
2:07 PM Bibliography





Faculty of Business












Guidelines for Writing and

Presenting Assessment Items















Faculty of Business












Guidelines for Writing and

Presenting Assessment Items







The material included in these guidelines is made available for private study purposes at  UNITEC.  Use for other purposes is an infringement of copyright.

ÓUNITEC Institute of Technology – 2000

























January 2000 

These Guidelines were revised

Department of Accountancy, Law & Finance





















The material included in these guidelines is made available for private study purposes at UNITEC.  Use for other purposes is an infringement of copyright.










1.        Introduction                                                                     5   


2.        General Principles                                                         8


3.        Definitions                                                                        9


4.        Structure                                                                           10


5.        Language                                                                           11


6.        Visual Information                                                         14


7.        Referencing                                                                      15


8.        Plagiarism                                                                         21


9.        Research                                                                            23


10.          Essays, Reports, Critiques & Case Study               27



11.      Oral Presentations                                                         35


12.      Participating in Seminars                                           38


13.      Examination Skills                                                        40


14.      Bibliography                                                                    42


15.      Appendix – Essay Marking Schedule                      44




        Faculty of Business











Assignments, presentations and written assessment items form a large part of the overall assessment methods in every course of study that a student may undertake at UNITEC.


Valuable experience in a range of communication formats is gained by completing these assignments and this experience, and the achieving of a good standard, will be looked for in a job market which is placing increasing importance on effective writing and communication skills.


The purpose of this booklet is to help students understand what is required of them when set written assessment items, presentations or seminars, and to achieve a consistent standard, one which is acceptable throughout the Faculty of Business.  The booklet’s aim is to provide an outline of the basic principles associated with the various types of assignments and assessments that a student may be asked to produce.


The material included here is intended as a general guide only, and should not replace any further individual research that may be needed.  The UNITEC library has many reference texts that will supplement the ideas and suggestions incorporated in these Guidelines.






Assignments are set to challenge you, the student, to apply knowledge already gained, to research thoroughly and to think carefully about the set topic.


The organising of this material into a clear, logical order according to a set format is then required.  This displays the depth of your learning, your understanding, and any further reading or research you have done.


A great deal of hard work goes into any assignment and to achieve the best results possible, the following general guidelines should be applied.


        2.1   Keep the Reader in Mind


The reader we are talking about here is the lecturer who sets and marks the assignment.


The most important starting point of an assignment is to correctly identify what is being asked for.  In other words, ask yourself: “What is the point of this assignment?  What am I being asked to do?” This sounds very basic, but it is crucial that any assignment adequately and accurately addresses the issues it is intended to cover.


A course lecturer will give a set of instructions with every assignment.  These outline what is expected and what the lecturer is looking for.  It is important to refer to these instructions while working on an assignment, and to relate all the ideas and material you incorporate in your answer to the parameters of the question.  Straying from the point achieves nothing, and you will get no credit if you write at length on something that is irrelevant.  It is also useful to refer to the marking schedule or assessment criteria for the assignment – your lecturers should provide these when the assignment is distributed.  You can use the assessment criteria as a form of benchmark or checklist for the completeness of your work.  Don’t forget to look at the marks allocated to the various aspects of the assignment – where a high proportion is given, then you should concentrate your effort there.


        2.2   Presentation


It is important to take a careful approach to the presentation of your assignment.  You are being judged by the standard of the work you produce – while this is mainly the quality of the content, clearly and accurately expressed, the general appearance is important too.


Remember, the first impression the reader gets of your work is visual and first impressions can be very influential.  Care taken in presentation indicates a serious approach and gives your work credibility.


Your name, your lecturer’s name, the course and the assignment’s title should be on the front cover sheet.  If at all possible assignments should be word processed or typewritten; they will then be clear and easy to read and mark, and it also means that keeping a copy is uncomplicated.  Course information which you are given suggests you should always keep a copy of work submitted.


It is necessary to leave space to allow for marking and for your lecturer to note comments or give you feedback. We recommend that you achieve this by the use of wide margins (30-40mm) on both sides of each page and use double spacing for longer reports or essays.  Type on one side only of each page, and use a ‘12’ font size.


Use “white space” effectively, by paragraphing and leaving space after headings.  This not only makes your work more pleasing to the eye, with important points standing out, but it is then easier for the reader to follow through.


Pay attention to detail as the effort you put into presenting your work attractively is little trouble, and can be rewarded if marks are allocated for presentation.  Careful proof-reading (not just ‘spell checking’) will help you keep the marker on your side – it is a courtesy and indicates a positive and professional attitude.


        2.3   Time Management


It is vital that you manage your time and other commitments effectively – a last minute panic or unforeseen event will certainly limit your ability to produce work of a high quality.  The course outline you are given at the beginning of each course specifies each assessment item and its due date.  When you know the deadlines for all your course work and exams you should plan your time properly and balance the deadlines for all the courses in which you are enrolled.  Pay attention to what is required – length, method etc. then divide your time up so that you allow sufficient for planning, reading, drafting and writing the assignment, proofing it and preparing the final version.


Set yourself goals that are reasonable and can be achieved in the allotted time period.  Give yourself rewards when each goal has been met (eg. some time off to do something you enjoy).


A good idea is to start your assignment as soon as possible. Starting is often the hardest step – if you wait to “get in the mood” it may never happen.  Once you have taken this first step, motivation will follow as you become involved and interested in the topic, and closer to seeing it through. If you start early on and plan your time then your assignments should be able to be integrated relatively easily into your other work and study commitments, and thus keep stress at an acceptable level.


An early start also means you will have the best possible choice of resource material from the library.


        2.4   Acknowledge Sources


Honesty in academic work is essential.  It is always necessary to acknowledge the source of any ideas or words you use which are not your own.  Refer to Sections 7 and 8 for more details.


        2.5   Hand Work in on Time


It is wise to take a copy of the final version of your assignment.  There is a chance that an assignment may be misplaced and lost, either by you or even after it has been handed in.  To avoid the problem do not submit your only copy; a missing assignment means no marks. 


Keep your work with you – it has been known for books, notes and other belongings to disappear when left unattended in the library, or left behind in a classroom.


Make sure you hand in your assignment yourself, in the manner suggested by your lecturer – ie. in the stipulated assignment boxes, in class time, to the Faculty of Business receptionists or whatever you are told to do.  We strongly advise that you don’t give your work to someone else to hand in, and that you don’t just push it under your lecturer’s door.


Remember that the Faculty of Business has a ‘no late assignments’ policy which is specified in all course outlines.  If you do not hand in assignments on time your work will not be marked.  If there is a good reason why you cannot meet the deadline then see your lecturer in advance and apply for ‘Special Assessment Circumstances’ consideration through the Faculty Office.







        4.1   Planning


                 Once you have decided exactly what you are required to do, have chased up references and source material and have gathered together all the notes and information that you need, plan the development of your assignment and begin your first draft.


                 The process is one of organising your own and others’ ideas into your own original work, to show what you know, understand and have learnt.  As a general rule for any written assignment, you will be fitting this information into an introduction/body/conclusion format, and it is much the same for an oral presentation.


                 One way of planning is to give headings (you won’t necessarily use them later) to various aspects of the question or topic and then group relevant points under them.  Prioritise the sections of grouped information so that discussion of one will flow logically to the next.


      4.2   A Rough Draft


                 A rough draft is essential.  It is for your eyes only and helps to clarify ideas and structure.  Don’t feel you must start at the beginning – do the easiest section, or the sections you are most confident of first, and then fit the pieces together into a logical structure.


                 This first draft enables you to ensure that the topic is covered and the question answered.  It means you can then review your work as a whole and rewrite or rearrange where necessary or add ideas or discussion to supplement a weak area.  Re-read the question carefully to make sure you have provided all that is needed in your answer and that what you have included is relevant.  Often it is a good idea to take a break from the assignment at this stage, so you can view it objectively when you come back to it, and do any editing or make changes if you’ve overlooked anything.


      4.3   Paragraphs


                 By using paragraphs you are breaking your work up into logical units.  Each paragraph should cover only a single developed idea, i.e. a single topic mentioned in a topic sentence which is then expanded and illustrated. 


                 Paragraphs will probably be several sentences long but should vary in length and be developed and linked with those before and after to make your work flow.  If you use ‘transition’ words or phrases like “on the other hand”, “as a consequence of this”, “for instance”, “for this reason”, or “in addition”, then the reader can then follow your thoughts and line of argument easily.


      4.4   Introduction and Summary/Conclusion


                 The introduction and summary reflect the key concerns – it is always important to open and close strongly.  An introduction can be very difficult to write as sometimes you need to know what you have said before you can introduce it.  Therefore it is best to leave writing the introduction as one of the last things you do, along with the conclusion or summary of the main points.  Sometimes, too, it is easier to start in the middle because there you may be describing and interpreting in a straightforward manner so that you can often make rapid progress, and that is good for morale.


                 The introduction may provide background to the issue or its context, before mentioning the specific focus of your report or essay.  This is then developed, explained or justified in the body of the work. 


                 A concluding paragraph (or two) should summarise the key points and round off your effort, so that the reader feels convinced that you have ‘put a good case’ and have known when and how to stop.  A sound conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of completion and feeling positive.  It may refer back to an issue mentioned at the outset (or in the introduction) that has now been fully discussed and resolved.  (See the appendix for a typical marking schedule for an essay, which illustrates this).




      5.1   Keep it Simple


                 Good writing is simple, direct and clear.  It should convey exactly what is intended and be easily understood by the reader.


                 The language you use should be concise and to the point.  There is nothing to be gained by being complicated and inefficient when writing, your reader will lose track or lose interest.  Be exact and economical with words – show your reader respect.  Maintain interest by varying the way you refer to the same thing – a thesaurus is essential for this.


                 Writing should also be accessible to any reader of your work.  Jargon is a form of occupational shorthand and its use can make it almost impossible for an outsider to understand what is being said.  Beware of using technical terms; avoid them if you can, but if you do use jargon then explain it.  If you know your audience has the required technical knowledge then use the appropriate terminology – it will be expected.


                 Sentences should be kept short (15 – 20 words) and be linked, like paragraphs, with transitions (eg. “therefore”, “so we can see”, “the result of this is ….”)

                 If you use acronyms, then always use the full term first and put the acronym in brackets after it; in later references you can then just use the abbreviated form.  For example “The New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) has a head office in Wellington …. The NZIA has branches in other centres nationwide.”


      5.2   Formality


                 Try to write as you speak to achieve the appropriate tone but in assignments which contribute to your final grade it is better to tend to formality than otherwise.  Slang and colloquial expressions should never be used, as they are not appropriate in an academic context.  Stilted or outdated phrases should be avoided too – a good rule of thumb is to use language you would use in a business conversation, so leave out words like “the aforementioned”, or “herein”, and use more natural language.


                 The use of contractions (eg.  “don’t” instead of “do not” or “won’t” instead of “will not”) can make a work appear sloppy and too informal, although they have their place, depending on the context and the tone you wish to achieve.


      5.3   Active Voice


                 In general, it is best to use active, positive phrasing.


                 Timm (1986), states “the grammatical term voice refers to whether the subject of a sentence acts or is acted upon. If it is acted upon, the passive voice is used; if it does the acting, the active voice is used.” (p.270).


                 Use of active voice will make your writing more direct, and adds force.


                   Examples:        Active voice:             “Figures show”, “Managers require                                                                                            regular reports”.


                                                Passive voice:           “It is shown by figures”, “Monthly                                                                                               reports will be required”.


      5.4   Correct English


                 It should be possible to ensure that the English you use is correct.

                 Make sure you write in complete sentences.  A sentence must contain

                 (or imply) a verb and subject.  There must be consistency within a sentence.  For example, a plural subject must have a plural verb.  You must use the correct tense, and this can sometimes be tricky if you are talking about hypothetical situations.


                 Check your punctuation and spelling.  Always have a dictionary at hand.  If in doubt – look it up!

                 Remember that the ‘Spell check’ in a word processing package does not pick up every error.  A word can often be spelt in a number of different ways depending on the context, eg. cite, sight and site have quite different meanings and  ‘Spell check’ will not recognise when one of them has been wrongly used.


                 Extend your vocabulary.  We all have our own individual semantic net, which is the network of words and meanings available for recall.  Use a thesaurus to enlarge your vocabulary and add variety.  A thesaurus is an excellent resource for finding other words with similar meanings to those we get used to using all the time.  Alternatively, if the word you think of is not exactly what you want, a thesaurus may well provide the one you are looking for.


                 Check your work for errors by reading it aloud, or better still get someone else to read it through.  It is often difficult to pick up your own errors.  Sometimes we tend to see what we think we have written, not what is really there.  If someone else proofreads for you, you should acknowledge their assistance.


      5.5   Inclusive Language


                 The language you use must be inclusive.  This means it must be, for example, non-sexist, non-racist, non-ageist.  There are two main reasons for this:  courtesy and accuracy.


                 It is courteous because most people today find it offensive to see or hear language that implies exclusion or actually excludes certain groups.  It is also more accurate because while it is still common to hear people referring to salesmen or firemen, there are frequently women in these jobs and it is better in such cases to use firefighter or salespeople, which are not gender specific.


                 When you use pronouns to stand in place of nouns (eg. The manager put the papers in her briefcase before she left the room.) try to reflect the fact that men and women can both do most jobs.  If you talk about roles or vocations in a plural sense (managers = they = their) it’s much easier than using singular pronouns when you would need to say he or she, his or her.


      5.6   Academic Credibility


                 At all times aim for academic credibility; this means that while you draw on the ideas and writings of others, you acknowledge these but also have the confidence to put forward your own view or interpretation.  So this is not only knowing your subject thoroughly but being able to express yourself in an articulate manner, by being objective in your expression and presenting your ideas as professionally as possible.





      6.1   Presenting Graphics in a Text


                 Graphics such as tables, pie charts or graphs can help reinforce, summarise or explain a point you are making.  They can be a very useful aid, add visual interest and assist the non-technical reader. 


                 What is the difference between figures and tables? 

                 Tables are used to display “specific, related facts, data or statistics in a small space ……Figures are an excellent method of displaying trends, general comparisons, movements, distributions and cycles in your data.”  (MacKay, in Emerson, 1998, p97).


                 Any graphic must be referred to in the body of your work so the reader can easily refer back to the point with which it is associated.  For example “These results are illustrated in Figure 1”.  The figure then is demonstrating appropriately what graphics do: enhancing and highlighting something you have incorporated in your text.  Make sure that graphics do not merely duplicate information you have already explained.


                 Graphs or tables must always be labelled with an appropriate title.  They must be numbered in order within each section eg. Table 2.3 refers to Section 2, Table 3.


                 If the graphics are integral to the topic then incorporate them naturally within the text.  Otherwise they can be placed as appendices, to illustrate results or data in full.  If you do this, do not forget to direct your reader to them – a graph in the appendices that is not mentioned anywhere in the body of the assignment is not worth including at all.





To learn how to reference is extremely important in order to acknowledge sources of information and ideas; this is a legal and academic requirement.  It also enables readers to judge the extent of your research and to locate and find further information in the sources you have referred to, if they wish.  At first it will seem time consuming and even ‘picky’ to get it right, but your work will have much greater credibility and your lecturer will respect your effort.


7.1    Definitions


        The following are explanations of some of the terms associated with referencing.



          These are sources which have been mentioned (cited) in the text and are listed in a standard bibliographical form under a heading “References” at the end of the assignment.



          A list of the books you have read or consulted in preparing your written assignment, but not specifically cited or quoted from in what you have written.  The list is arranged in alphabetical order by the authors’ surnames, and is also placed at the end. (This will not always be required).



          Indicating someone else who is the source of facts and opinions, within the body of the text, eg. In section 7.2 Seyler (1993) indicates that….



        Incorporating  directly the exact words of a writer, usually within quotation marks – check APA referencing rules (Section 7.2.2) to get this right.



          Using another person’s ideas or expressions without acknowledging the source, therefore implying the idea is your own, and that you are expressing it in your own words.  This is more than misleading, it is dishonest.



          The exclusive right to print or produce, given for a limited number of years to an author, artist.  It is rather like a patent and acknowledges ownership.



7.2   Repeating Citations in Legal Cases


        Some Latin terms are appropriate and should be used if you are writing about a legal issue and referring more than once to a source.


          These terms are: ibid, idem and op cit.  Your law lecturer will explain the precise occasions for the use of each.


7.3   American Psychological Association (APA) System


          While there are a number of bibliographic systems commonly used for documenting or referencing sources, the one you are expected to use is the APA system, that of the American Psychological Association.  We recommend this because Seyler (1993, p59) indicates that the APA system is the preferred referencing or documentation system for study in the business area.  It is an author/year form of referencing where sources are acknowledged in the text, rather than as numbered foot notes or endnotes.


          In the Reference section of the UNITEC library is a copy of the ‘Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association’.  It provides a most comprehensive description of, and guidelines for, writing effectively according to APA standards.  As well, it gives detailed explanation of how to document sources and put together Reference lists.


          The following outline of the APA system of documenting sources is derived from Doing Research by Dorothy Seyler (1993).


7.2.1   Citing in the text when not quoting directly:


           If the author is mentioned in the text, place the year of publication within parentheses immediately following the author’s name.


            eg.  In a typical study of preference for motherese,

                    Fernald (1985) used an …..


            Within the same paragraph, additional references to the author do not need to repeat the year.


           If the author is not mentioned in the text, place the author’s last name followed by a comma and the year of publication within parentheses at the end of the sentence.


            eg. Even a newborn baby often moves his eyes toward a source of sound and rarely moves them in the wrong direction. (Wertheimer, 1961)


      If a work has three or more authors, all names should be listed in the first citation and after that it is acceptable (and much shorter!) to use the first surname and then the Latin phrase ‘et al’ which means ‘and others’.


       eg. First citation: Petronio, Alberts, Hecht & Buley (1993)           found that …..

       Later citations:     Petronio et al (1993) later described …..


7.2.2   Citing in the text when quoting directly:


           Use the original author’s exact words and put the quotation in quotation marks and give a specific page reference at the end of the quoted material.


            eg. Deuzen-Smith believes that counsellors must be

            involved with clients and “deeply interested in piecing the puzzle of life together”  (1988, p. 29).


           If you are quoting a larger section, for example a paragraph, then indent the quoted section, omit quotation marks and follow the block quote with the page number in brackets.


eg. Bartlett (1932) explains the cyclic process of perception:


Suppose I am making a stroke in a quick game, such as tennis or cricket.  How I make the stroke depends on the relating of certain new experiences, most of them visual, to other immediately preceding visual experiences, and to my posture, or balance or posture, at the moment.  (p. 201)


7.2.3   Preparing the list of References


            Every source cited in the text must be included in a list of all references giving full details.  In APA style these references are placed on a separate page after the text of the paper, and before any appendices.


            Sources are arranged alphabetically, with the author’s surname first, initials only for first and second names and date of publication in brackets.  The title follows, underlined or italicised, and then the place of publication and publisher.  If underlining is not used to differentiate the title,  then italics may be.  The second line (and following lines) in each reference is indented so the author’s name stands out.




*  Form for Books


     A book citation contains these elements in the form:


            Yalom, I.D. (1989).  Love’s executioner and other tales of   psychotherapy.   New York:  Basic Books.


     [Note that only the first letter of the first word of the title (and subtitle if there is one) is capitalised.]     


           Place additional information such as number of volumes or an edition in parentheses after the title.


            Moody, K., & Logan, B. (Eds.). (1979).  Television   awareness training (2nd ed.).


           Cite the city of publication, or country if necessary to avoid

            confusion; then give the publisher’s name, eliminating

            unnecessary terms such as Publishers, Co., and Inc.


            Anderson, J. R., & Bower, G. H. (1973).  Human associative         memory.  New York:  V. H. Winston.


            Mitchell, J. V. (Ed.).  (1985).  The ninth mental       measurements yearbook (vol. 2).  Lincoln:  University             of Nebraska Press.


            U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.  (1977).  Window dressing       on the set:   women and minorities in television.    Washington, DC:  Author.


*  Forms for Articles


An article citation contains these elements in this form:


       Wertheimer, M. (1961).  Psychomotor coordination of auditory and visual space at birth. Science, 134, 1962.


[Note that the title of the article is not italicised or underlined, but that the title of the periodical or journal, is.]


      For articles in newspapers and popular magazines, give the

       year followed by month and day (if appropriate).  Place any

       necessary descriptive information after the title in square



       McManus, J. (1999, 3 February).  If our government had no enemies it would invent them.  [Editorial]


      Give the volume number underlined followed by a comma, and then inclusive page numbers followed by a full stop.  If a journal begins each issue with a new page 1, then also cite the issue number in parentheses immediately following the volume number.  Do not use “p.” or “pp.” before page numbers when citing articles from scholarly journals; do use “p.” or “pp.” in citations to newspaper and magazine articles.


       Price-Williams, D. R.,  Gordon, W., & Ramirez, W. (1969).

               Skill and conservation:  A study of pottery-making    children.  Developmental psychology, 1, 769.


       Werker, J. F., & McLeod, P. J. (1989).  Infant preference

               for both male and female infant-directed talk:  A        developmental study of attentional and affective           responsiveness.  Canadian journal of psychology, 43   (2), 230-246.


       Hughes, M., & Gove, W. R. (1981, October).  Playing dumb.

               Psychology today, pp. 24-27.


*    Form for an Article or Chapter in an Edited Book


       Gerbner, G., & Gross, L. (1980). The violent face of            television and its lessons.  In E. L. Palmer & A. Dorr     (Eds.), Children and the faces of television:  teaching,   violence, selling (pp. 149 -162).  New York:  Academic            Press.


*    Form for all Online material from Electronic Sources


      Provide the author, date, title, date of issue or search, statement about availability and retrieval location (in place of publisher and location), method for finding material, path of retrieval (for network material).


               Shimabukuru, Jim, ed. (5 Feb. 1995)   Internet in Ten Years-Essays.  _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_ [On-line] _3.1_ (1995):  62 par.  Available FTP:


               Blythe, Stuart.  Why OWLs?  Value, Risk, and Evolution  _Kairos_  [On-line]  _1.1_ (1996)  Available URL:



       For a memo, e-mail, bulletin board, or user network posting online, letters, memos, and temporary postings online are treated as for print sources in APA style.  All unpublished letters, notes, bulletin postings, or unrecorded private conversations, in print or electronics, are not listed in APA’s formal source citations in the “References” section, since they are not easily retrieved.  They are acknowledged in a parenthetical in-text citation.


       eg. – The novelist has repeated this idea recently (Salman Rushdie, e-mail to the author, 1 May, 1995).


       For cases not covered here, check the APA Publication Manual which is in the Reference section of the UNITEC library.


*    Author Order


     The examples below can be used as a general guide:


           Organise two or more works by the same author chronologically:

            Marcia, J. E. (1966)

            Marcia, J. E. (1983)


           Place single-author entries before multiple-author entries when the first of the multiple authors is the same as the single author.

            Grotevant, H. D. (1983)

            Grotevant, H. D., & Cooper, C. R. (1986)


           Organize multiple-author entries that have the same first author but different second or third authors alphabetically by the name of the second author or third and so on.

            Gerbner, G.,  & Gross, L.

            Gerbner, G.,  Gross, L., Jackson-Beeck, M., Jeffries-Fox, S.,

                    & Signorielli, N.

            Gerbner, G.,   Gross, L.,  Morgan, M., & Signorielli, N.


           Organize two or more works by the same author(s) published in the same year alphabetically by title.




8.1    Definition and Illustration


          Plagiarism comes from the Latin work plagiarius (“kidnapper”).  If you use someone else’s words or ideas without acknowledgment, implying that the thoughts or words are your own, then you have stolen their property.


As a form of cheating, plagiarism is a serious academic offence.  If you plagiarise at the very least you will lose credibility and face disciplinary action – you could fail a course or, in extreme circumstances it could lead to expulsion.  UNITEC’s Academic Statute states that “students are expected to exhibit honesty and ethical behaviour in undertaking the assessment requirements of courses”.  The Statute is quite specific about disciplinary action which will follow if a student is considered to have cheated or plagiarised.


Research in New Zealand shows (Walker, 1998) that there are three common forms of plagiarism found in academic institutions – two or more students submitting identical assignments, students copying from books or journals and students copying from other students (or staff) with or without their knowledge.  Except in courses where collaboration is quite acceptable because of the group-based nature of the assignments given, make sure you present work which is entirely your own, or in which you acknoweldge the input or ideas of others.  Don’t copy others’ work, recycle assignments or present as your own a piece of work someone else has written for you.  It is dishonest, there is little satisfaction, there is potentially a lot of embarrassment and the penalties are severe.


Plagiarism can occur just through careless notetaking.  If you do not methodically and consistently write down the page reference and source as you are taking your notes then it can be only too easy to later use these notes without the proper documentation.  Be aware that if you paraphrase ideas then you will still need to document their source.  If you are doubtful whether or not you have in fact plagiarised then err on the side of caution and cite your source, every time.


       An example follows of what is plagiarism and what is acceptable.  These paragraphs are quoted from The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (1988).



Suppose, for example, that you want to use the material in the following passage, which appears on page 906 in volume 1 of the Literary History of the United States:


The major concerns of Dickinson’s poetry early and late, her “flood subjects,” may be defined as the seasons and nature, death and a problematic afterlife, the kinds and phases of love, and poetry as the divine art.


If you write the following without any documentation, you have committed plagiarism:


The chief subjects of Emily Dickinson’s poetry include nature and the seasons, death and the afterlife, the various types and stages of love, and poetry itself as a divine art.


But you may present the information if you credit the authors:

Gibson and Williams (19XX) suggest that the chief subjects 

of Emily Dickinson’s poetry include nature, death, love, and poetry as a divine art.


8.2   Avoiding Plagiarism.


There are two ways you can avoid plagiarism:



        Present the idea wholly in your own words and end with a citation, which indicates you derived the idea from another writer.  To do this, the writer’s surname and the year of publication are put in brackets at the end of the sentence.


If you decide to present in your own words be careful not to rely too heavily on the wording and organisation of the original.  A way to prevent this happening is to read the original then set it aside and write your piece without looking at it.  You can then consult your source later to check for accuracy.  Remember, even in this case it is necessary to provide a reference.


        Quote your source exactly, put the words in quotation marks and end with a citation acknowledging the original.  A direct quote should have the page number (where you found the phrase or sentence) noted after it, as well as the author/year.






Library research is easy, but you need to be prepared to follow some basic guidelines.  Gwen Gawith (1991) identifies six basic steps involved in research.  If you are looking for a guide to research, her book Ripping into Research (001.42GAW) is a great tool.  It is available on desk copy from the UNITEC library. 


9.1   The Six Step Process


The six stages Gawith specifies are:


9.1.1  Deciding 


You need to decide what your topic is, what you want to know, what you already know, and what sort of information you need – this stage is important!  If you do this part well the rest of your research will be much easier and more successful.


9.1.2  Finding


This is where the library comes in.

      Books and Videos

       The OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) is where you need to start to find books and videos on any topic.  It is best to use the Keyword search when looking for a subject because the computer searches in various fields ie. title, subject heading, author and notes.  Information Services staff can search the New Zealand Bibliographic Network which lists six million book titles and gives NZ library holdings.  If required, books may be interloaned from other libraries within New Zealand.


       Journals are a useful source of current, concise information.

       Current issues displayed downstairs cannot be borrowed.  Previous issues of periodicals are shelved upstairs and may be borrowed for two weeks.

       If you are looking for articles in a journal (periodicals, serials, journals and magazines are all the same thing!)  you need to use an index.  There are various types of indexes; Printed, On-line and CD-ROM.


       ABI-INFORM and Business Periodicals Ondisc (BPO) – indexes over 800 periodicals worldwide and provides full-text of many articles, covering aspects of business and management.     


Social Sciences Index/Fulltext (SSI) – indexes over 200 periodicals in the social sciences.  Many articles are available in fulltext.

       ERIC – a number of American index which covers education journals and reports.  Looks at education in a very broad sense.

       AUSTROM – an Australian social sciences index which include business, legal and educational references.

       INNZ – Index NZ provides access to New Zealand publications including newspapers, research and periodicals.  Unfortunately this is only updated annually at present.


       There are a number of full text databases available via the Internet:

§  ABI Inform Global

§  Ebscohost Masterfile

§  Knowledge-basket for NZ business information

The Internet provides access to a variety of resources but it can take time to get good results.


       A printed index of interest to you is NEWZINDEX – this is a NZ index to business information published in newspapers and periodicals. 


9.1.3  Using


            This is the point where your skim reading and scanning skills come into play.  Keywords can be used to scan indexes, contents tables and text.  You need to evaluate this information:  is it up-to-date? appropriate? useful?


9.1.4  Recording


            Taking notes and repackaging the information into a useable format means more than photocopying – you need to extract the useful information and discard the irrelevant parts.


9.1.5  Presenting


            This is almost the culmination of your research.  The type of presentation you have to make will dictate the sort of information you need to collect eg. a visual presentation may require graphs and charts, while an essay will require more detailed background information.  If you are making an oral presentation you will probably want to include some anecdotal materials as well as hard facts.



9.1.6  Evaluation


            This is where you look at what you have put together, is it satisfactory?  Could you have included anything else?  Is the information up-to-date?


9.2   Research Basics


          Putting all this together, we can come up with some guidelines to serve as the basis for researching for assignments.


9.2.1   Define your topic


            What do you want to know?


9.2.2   Identify keywords to search


            What subject headings will you check for in the catalogue and in indexes?


9.2.3   Get an idea of the subject


            Read an entry in a dictionary or an encyclopedia.  Use this information in the first two steps.


9.2.4   Locate material through information retrieval systems


            Consult the OPAC, bibliographies, information file, indexes to periodicals (online, CD-ROM, and printed) and full-text databases.


9.2.5   Locate information to use, and take notes 


            Check tables of contents, indexes to books, bibliographies.  Browse, skim and scan passages.  Listen to experts.  Note your sources of information.


9.2.6   Check your material for:


Accuracy, understandable content, relevance to the topic and to make sure it is current.


9.2.7   Organise your information


            Write an outline.  Note extra questions to answer and review your draft.


9.2.8   Write the final copy



9.3   A few further tips:


9.3.1   Be prepared to create a long list of keywords, and to be flexible in your approach to a topic.  Often your original concept will be too specific.  You may need to try a broader topic as a keyword to enter into the catalogue or an index, and use your specific keywords as a focus for scanning the contents, index or text of a book or article.


9.3.2   Make sure you note down all details about a journal article – date, author, article title, journal title, page references… It’s often very difficult to find these details later and to retrace your steps to a reference.


9.3.3   Remember, the library is only the jumping off point for your research.  Material from other libraries in New Zealand can be interloaned but you need to allow two to three weeks for items to come through.


9.3.4   If you need help with research, Information Services staff are available at the Information Desk from 8.00am – 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.   Bookings can be made for database training on Extn. 8655 or at the Information Desk.


(Thanks go to Jane Arlidge, User Education Librarian, who provided the material and advice included in this section).




      10.1 How Reports and Essays Differ


                 Essays are probably the most common form of assessment work students will write at a tertiary level but quite frequently you may also be required to present a report.  Preparation and presentation of reports is very common in the business environment.


                 A report investigates an issue and provides information that has been requested.


                 An essay presents an argument in the light of a particular question.  It is more opinionated and less formal than a report.  Essays frequently form a part of a degree course’s assessment, and although not required in the business world they serve as a useful tool to consider and critically evaluate different writers’ ideas and arrive at your own opinion.


                 Reports and essays differ in format.  These differences are outlined below.


      10.2 Structure of Essays


                 Essays have four components:






Do not divide your essay under these headings, however – the structure should be made evident by the words you use in moving from paragraph to paragraph.  Some lecturers do not like the use of headings in essays at all.  (See the appendix for a sample of an essay marking schedule but remember your lecturer may use different criteria).


               10.2.1  Introduction


The introduction is very important, it gives the reader his or her first impression.  An introduction should only be one or two paragraphs in length.


An introduction should:


   Introduce the topic broadly, give some brief background or  context and outline the significance of the specific issues or arguments to be discussed.


   Outline how you intend to answer the question, concluding with the main idea or proposition which is the point of the essay.



10.2.2  Development


     The greater proportion of your essay, where you develop your case, is the body.  Every essay contains an argument.  Rountree (1991) indicates that identifying the argument is crucial because it determines what supporting ideas and evidence the writer chooses to include in the essay, the order of ideas and gives focus and coherence to the piece of writing.


     Rountree recommends the following in developing an argument in an essay:

   Identify the main argument

     The argument should be precise and be able to be developed within the length of the essay.

   Support the argument

     The reader must be persuaded by your argument, so include evidence – give this support by citing facts and statistics, quoting experts, referring to other writers’ work or research.

   Highlight the weakness of the argument

     This is not a reflection of failure but acknowledgment that the writer is aware of the shortcomings of the argument.

   Defend the argument

     This involves identifying the arguments that those in opposition are likely to present.

   Refute the opposition

     Highlight the weaknesses in the arguments of the opposition.


               10.2.3  Conclusion


Remember that this is often the last paragraph that is read before an essay is graded, so it needs to be well phrased and to the point.  The conclusion should be no longer than one paragraph for an essay of 1500 words.


A conclusion should not introduce any new ideas but should:

   Summarise the main points

   State the main arguments/conclusion

   Satisfy the reader that the question has been answered.


               10.2.4  References


A list of the articles and books used in compiling the essay should be provided.  Refer to Section 7 to learn how references should be written.




10.3 Structure of Reports


          Reports have at least the following components:


                      Title Page

*   Executive Summary

                      Table of Contents

                   *   Terms of Reference

                   *   Procedure

                   *   Introduction

                                   Body of Report




                                   An Appendix or Appendices

                   *   In a very short report, terms of reference, procedure and                                            introduction may be combined .

                   *   In a long report you should provide a synopsis or an Executive                              Summary which is placed before the Table of Contents.


               10.3.1  Title Page


                                 The title page should show:

                                   The title – this should clearly identify the report’s content.

                                   The author

                                   The date the report was completed.


               10.3.2  Executive Summary (or synopsis)


In many situations a person interested in the report topic may not have time initially to read the whole report.   The purpose of the executive summary is to summarise the objective of the report, give the essentials of its content and highlight the conclusions and any recommendations.


               10.3.3  Table of Contents


                                 A table of contents shows how the report is organised.


In long reports it is desirable to use a numbering system to categorise all chapters and sections; this makes it very easy to locate specific information within the report, and to insert or delete new material without affecting the report’s structure. 


You should number according to the decimal system as illustrated below:



1.  Title of First Section

     1.1     First subheading

     1.2     Second subheading


2.  Title of Second Section

     2.1     First subheading

     2.2     Second subheading

              2.2.1    First division – second subheading

              2.2.2    Second division – second subheading


For example:


1.0   Introduction (= first section)


2.0   Accounting Standard Setting (= second section)

          2.1    New Zealand Standard Setting (= first subheading)

          2.2    Overseas Standard Setting (= second subheading)

                   2.2.1      Australian Standard Setting (= first division,                                             second subheading)

                   2.2.2      United States Standard Setting (= second                                                division, second subheading)

                   2.2.3      United Kingdom Standard Setting (= third                                                   division, second sub heading)


Windschuttle & Elliot (1994) indicate that it is not usually necessary to number individual paragraphs and that this should only be done if the information will need to be retrieved to a greater than usual extent.



10.3.4  Terms of Reference, Procedure and Introduction


The Terms of Reference are included in a paragraph which states who requested the report, and when.  It also states what the report is about and when the report is due to be completed.


              The Procedure is a section which states how the information             contained in the report was obtained, in other words it explains            your methodology.


              The Introduction should include:


                 the background or context of the study

                 the objectives of the report

                 the ‘answer’ to the problem explored in the report

                 the scope of the report (extent of the investigation)

   the limitations of the report and any assumptions made    

   an outline of the structure of the report.



10.3.5  Body of  the Report


This will probably be the report’s longest component as the body of the report should contain the discussion and analysis.  It must present your findings – the results of your study, the evidence and basic information which lead to the conclusions and recommendations of the report.  You do not include your opinion of what you have found – the section is wholly factual and is quite objective.


The discussion and analysis should be broken up into sections (with headings and subheadings) which are presented in a logical sequence.


10.3.6  Conclusions/Recommendations


              No new material is included in these sections, rather, you interpret what you have established.  Look at the facts you have included in the body and ask questions such as “What does this indicate?  What impact does this have?  What are the implications of this?”


              Conclusions may identify problems or shortcomings and should be related back both to the objectives of the report specified in the Introduction and also to the evidence presented in the body of the report.


              Recommendations propose solutions and must be feasible, specific and arranged in order of importance.  Your own view or preferences may be indicated or implied in outlining a course of action.


10.3.7  References


              A list of the articles and books that have been used in compiling the report should be provided.  Refer to Section 7 to see how references should be written.


10.3.8  Appendices


              Material which may add to the reader’s understanding of the information contained in the report should be included in appendices.  For example, a questionnaire, brochure or copy of a document could each form an appendix.  Such material illustrates, and provides a fuller picture than required in the assignment’s body.


              In some cases lengthy tables and figures may be included in

              appendices so as not to interrupt the flow of the report.


              The appendices should be numbered or lettered and included in the Table of Contents.


10.4 Critiques


          A critique is a critical essay, analysis or commentary on a written or artistic work.  In your course if you are asked to prepare a critique this will probably mean presenting a written critique of an assigned article or paper.  You may also have to present it orally to your fellow students and lead a discussion on the issues raised.


          Preparing a critique has some similarities to writing a critical essay.  A logical way to approach it follows:


10.4.1   Provide the title, author and publication details.


10.4.2   Describe the objectives of the article or paper:


                 Why was it written?

                 What issue is it addressing?


10.4.3   Briefly summarise or review the article; relate it to others the author may have written.


10.4.4   Link this article with others you have read on the topic and state what this one contributes to the body of information on the issue i.e. Critically comment on what has been provided:

                 Are there new insights?

                 Is there a re-appraisal of an established line of thought?

                 Is there a challenge thrown down to other writers on the


                 Is this a replication of research previously carried out?


10.4.5   In this critical part of your analysis you must make sure you give an informed opinion, you should state whether you agree or disagree with the conclusions drawn, and you should justify the stand you take and back up your views with reference to specific instances, or other articles or research.


10.5 Case Studies


          “A case attempts to recreate a series of events or situations to enable a student to analyse and recommend actions that could be taken to resolve the problems portrayed.”  (Petzall et. al. 1991).  A case study is a description of an organisational situation or business problem which demonstrates theories or realities.



The emphasis in a case study is for students to demonstrate that they can integrate their knowledge across a range of technical areas, recognise what theoretical principles are being illustrated, and draw conclusions about them.


          The following is a guide on how to approach a case study:


10.5.1   Read the question or scenario quickly to gain an overall impression and to become familiar with the circumstances and the nature of the problems portrayed.


10.5.2   Read carefully what is required of you.


                 What are you expected to report on?

                   Identify the key issues.

                 How are you expected to report?  Short answers to

                   questions?  a report? a memo? an executive summary?


10.5.3   Reread the case, studying it carefully.  Underline or highlight the key points.  Focus on the key issues – what do the facts imply?


10.5.4   Look for evidence that will enable you to answer the question, in other words the key facts relating to the key issues.


   Is the data relevant and complete?  In some cases    information may be lacking and you should indicate that you have noticed this.

                 Adopt a problem solving approach.

(i)      What are the problems?

(ii)     What are alternatives or courses of action that could be taken to overcome the problems?

(iii)   What are the likely outcomes of the alternative courses

          of action?

(iv)    Which is the most desirable outcome?


10.5.5   Plan your answer.


10.5.6   Write your answer,  ensuring it is in the format requested.


                 Address the issues in a concise, relevant and logical manner.        It is important to pay attention to the layout and writing           style applicable to the required delivery.  For example , in a            report information must be grouped and written up under          various subheadings.

                 As justification, include evidence from the case to support             your arguments and recommendations.

                 Cite technical pronouncements, books and articles if


                 Apply and demonstrate your technical knowledge.

                 Write your conclusions and organise them in order of


                 If recommendations are required:


(i)      List them in order of importance.

(ii)     Make sure they are feasible.

(iii)   Make sure you have previously provided support for             them.




  Effective Oral Presentations


11.1 Focus on the Precise Objective


Define your objective

·           Be specific rather than general about your objectives

·      Don’t confuse the process – how to reach your goal – with the objective – what you want to achieve with the communication.


Be clear about the nature of your message

·         Persuade: clearly determine whom you want to persuade, often there are only a few key decision-makers

·         Inform:  distinguish between the presentation of facts and a point of view; if you intend only to present uncontroversial facts, then don’t become involved in arguments or exchanges of opinion

·         Inspire:  in this type of communication style is usually more important then substance – you need to be able to deliver more than a convincing argument to inspire the audience

·         Entertain:  you must appear to be natural and spontaneous to succeed if telling humorous stories or jokes


11.2 Development of the Presentation


Know your audience

·      The more you know about your audience, the more effective your communication will be

·      Pitch your message at the audience’s needs and wants, not at your own lever of interest

·      Know what the audience responds to and tailor your message accordingly         


Be original

·      Original material can make common ideas interesting and engaging to the audience


11.3 Create an Effective Structure


Keep it simple

·      Three or four main points are much easier to understand and digest than a dozen

·      Be concise – if you are too long-winded or provide unnecessary detail, the audience will lose interest



Prepare a strong opening and closing

·      Your opening is crucial to gaining the audience’s attention.  Here are four possible attention-grabbers:

Ø  Use humour

Ø  Tell a story

Ø  Ask a question

Ø  State a startling statistic

·      Your closing will be what your audience remembers.  Close by reviewing your main points and making a memorable statement



·      Limit each visual aid to three or four lines or five or six points

·      Use short phrases

·      Use large, readable type

·      Bullet points help maintain your prepared structure and remind you of the key points


11.4 Delivery


Visual Presentation

·      Establish eye contact

·      Gestures should add to your message, not detract from it

·      Visual aids should help make complex points simple

·      Avoid relying on notes


Manner of delivery

·      Use appropriate language for context

·      Aim for clarity and use plain English

·      Don’t speak too quickly; vary your pitch

·      Be sure everyone can hear

·      Speak in your natural style

·      Stand up straight

·      Judicious use of repetition can be an effectives means of emphasis


Build audience rapport

·      Use personal stories or anecdotes where appropriate

·      Humour can be useful, but don’t overuse it or feel that you have to be funny

·      Self-deprecation can disarm an audience


11.5 Handling Questions and Answers


·      Encourage questions

Ø  Allow questions during the presentation if the group is small

Ø  Ask the audience to hold their questions until the end if the group is large

·      Respond to questions without getting sidetracked

·      Maintain control of your feelings despite criticism or challenge

Source: James Hooke & Jeremy Philips (1996) Getting Your Message Across (Sydney: Simon & Schuster)


11.6 Group Presentations


                   To achieve success in group presentations members must:

·      Project consistency

·      Present an overriding message

·      Display members’ willingness to reinforce each other rather than compete

The following suggestions can be used when you find yourself working as part of a team, with each person assigned to prepare and deliver a particular piece of the presentation.


1.    Think of the presentation as a whole, rather than as a collection of parts.  Make sure a coherent argument runs through the whole.  Naturally, there will be a division of labour; different speakers should address the topics in which they’re most knowledgeable.  Make sure these are ordered in a way that will make sense to the audience.


2.    Frame the presentation so that it develops logically.  One effective way to do this is to have one speaker serve as the moderator, offering an introductory overview then returning at the end to conclude and field questions.  Let the audience members know what you’re proposing, and what it means for them, at the outset.  Also, let them know how long you’re going to speak, so they can adjust their expectations appropriately.


3.    Make sure you’ve covered all the key concerns of your audience.  It’s too easy to create a presentation in which each speaker has done a good job while some crucial point has ‘fallen through the cracks.’


4.    Usually, audiences will be judging your teamwork as much as they’re judging your proposal.  Try to achieve consistency in your imagery, level of intensity, use of detail, and common themes.


5.    Give every speaker a chance to shine whether this is by virtue of excellence as a presenter or command of a given area.


6.    Make the transitions from one speaker to the next seamless.  On the most basic level, this means each speaker should be introduced, either by his/her predecessor or by the moderator.  Emphasise each team member’s credentials by providing a brief summary of why he or she is qualified to speak on the topic – this can be done in the introduction, by the moderator, or by the previous speaker.  Equally important, make the transitions from one speaker to the next contribute to building your argument.


7.    Support each other.  Cross-reference other speakers to validate their remarks, and explain how previous topics fit into the big picture.


                Source:(1997) Management Communication,




        Discussion is a teaching strategy for developing students’ knowledge, and is an important part of a seminar where students are learning from each other.


12.1 Delivering the Talk


·         Before the seminar:

-          organise your notes or cue cards in the right order

-          assemble your audio-visual aids and enough handouts if you are providing them

-          practise with any equipment until you are able to use it confidently.


·         Start your talk calmly. Introduce the topic clearly and tell the audience what they can expect to hear.


·         Do not read your assignment paper.  Look at your audience and talk about the content in the paper.  Refer to the points on your cue cards/notes and speak about them naturally.  Do not deliver a memorised, word-perfect address.


·         Use cohesion devices to keep your audience informed as to where the talk is heading and how ideas relate to each other.  Examples are: “this is illustrated by…”, “the next stage…”, “Herzberg states that…”


·         Display a knowledge of your subject by quoting from authorities occasionally.  Paraphrase and refer to references where it is appropriate to.


·         Speak clearly and a little more slowly than normal.  Get your intonation right when emphasising major points, making asides, asking questions and making statements.


·         Control your hands and don’t fiddle with your clothing, hair, pencil or papers.


·         Look at your audience.  Establish eye contact with most people at some stage of your talk.  When using audio-visual aids don’t turn your fact or body away from the audience.


·         Do not hand out materials while you are talking.  Wait for the handouts to be distributed and then resume your talk when you have the audience’s full attention.


·         In advance, anticipate lines of questions you might get and prepare or practise answers to expected challenges.  When questions come, analyse them and ask for necessary clarification before responding.  If a group is large, repeating the question so all can hear increases the perception that you are interested in the audience and in answering questions.


12.2 Participating in Seminars


As a class member it is important you contribute to seminar discussions as your degree of participation may contribute to a lecturer evaluation of your overall performance and part of your final assessment.  If your marks are borderline your level of active participation in seminars may be a deciding factor as to whether you pass or fail a course.  Content covered by fellow students in their seminars is frequently examinable, so you should listen actively right through, to ensure your complete understanding.


·         Before the seminar


It is your responsibility to do some preliminary reading on each topic before the seminar is held.  You should read enough to be aware of the main facts and issues, and try to formulate points you think need to be discussed fully or questions you would like examined.


·         During the presentation of the paper


To help you follow the way the speaker is developing the topic you should make notes, recording:

Ø the main points the speaker makes that are new to you

Ø the points with which you disagree

Ø any points you want discussed further.


·         During the discussion stage


Your contributions should do one of the following:

Ø ask for clarification or amplification of a point already made

Ø comment on someone else’s point (this comment may indicate your agreement or disagreement.  If the latter, you should be prepared to say why you are disagreeing and present arguments to support your point of view.)

Ø respond to others’ comments on and questions about a point you have previously made.






13.1 Make your Revision Effective


          Plan your study time, arrange your own personal time-table and keep to it.  Preparing effectively for exams is a matter of personal technique but working regularly is the key to success.  You need to set aside a special area to work in where you can spread out your books and materials so everything you need is readily to hand, where the light is good and where you are comfortable and free from distractions.


          Here are some suggestions to help you use your time efficiently.


        Material is easier to learn if it is well organised; for preference notes should be grouped into definite and logical divisions or topics.  Poorly organised notes will not aid study.

        Material that has meaning is easier to learn.  Make sure you critically

          analyse the material and understand its concepts and ideas.  Have an overview of the whole course on which to build your study.

        Plan for regular review of the material you have covered in your courses (after one day, one week, then one month to ensure retention).  Studies show that up to 50% of study time should be spent on reviewing previously covered material.

        Take regular breaks to assist learning.  As material is recalled best at

          the beginning and end of a study period take five minute breaks during your study time, every half hour or so.

        Studies show that for many people, visual information is learned more

          easily than written or verbal information.  Use diagrams, pictures, flash cards, charts, or mindmaps to present key points or act as memory joggers.

        Remember that study does not involve just looking at a text book.  Talk

          to experts, read journals, or discuss the topic with another student.  Any activity which gives an overview of the subject or relates the topic to your own experience will help.

        Set yourself achievable goals and reward yourself when these are met.


13.2 Examination Day


          Double check the time and place of your examination before the day and plan to arrive early.  Have all the materials with you that you will need – spare pens, pencils, calculator and so on.


        13.2.1  Reading Time


Usually you will have ten minutes reading time at the beginning of an examination.  During this time you may not write but you should use the time to read the instructions carefully and make mental notes, eg:


   Take an overview of the examination and identify the questions you will answer.

   Allocate the time to be spent on each question depending on the

     marks it is worth.

   Check to make sure you know how many questions and which

     questions have to be answered.  Plan to answer only those!

   Examine the questions carefully.  Be sure you know what

     information the examiner is looking for, so that what you include is relevant and relates to the question.


        13.2.2  Writing Time


   Start writing immediately on the question you find the easiest; even if it is only to plan out the answer.  It is a relief to get underway and a task started is much easier to complete.  Your confidence will be boosted by having made a good start with something you are sure of.

   Plan your written answers to be easily read and understood by

     the examiner.  A solid page of text is no fun to mark, so break it up and avoid padding!  Use paragraphs, headings, numbered notes, underlining and charts etc. to highlight your main points and if it seems appropriate.  Above all keep your work neat and tidy.  Examiners do not  want to decipher before they evaluate.

   Clearly indicate what is your preferred answer and what you

     want marked, and cross out all notes and working you do not want marked.  It is possible the examiner may mark the first answer he or she comes across and ignore the one you really intended.           


13.2.3  Before Finishing


   Check that you have not missed any questions.

   If you have time available, plan to allow for re-reading the

     script, checking for sense, spelling and accuracy.

   If you do not have enough time to complete a question, provide

     an answer outline for it.  Briefly indicate in note form the main points, supporting facts and conclusions you would draw.  This will provide the examiner sufficient material to allocate some marks.

   In the last few minutes check that:

(i)      all questions are numbered;

(ii)     all pages are attached;

(iii)   your name is on the script.








 (1970).  Thesis and assignment writing.  


. (1987).  Successful oral and written presentations. 



 (1986).  Form and style. 


(1980).  Writing short business reports.

       Gregg division :


 (1983).  Writing skills.  Cambridge University Press.


 (1988).  Letter and report writing.  CPD.


 (1994).  Legal         structures and reasoning.  Palatine.


,  (1998).  Writing guidelines for social science students.  Palmerston North: Dunmore Press.


 (1991).  Ripping into research. 


 (1988).  MLA Handbook for Writers of research        papers.  The Modern Language Association of America.


Government Printer.  (c1982).  How to write a report.


 (1989).  Writing with a voice – a rhetoric and   handbook.  Scott Foresman.


. (1994).  He Korowai – a study guide for Maori tertiary students.  Auckland: UNITEC.


. (1991).  Explain? Argue? Discuss.  NSW:


 The student writer’s guide – an A to Z of writing and language. 


 (1990).  How to write business letters and reports. 


(1985).  Editing assignments for content, syntax

       and presentation. 


 (1990).  Developing writing skills. 


M.  Plan, write, rewrite.  Report Writer.


 Presenting an assignment. 


 (1990).  Read, note, write. 


 (1986).  Improving student writing. 


. (1985).  Writing assignments. 


 (1991) Management case studies.          


 (1991).  Writing for success.  Longman Paul.


. (1993).  Doing Research – the complete research paper guide.         


 (1986).  How to write effective reports.  Gower.


 (1989).  Report writing. G P Books.


(1986).  How to analyse and write case study reports.  Dunmore.


 (1986).  Managerial Communication.  New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


 (1994).  Writing, researching,

       communicating.  Sydney:


Appendix 1


04.560 Business Operations



Marking Schedule and Assessment Criteria for Individual Essay


(This schedule allocates a total of 45 marks to the essay.  The mark received below will be adjusted to a mark out of 15, which is the weighting of the essay in the total assessment of this course).



General subject is placed in context

Question implied by the topic is explained

Indication of structure of argument given














Literature review

Several sources cited, correctly referenced

Quotations are relevant, smoothly
















Key issues addressed/argued

Supporting evidence provided

Sufficient relevant content provided

Logically developed/structured


















Effective summing up of argument

Clear restatement of proposition

Sense of completion given
















APA style of listing sources correctly applied














Fluent, accurate use of English

Clear, concise expression

Well developed paragraphs

Good transitions





















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