1. What is the provisional title of your dissertation?

An effectiveness and efficiency of online training program applied in a medical device company where requires specialty employees with a high techchology skill.


2. What is the question that you are seeking to answer?

Effectivenss and efficiency of online training program for employees in a high techn medical device company may be low as due to a poor understanding of the interaction of a device technology and biomechanism which may require to adopt other types of training.


3. What academic issues does this research address?

The acquisition of training skills occurs through a different stage of learning process, employment of online training, therefore should occur in a determined stage of training process for its effectiveness and efficiency.


4. What do you expect to be the central argument within your research?

 Online training is less efficient for employees in medical device industry where requires equipment of a high technical skill through a full understanding of interaction of a high tech medical device and a human biomechanism as compared to class room training and field training.


5. What do you think it is important to undertake this research?

To be able to provide an adequate employee training in medical device industry, implementation of the online training program should be determined an effectiveness and efficiency of the training while online training program can benefit more people as compared to classroom type of training due to its easy accessibility.


6. Some of relevant books or articles that are fundamental for this research.


  • Computers in company training,  (1988)

  • Computer based Instruction: Methods and Development,  &  (1991)

  • A Handbook of computer-based training,  & (1993)

  • Learning with N W Information Technologies in Schools: Prospectives from the Psychology of learning and instruction, (1990)



7. What if any are the limitations with the literature relating to your research questions?

Acquisition of online training program for emplyoee training in medical device industry has occurred not so long ago as such, there might be restricted evaluation of an effectiveness and efficiency of onling training program in medical device industry although online training program is widely being used for employee training in other industry.


8. What techniques(methodology) do you intend to use within this approach?

Questionnair method will be utilised for employees who had taken online training and are undergoing online training in a selected medical device complany.





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