Chapter 5



            This chapter presents the conclusion and recommendations based on the SWOT analysis of the project.



            This process will immensely benefit the different law enforcement agencies in the country, specifically the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

Currently, the PNP is creating system called the Philippine National Police Crime Information System (PNPCIS) which is envisioned to be the main Crime Information System for the PNP.  The main objective of the creation is to provide a comprehensive database of all crime-related information from the operative units down to the police stations PNP-wide.

The PNPCIS will encompass a number of salient features and attributes; one of which is the development of effective and efficient data entry for the users in order to lessen and minimize the time consumed in encoding crime data, especially from the National Crime Reporting System (NCRS) Form.  The system concept covers the establishment and maintenance of comprehensive databases harmonized file structures of the different crime information system.  Moreover, the PNPCIS intends to eliminate the coded features of the existing National Police Crime Information System (NCIS) that leads to minimal output.  The system shall generate reliable, accurate and timely required statistical reports for decision-making, operative planning and crime control.

The proposed PNPCIS shall continue using the Databases of those existing crime information systems – such as the Firearms Information Management System (FIMS), Vehicle Information Management System (VIMS), Security Agencies and Guards Information System (SAGIS), and Wanted person Information System (WPIS) – so as not to rebuild it.  This will also be the realization of the database integration and reconciliation of the above-mentioned crime information systems.

As it is, the situation now is that the number of warrants of arrest could easily reach the hundreds in any given day.  These warrants of arrest arrive randomly from different regions in the country.         If a warrant of arrest is lost, it is hard to get a new one from the judge.  Even if the warrant of arrest is not lost, the current system demands that the warrant of arrest be printed, and certified by the court.  The biggest danger is that, due to the immense number of warrants of arrest, there is a possibility that the inadequate and minimal storage space in the EDP-MIS is not enough to keep all of them.  The current system of filing and storing the warrant of arrest has to be revolutionized since the technology is already available.  This would immensely improve the service of the Warrants Branch and cause more ease in the retrieval of such document.

            The digitalization of the archiving and retrieval of warrants of arrest can translate into the following benefits:  easy retrieval of the WOA copy, easy serving of WOA, easy maintenance and organization of WOA filing, ease in usage, and ease in reproduction and printing.  Other plus factors include low operating and maintenance cost, continuous usage, the need for it is not seasonal, and the coverage is nationwide, benefiting different organizations in law enforcement. 

            Furthermore, the new system can process hundreds of warrants of arrest per day and won’t need many personnel to operate it.  There would be no expense in the maintenance of equipment since the contractor will take care of it.  Hopefully, the incidences of losing a WOA along the processing chain are minimized to a great deal.  Also, investigators who may need a WOA can easily locate the WOA requested and have a copy printed.

            However, there is also a possibility of the system bogging down since it is equipment dependent.  Moreover, a large initial cost of money is need in processing backlogged WOA’s.   It also needs specialized training skills to be able to be operated on, and since the equipment is programmed to serve warrants of arrest only, its uses for documentation is limited.

Also, there is always the threat of other new digitalization methods in archiving and the possibility of tampering of information in the WOA by unscrupulous people, that’s why checks and balances should be implemented. 



The researcher was able to accomplish the main purpose of this study, but there are still some areas that could be further improved on.

1.            Even if this would take more time and effort and make some changes in the system, the researcher believes that this system would become more beneficial if it could also process other documents that is continuously being used by these law enforcement agencies.

2.            The future researchers should find time to personally seek out other technologies and systems that can benefit the operations of the PNP at the administrative level.

3.                   The researcher also recommends that tampering of documents be discouraged and that safeguards be implemented before any occurrence of this will happen.


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