

You have been asked to design an evaluation form you will be using for the evaluation of an Information System, in this case the UWS on-line Library system.


In lecture 2 you were told the following:


“This semester you will be evaluating an information system and then writing a business report about your findings.

·        How do you go about evaluating a CB Information System?

·        What criteria do you think are important?

·        Homework – find at least 5 websites that contain information about how to evaluate a CBIS. Write a one-page report on the major criteria.”


In lecture 3 you were advised that in the lab sessions of weeks 4 and 5 you would be doing the evaluation of the IS, and what would be required after that, and what the outcome of your exercise on the evaluation criteria was:


·        In weeks 4 and 5 you will be asked to evaluate a CBIS (e.g. in tutorial sessions)

·        You will then write a Business Report on your findings

·        Last week we briefly discussed how you would evaluate a CBIS and what criteria you would use

·        You were to research how to evaluate a CBIS – what did you discover?



The following information is a copy of what was provided in lecture 3 so that you would have more information on what you may need to address when producing an Evaluation form, and the Business Report.


Before you start

  • What are you trying to achieve?

  • What are your expectations?

  • Have you looked at similar programs/systems?

  • How will you assess the IS?

    • Using Yes/No answers?

    • Using a Scale – example 1 to 5 (with 5 being the highest rating)?

    • Using comments (text)?

Explain how and why you would use one of the above. 

General Assessments aspects to consider:


Program Content

  • Is the information

    • Accurate

    • Current

    • Complete

  • Does the program give adequate output

    • Can the output be customised?

    • Is the output to the screen; can it be printed?

User interface

  • Easy to use?

  • Navigation in logical order?

  • Is the Layout intuitive and logical?

  • Instructions easy to follow?

  • Help messages helpful?

  • Error message helpful?

  • Are there input masks – to help your input data?

  • Can you Autofill (if appropriate)?

  • Drop boxes so you can select input?

  • Consistent from one screen to another?

  • Is the text of a readable size and quality?

  • Are text and graphics used an in effective way?

  • Are the spelling, punctuation and grammar correct?

  • Can the users personalise the program?

    • That is, change colours etc

  • Are there shortcuts for experienced users?



  • Are the screen directions consistent and easy to follow?

  • Is online help available

  • Is the help consistent and comprehensive?

  • Can you print the help information if required?

  • Is there a site map?

Technical Aspects

  • What hardware is required by the user?

    • Disk space

    • Speed

    • RAM

  •  What software is required by the user?

    • Operating System

    • Application software

  • Do all the links work correctly?

  • Does it work with Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla?

  • Do the multimedia resources always work?

  • Is the program secure?

  • Are the access times adequate (from the UWS labs)?

  • Does the program slow down at peak times?

  • Is the program appropriate for different skill levels?


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