will be stratified into eastern and western United States. In addition, three cities from the eastern part of the United States, namely, Mississippi, New York and Florida will be chosen, and three cities from the western part, namely California, Wyoming and Oregon, will be chosen for data gathering and comparison. In the second stage of sampling, one rural city and one city region will be randomly selected from each state. In the third stage of sampling, individuals will be randomly chosen from the selected city and only one participant will be selected from each household.     

A total of 30 participants aged 13 to 20 years will be randomly selected from the population and will be invited to participate. This age bracket will be considered because at these ages, adolescents become exposed for the first time to alcoholic drinks or beverages. The socioeconomic status of the participants will also be considered, as with their classification, whether they belong to a rural or an urban city. Aside from these, the education of the participants will also be considered. Education is also a good basis for the knowledge of the participants regarding alcoholism.    

            Data will be collected in the participants’ residential area, and during the visits, the participants will be asked to answer a questionnaire to obtain information on demographic characteristics, including age, sex, education, and occupation. Obtaining data through questionnaire will be easier for evaluation of the participants’ exposure and interest in alcoholic drinks. The questionnaire that will be distributed to the participants will have 20 questions, and will be answered by each of the participants with the supervision of the researcher. In addition, a simple interview will be also be administered by the researcher to somehow interact with the participants.

            From these questionnaires, a data will be generated and will serve as a survey on the exposure of the participants to alcoholic drinks or beverages. These data will be helpful in assessing their interest and opinion regarding treatment, if ever they will be diagnosed to suffer from alcoholism. The questionnaires will not only include questions regarding the participants’ exposure to alcohol, but will contain questions talking about the common symptoms being experienced by alcoholics. These will be helpful for evaluation and examination of the participants. If ever the results will indicate a positive diagnosis for alcoholism as indicated by the symptoms listed in the questionnaire, then the researcher can refer the participants to a hospitals or rehabilitation centers for treatment.

            To check the reliability and the significance of the study, statistical analysis will be also be used. Statistical tools will be helpful to assess the significance and the relationship of demographic factors and the data gathered from the participants. All the calculations will be weighted to evaluate and assess the interest of the participants for possible treatment. In this light, the researcher can assess if the treatments proposed to alcoholics are effective to motivate them to participate and undergo treatment.     



            The possible results of the study would somehow become helpful in the fulfillment of its aim to detect the earliest possible age of adolescents to become exposed to alcoholic drinks. This study can also assess the relationship of having a family history of alcoholism and its effect to adolescent alcoholism.

Potential implication of the study would include the evaluation of the researcher of the conditions existing among the adolescents in the United States. This study would also provide information and knowledge on adolescent alcoholism, which can be attributed to the adolescents’ exposure or none exposure to alcoholic drinks or beverages. Another implication of the study also includes the development of more effective ways of treatment for alcoholics. These also include the improvement of the existing treatments, and the conceptualization of new ones to motivate the adolescents for treatment of alcoholism at an early age.

This study also has several limitations. One of its limitations is that it covers only a small number of participants, and due to limited budget, cannot cover the entire United States for obtaining data. Another limitation, is that the survey does not represent the total population of the adolescents with the age of 13 to 20 years, due to the limited number of participants to be included. Another limitation is that this study would not obtain blood samples from the participants to examine their blood alcohol content. This can be helpful to assess the condition of the participants.   




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