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Basically, the respondents of the study will consist of Chinese consumers. The criteria for the Chinese customers are that they should at least be knowledgeable of and patronizing the foreign brands. The reason for this is to make sure that they have enough time to evaluate the foreign brands and if it satisfies them. The Chinese consumers to be surveyed, on the other hand, should have knowledge about customer complaints and customer satisfaction in the foreign brands. They should be aware of what is usually being complained and being praised concerning the foreign brands. The survey will be conducted on various parts of China. The sampling technique to be used is convenience sampling to make the process faster and easier.

Part 1. Profile of Respondents

This part of the paper shall be discussing the general profile of the respondents. The first to be taken into consideration is the age of the respondents. The responses are summarized in the figure below. The exhibit shows that a major part of the Chinese respondents are rather mature (35 above), consisting of 30%. This might be reflected by the fact that the predominant positions of the respondents are in the managerial level, which requires a considerable amount of working experience. This is further asserted by the 27% who were in their early thirties and the 20% in their late twenties.

Exhibit 1. Age of Respondents


The next to be taken into consideration is the gender of the Chinese respondents. Apparently, a major part of the respondents constitute the male gender. This also states that majority of the respondents attached to foreign brands adheres to more masculine perspectives. Nevertheless, a 47% of the respondents are female. On the other hand, with the seemingly patriarchal culture in organization, it could be posited that females were not that good in the position.

Exhibit 2. Gender of Respondents


Exhibit 3. Educational Attainment of Respondents

Exhibit 3. Likewise, the Chinese respondents were asked for their educational attainment and the report shows 53 % of them are college level. The survey indicates that most of the respondents are college level that is engage to the study. The diversity of the population is further asserted when the respondents were asked regarding their professional history. This data illustrate the maturity of the respondents particularly in terms of experience. On the other hand, the apparent youthfulness of the respondents, provided by their age and their lack of professional experience could not be considered as deterrence to their responses considering that the researcher has made sure the respondents have been connected with the bank for at least a month. Moreover, there is a noticeable distinction of the respective positions of the younger generations in their respective perceptions towards the impact customer satisfaction on the foreign brands.

Part 2. General Purchasing Behavior

Actually, a self-administered questionnaire, or the type of questionnaire that is usually completed by respondents (Saunders et al, 2003), was constructed to gather the needed data. This section comprised of a set of attitude statements that intends to determine the level of agreement or disagreement using a five-point Likert scale. In the Likert technique, the degree of agreement or disagreement) is given a numerical value ranging from one to five, thus a total numerical value can be calculated from all the responses. (Underwood, 2004) The equivalent weights for the answers were:

Range                                                            Interpretation

            5.00                                                               Very Important

            4.00                                                               Important

            3.00                                                               Neutral

            2.00                                                               Unimportant    

            1.00                                                               Totally Unimportant


Exhibit 1. Perception towards Consumer Decisions on Foreign TV Brands


Figure 1


As most of the respondents of the study are working for different companies in China, the way they perceive whether they own a TV or not appears to be varied as well. In Figure 1, although a greater number of respondents said that they own a TV, the results of the participants’ responses seem to be slightly well-distributed among the survey choices given.


2. Which TV brand do you have?




















Figure 2


Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that they preferred foreign TV brands over domestic TV brands. However, though they do not consider it a problem to avail the services of domestic TV brands. As shown in Figure 2, majority 80% of the respondents strongly voted that foreign TV brands are able to provide more quality services as opposed to domestic TV brands. In fact, during the interview, most of the respondents commonly voiced out on this factor.






3. Where do you shop your TV?











          Figure 3


Chinese consumers are able to make the most of the benefits provided by TVs when these are highly accessible. TV companies must see to it that the shops affiliated to them are accessible for the consumers. Transportation going to these places should not be a problem for most consumers. Service hours of these TV shops should also be accessible for the clients. See Figure 3 for the percentage distribution of the participants’ replies with regards to the places where they shop their TVs.







4. How often do you change TV?












                                                                        Figure 4

As supported by the results of the survey, majority of the respondents (41%) do change their TVs every three years. Others (19%) change their TVs every two years and 12% of the respondents once a year. There were respondents (20%) who disagreed that changing TVs often are really needed. They said that TV services are optional benefits and something that other people can live without. There were no respondents however, who strongly disagreed to change TVs even after long periods of time. See Figure 4 for the graphical presentation and percentage distribution.






5. What sources of information do you use in order to purchase a TV?




















                                                                        Figure 5



As most of the respondents of the study are working for different companies in China, the way they perceive their sources of information in purchasing their TVs appears to be varied as well. In Figure 5, although a greater number of respondents said that magazine advertising was their primary source of information, the results of the participants’ responses seem to be slightly well-distributed among the survey choices given.









PART 3: Factors Influencing Choices

1. Do you prefer foreign TV brands to national TV brands?





















Figure 6


Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that they preferred foreign TV brands over domestic TV brands. However, though they do not consider it a problem to avail the services of domestic TV brands. As shown in Figure 6, majority 80% of the respondents strongly voted that foreign TV brands are able to provide more quality services as opposed to domestic TV brands. In fact, during the interview, most of the respondents commonly voiced out on this factor.





2. What do you think about foreign brand TVs?











          Figure 7


Chinese consumers are able to make the most of the benefits provided by their domestic TVs especially because of their good quality. The Chinese consumers believe that foreign TV companies always see to it that the new technologies are accessible for them. See Figure 7 for the percentage distribution of the participants’ replies with regards to their thoughts on foreign TV brands.








3. If let you buy a foreign TV brand what factor(s) stimulate you to buy?












                                                                        Figure 8

As supported by the results of the survey, majority of the respondents (41%) mentioned that quality was the main reason as to why they buy the TV. Others (19%) take into consideration the TV design and 12% of the respondents focus on the types of TV. There were respondents (20%) who cited that the packaging of the TV is really important to them. They said that TV packaging is an optional benefit and something that other TV fanatics cannot live without. See Figure 8 for the graphical presentation and percentage distribution.







4. How is the quality of foreign TV brand compare with national TV brand?





















Figure 9


Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that foreign TV brands had higher values over domestic TV brands. However, though they do not consider it a problem to avail the services of domestic TV brands. As shown in Figure 2, majority 54% of the respondents strongly voted that foreign TV brands are able to provide more quality services as opposed to domestic TV brands. In fact, during the interview, most of the respondents commonly voiced out on this factor.






5. Assuming that the price is the same, would you choose the national TV brand foreign TV brand?






















Figure 10


Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that they would till prefer foreign TV brands over domestic TV brands even if the prices would be the same. In Figure 10, although a greater number of respondents said that they still favor the foreign TV brands, the results of the participants’ responses seem to be slightly well-distributed among the survey choices given.






Please state the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements:


1) Foreign TV brands are of better quality than national brands.




















Figure 11


As most of the respondents of the study are working for different companies in China, the way they perceive whether foreign TV brands are of better quality than national brands appears to be varied as well. In Figure 11, although a greater number of respondents strongly agreed that foreign TV brands are of better quality than national brands, the results of the participants’ responses seem to be slightly well-distributed among the survey choices given.




2) Foreign TV brands have better brand image than national TV brands.



















Figure 12



Generally, the participants of the study evaluated that foreign TV brands have better image over domestic TV brands. However, though they do not consider it a problem to avail the services of domestic TV brands. As shown in Figure 12, majority (41%) of the respondents strongly voted that foreign TV brands have better image as opposed to domestic TV brands. In fact, during the interview, most of the respondents commonly voiced out on this factor.













3) Foreign TV brands have better customer service than nation TV brands.





















Figure 13



Chinese consumers are able to make the most of the benefits provided by TVs when these have better customer services. The results showed that the respondents believe that indeed foreign TV brands have better customer services than national TV brands. See Figure 13 for the percentage distribution of the participants’ replies.









6. What factor(s) prevent you in making decision to buy the foreign TV brand that you intend to buy?

















Figure 14



As supported by the results of the survey, majority of the respondents (68%) cited brand as the primary factor that prevents them form buying foreign TV brands. Others (25%) cited packaging and 4% of the respondents cited design. There were respondents (20%) who cited sales promotion as the primary factor that prevents them form buying foreign TV brands. They said sales promotion is an optional benefit and something that other people can live without See Figure 14 for the graphical presentation and percentage distribution.








Interview Portion

This part of the questionnaire is about the basic role and performance of the foreign TV brands among the Chinese consumers, the second part is about the power of foreign TV brands in the markets of China while the third part is for the determination of the developmental role of the foreign TV brands. The third part also contains specific questions that require definite answers while the first two parts are evaluation of the foreign TV brands, in which the interviewees simply check the box that corresponds to their answers.


On the first part, it was found out that majority of the foreign TV brands that are being sold in China are being perceived by the Chinese respondents to have fairly acceptable services and benefits, but commented that the foreign TV brands need further improvements.

Four of the seven Chinese economists interviewed answered “unacceptable” on the quality of foreign TV brands being sold in the market. The following data are obtained from the interviews conducted with the Chinese respondents:

Performance of Foreign TV Brands

Very Acceptable


Neither Acceptable nor Unacceptable


Very Unacceptable































Market Stability












Table 2. Performance of Foreign TV Brands Rated by Chinese respondents


On the other hand they commended the Chinese government on its effort to promote economic development and to reduce poverty in China through the introduction of foreign brands. One of the respondents noted that the programs for the introduction of foreign brands is really of great importance and are badly needed by the country. They are aware other foreign brands in other country hesitate to invest in China because of the poverty in the country and the fear of not getting a good return on investment.



To a large extent

To some extent

A little

Not at all

To what extent can foreign brands help in developing the markets of China?






To what extent can the foreign brands have power within the Chinese markets?






To what extent can the introduction of the foreign brands help achieve the effectiveness of the markets in China?







Table 3. Power of Foreign Brands on the Markets of China Rated by Chinese Respondents


Very Effective

Fairly Effective

Not very Effective

Not effective at all

How effective are foreign brands in facilitating the economy of China?





How effective are foreign brands in facilitating the development of capital market through the private sector?





Table 4.Effectiveness of Foreign Brands

            In facilitating the Chinese economy, most Chinese economist perceive the foreign brands to be not very effective as well as in facilitating the development of capital market through the private sector. They added that the majority of the small and medium enterprises in the country lack awareness and knowledge on the importance of foreign brands as well as activities that that will boost the financial stability. The local businesses also lack strategies on how to improve their businesses thus they do not see the needs to form partnerships with foreign companies and the financial support it can provide. Consequently, local businesses do not have much property that should serve as collateral that they can use in case they need money for the expansion of their businesses.

Interpretations of the Findings

Findings of the Study

            The previous chapter focused on the presentation of the findings of the study and thus used tables and charts for the explanation. In expanding these findings, the study also utilized explanations that allow for interpretations of the findings. While the questionnaires were used for the presentation of the demographics, the interviews meanwhile provided the explanations and further assessment of the findings in an effort to provide a well-rounded study that covers the important facts concerning the subject.

China: Its Profile

As a powerful nation, China has been steadily gaining importance and acceptance. The arrivals of foreign brands have maintained impressive growth in the past decade. The marketability of foreign brands in China has shown considerable improvement.


Media and communication facilities which are a natural concomitant to any effective promotion of foreign brands in China are already fairly well developed in the state (2000). China’s marketing activities too have been intensified in the last few years. The visibility in the market is high, the basic foreign product is well appreciated and the facilities are reasonably good. Now what remains to be done is a consolidation of our achievements and assets, which a focus on the micro details, with a view to offering a better market for foreign products.


Foreign TV Brands in China: Its purposes and scope

            Admittedly, in China’s eagerness to expand its marketing activities for foreign brands and emerge as a major market leader, a series of projects have been undertaken in the last few years all along the state. In this phase of quantitative expansion, qualitative details were sometimes ignored. As a result, the full returns on the investment made in foreign brands have not been received. In a service industry like tourism, with its very existence value of the visitor, neglect of details can be a costly lapse, capable of eroding the very value of our product.


The entry of foreign TV brands is a specially tailored program, specific in its extent and definite in its objectives. Primarily it aims at focused introduction and development of foreign brands in selected destinations in China (2006). The program aims to provide these better foreign products, specifically for the Chinese people.

The entry of foreign TV brands in China has four major components.

a)         Infrastructure Development

b)         Product Development

c)         Marketing

d)         Community Awareness


What is finally aimed at is the creation of a few fully developed foreign TV brands which will be capable of providing the best experience to the Chinese citizens. The program aims at integrating the efforts and resources of different agencies to suit the needs of the Chinese citizens. It will essentially tackle the critical gaps in development.


Methodology and Approach

The entry of foreign TV brands in China is finite and specific in its geographical extent and the duration of implementation. This calls for well-defined schemes and time-bound execution.


No additional budget provision is sought for under this program. But the existing schemes of the various departments would be dovetailed to suit the requirements of this program. It essentially entails a prioritization of schemes to suit the needs of the Chinese people. However, timely implementation is essential, as the program attempts to consolidate the various achievements, Government has already constituted an Empowered Committee to consider and clear various proposals under the program. This eliminated procedural delays and facilitated better coordination.

While selecting the locations, under this program, the following norms have been considered.

         Present status of the available foreign TV brands

         Target Market

         Marketability of the foreign TV brands


Response of Chinese consumers to the Entry of Foreign TV Brands

            Foreign TV brands were always viewed to be an important aspect for China and from this they must be able to find ways in which they will delegate several features on their industry. Because foreign TV brands over the years have had erratic declines and surges due to the implementation of different security measures around the world the industry must ensure the continued application of the preferences that the Chinese consumers may have.


            Based on the findings of the study, changes with regards to the quality of foreign brands is one of the highest maintenance methods of ensuring loyalty of the Chinese consumers. Features of the foreign TV brands do not only include the prices or affordability but also the different places where they may be able to be purchased among others, although it is certainly attractive for the Chinese consumers to go to the place if they would wish to (1980). As such, China is thus responding to the different surges within the marketing methods of foreign brands within the country through providing services that the Chinese consumers will appreciate especially located in places where they are more likely to go.


            However, it was noted that some other issues must also be addressed as was found by the respondents. These will be addressed in the following sections of the study and will again be based on the specific answers that the respondents to both the questionnaires and the interviews from which the researcher will focus on.


Perception in Foreign TV Brands by the Chinese consumers

            It can already be gathered that the Chinese consumers have a desire to purchase foreign products if only for the fact that they are currently available in the area and already find it desirable to use them. Based on the questionnaires, the respondents have several methods of determining whether a foreign product would be acceptable to them, which includes considering the price  in which they are sold, the necessity of using the foreign TV brand, the factor of important foreign TV brands to use and what “should not be missed”, as well as the interest that the Chinese consumers have vested on the particular foreign product, whether with regards to the cultural, historical, or other interests that they may have on the foreign product. They believe that China can be an interesting place and has several places to offer the foreign TV brands to the consumers including the different places that hold marketing figures as well as the unique services that the foreign products can offer to the Chinese consumers that cannot be offered anywhere else ( 2006).


            One of the things that the Chinese consumers consider in their choice of foreign TV brands is the availability of the product to their place where as well as the worthiness of these foreign products and how they can contribute to their well-being. Enjoyment both in using these foreign products as well as while spending the time in using the foreign products themselves was also considered as a considerably important by the respondents.


            With regards to the foreign products themselves, the respondents believe that China is a culturally rich area and has been contributing to the enlargement of not only the foreign product knowledge of the people but also with regards to inspiration and changes in foreign brand perspectives. Foreign products from different places in China were also highly considered and the respondents have their own opinions concerning the affordability of these foreign products. The Chinese consumers believe that as people who are entitled to their preferences in the products they use and as they believe they should be enjoying the experience, they believe that the foreign products and the companies who offer these foreign products must ensure that they will continue to give quality foreign products to the Chinese consumers.


Foreign Products that the Chinese people believe are Most Satisfying

            One of the points of quality foreign products is for the Chinese consumers use these products where they have no previous experience before and be able to see particular aspects of the foreign product to decide what makes it good. Such activities are usually provided with foreign products that cater to the needs of the Chinese consumers, as based on the industry’s suggestions. While the research did not provide the specific foreign products that the respondents believe that they are enjoying, it is nevertheless enlightening to know some common requirements (1999).


            First of all, the Chinese consumers believe that a foreign product will gather more points in their assessment if it has a particular significance. Due to the study being focused on China, it is possible that the Chinese consumers are drawn to the classical products of the country, thus rendering them more interested on foreign products and brands where there were social or historical significance. At the same time, the percentage of respondents who believe that foreign products being offered to the Chinese consumers are important for their well-being is also high, therefore another possible factor that the Chinese consumers may use is based on the quality of the foreign product that may be offered to them or the foreign brand from which they may not normally enjoy. While these are not all necessarily the main reason for the consumer behavior of the respondents, it nevertheless gives the Chinese consumers an advantage when they wish to explore a particular foreign product and might want to get other things from the area. Although the findings of the study has found that a significant number of Chinese consumers do not necessarily include luxury foreign products as part of the foreign brands when they are buying such products, such equation presented in the previous chapter shows equal opinions from both sides.


            The strategic assessment of the Chinese foreign TV brand markets concerning the possible places that the Chinese consumers may wish to buy these foreign brands may then include assessing the market environments that they may have while also ensuring that they protect these foreign brands from possible overpricing, which includes natural inflation. Moreover, there is also the possibility that the Chinese government also consider that these foreign products must be advertised and promoted for the Chinese consumers to know.


            Well-known foreign TV brands were favored by many of the respondents as one of the factors for the preferences and while the benefits found in a particular foreign product is also considered to be an important aspect for the Chinese consumers (2000). Satisfaction that the Chinese people may found in a specific foreign product is also an important aspect although the finding of the researcher shows that there is a need for the provision of better promotion leading to the information of these foreign brands. All in all, the foreign products are fair considered to be important by the respondents and the Chinese industry must ensure that this will be well-represented.

Improvements that must be done in the Marketing of Foreign TV brands        

Because of the importance of foreign products in China, many of the Chinese consumers believe that some aspects of the marketing must be changed or improved in order to cater for their needs. One of which was suggested was the inclusion of Chinese-speaking foreign TV product endorsers; many of the respondents believe that Chinese is a language that should be learned by the product endorsers in their country. Even if the foreign TV product endorsers themselves are not native Chinese-speakers, it may be advantageous for the mother countries to train foreign product endorsers who will be able to provide specific directions and also to train themselves to become more service-oriented when giving information to the Chinese consumers. Communication is an important aspect for the whole industry.


            Another aspect that needs to be improved is with regards to the following of foreign product selling guidelines and regulations, with these being followed by both the marketing company and the Chinese consumers themselves especially with regards to the specific requirements of a foreign product. Development plan for the country and the concepts must be assessed before being approved, and there must be consideration for the culture of the locals while also ensuring that there is the provision for the needs of the Chinese consumers. Such holistic approach, as the respondents believe, will be helpful for the Chinese consumers as a whole. In order to ensure that there will be a holistic approach, the Chinese industry must also work with the locals in order to ensure that the culture and the foreign TV products will be preserved while the consumers will also be able to understand the significance of the foreign brands.


            Another suggestion by the respondents is that private companies either local or international must take the classical inspiration that China has given to the world and help in sustaining the market for foreign TV products. At the same time, because of the crisis that has been occurring all over the world and the current drop on the emphasis on foreign product entry, it may also help for both the industry and the locals in China to ensure safety and precautions that will not only cater to the consumers but to the locals—who are the heart and soul of the area—and therefore must also be ensured of their safety. It is through this that the foreign brand market of China will be able to offer better foreign products and brands for the Chinese consumers who have come to use these products and also be able to accommodate and understand the culture of the people within the country.

CHAPTER 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Further Recommendations


            This chapter provides the final sections to be included in the study, which is the summary of the whole study including the reiteration of the aims and objectives of the study as well as the findings that were presented in the previous chapter. The conclusions were based on these findings and enumerated the deductions made based on the presented information. Finally, the further recommendations listed the actions and further researches others—including both researchers and organization leaders or teachers—may do in order to ensure the use of the data gathered by the researchers of this study. As such, this chapter was further subdivided into three sections (i.e. summary, conclusion and recommendations).


Summary of Key Findings

            The study concentrated on assessing the characteristics and factors that influence the Chinese consumers in their purchase of foreign TV brands. From this the researcher must be able to assess the influence of the foreign brands based on the perspectives of the Chinese consumers themselves. Here, the research must also focus on the specific expectations of the Chinese consumers regarding foreign brands, which may include the culture, history, architectures, places, and other such attractions for the Chinese consumers. Finally, the study sought to find ways in which the Chinese consumers’ foreign TV brand preferences will also be heightened and improved over the years based on changing or developing some aspects within the Chinese markets. Since foreign brands play a significant role in the economy of China, this study was helpful for improvements and development of the industry, and may also be helpful for the researches on the economic expectations of the country.


            The research method utilized both the qualitative and the quantitative method for the gathering of data; these methods were helpful in gathering, measuring, and interpreting the information from the Chinese respondents. Both the questionnaire and the interview methods were also used for the gathering of data; the Chinese respondents numbered to 100 were given surveys questionnaires and interviews for seven Chinese economists. The area of study is confined within China, and will focus on the famous foreign brands that the Chinese consumers believe influence them the most. The three areas concerning the foreign brands to be considered by the questionnaires and the interviews are the foreign brands that the tourists used, the features of the foreign brands, and finally the quality of the foreign brands that they use. The method of measuring will be based on the Likert scale and will be interpreted accordingly based on the analysis of the writer.


Further Recommendations

            There are several methods for putting recommendations of the study yet all of these will take the gathered information into consideration, with the conclusions also playing a high part in the study. Further recommendations may include the actions that organizations may take or the perspectives or methods that researchers may take.


            For researching, the further researches that can be made are the following:

1.         Assessment of the impact of foreign brands to the consumers in China.

2.         Assessment of the Chinese consumers’ needs with regards to foreign products and how they perceive its quality.

3.         Provision of market development plans

4.         Finally, there may be researches done concerning the impact of the foreign products and brands to the Chinese consumers themselves and what they expect when they purchase these products.


            With regards to the recommendation for further actions, however, it is suggested that Chinese consumers should be questioned on their expectations with regards to the foreign brands in China. At the same time, the foreign brand organizations must also take locals into consideration when they enlisting a possible foreign product to be marketed in China.

Directions for Further Research

Based on the results, findings and analyses of this research, the following conclusions are evaluated and formulated:

It is clear that the foreign TV products being marketed in China are very effective. As shown in the study, its Chinese costumers are satisfied to the quality of the foreign brands existing in the Chinese market. Foreign brands are meeting the current demands for quality products among Chinese consumers.

 There are various benefits that foreign TV brands get from its satisfied Chinese customers because of its effectiveness and high quality. One of which is the loyalty of the Chinese consumer. This is reflected in the loyalty behavior of the Chinese customer. This only happens when a Chinese customer is satisfied or exceedingly satisfied. It is also possible that the satisfied costumer will spread to others about the good foreign product he/she uses. Therefore, it is likely that other people who learn about the foreign product/service will also purchase the product/service. Another is the development to the Chinese costumer of a “subconscious monopoly,” meaning, he/she does not buy other foreign products other than those made by a specific foreign company.  Also beneficial to the foreign brands is the tolerance by the satisfied Chinese costumers the increases in the foreign product’s price (2004).

Consumer Satisfaction Program’s goal is for the Chinese industry to make sure that their Chinese customers are satisfied with the foreign brand and services existing in their markets. As Chinese customers’ preferences change and competition in the market tightens, companies need to keep their customers as well as get other prospective customers. To be able to do that, Chinese government must always monitor the changes in their customers preferences as well as how bad or how good their respective foreign brands perform vis-à-vis their competitors. However, knowing the needs and preferences of the Chinese customers is not enough. As changes occur, foreign companies must also initiate changes within their respective organization. Foreign companies must be able to adapt to the changing environment so as for them to be able to effectively and efficiently address whatever their customers’ needs are.



Based on the discussion presented in the first chapter, there are several questions that the researcher aimed to answer, all of which was presented. The demographics of the study based on the collected questionnaire shows that the respondents are already adults and therefore, based on their decision-making abilities, already have a clear inkling on what they may wish to expect on their tour. Employment status also shows that many of the respondents were within the permanent and probation status, thus showing that they are already certain of their places within their employment in order to take a vacation despite having jobs.


            These established characteristics of the respondents gave some background based on their answers and also allow other researchers to assess the validity of their claims. Such evaluation may be helpful for determining the possible influences on the consumer behavior of the Chinese people, especially within foreign brands.


Basically, the success of the acceptability of the foreign brands in China include: depends on timely implementation and proper follow up. It should, however, be possible to make this a major landmark in the promotion of foreign brands in China. Once the fist set of these locations receive the benefit of this campaign it should be possible to take up other destinations. The program aims at creating the right socio-atmosphere and the correct physical infrastructure for the acceptance of the foreign brands from the Chinese consumers. The intangible factors that affect the consumer behavior of a Chinese consumer among foreign brands are sought to be minimized, if not eliminated by this conscious program of upgrading the foreign brands, standardizing the foreign products and conscientizing the Chinese consumers. Development of foreign brands in China is a continuous process which will generate new problems while solving the existing ones. Up gradation of schemes, introduction of new marketing programs and announcement of fresh incentives will have to be a continuous process .The cumulative effect of foreign product promotion can be fully felt if only the constraints are eliminated. Government should whole-heartedly concern itself with such up gradations and amendments in the existing legislations, schemes and programs in all the allied sectors like transport, taxation, electricity, motor vehicle etc.


         The development of foreign products in China is today on the threshold of a new era of pragmatic approach and clear perspective approach. The stage is set to transform China into the destination of foreign brands.


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