
2:07 PM Bibliography

HK 2011




Table of content

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………. 1

2. Market segmentation……………………………………………. 1

3. Product positioning………………………………………………. 2

4. Pricing …………………………………………………………………. 3

5. Distribution strategy…………………………………………….. 5

6. Promotion Strategy………………………………………………. 6

7. Product………………………………………………………………. 10

8. References………………………………………………………….. 12


1. Introduction

The Sony Play Station Portable (PSP) has just approach into the Australia market. It

packs a powerful multimedia punch and provides consumers to enjoy the favorite games,

music, videos and photos instantly anytime. Factor in the PSP system’s brilliant high –

resolution screen and cutting – edge wireless connectivity and internet browser.

According to the leads over the pond at the register, Sony 185,000 PSP’s in the UK this

past weekend, smashing the previous three – day record, set by Nintendo’s DC. Sony’s

sales, said market watcher chart track, which provided the statistic, makes the PSP’s UK

debut the most successful console introduction in the territory yet. The PSP went on sale

in the UK on Thursday, 1st September, and chart Track’s total combines sales on that day

plus those of Friday and Saturday Nintendo sold 87,000 DS handhelds in the first three

days of the device’s availability, Blimey that’s a lot of PSP’s.

2. Market segmentation

(D. Decision – process influences)

1. Do different individuals use different evaluative criteria in selecting the product?

First of all, consumers consider a set of evaluative criteria before buying a product.

Secondly, different customers would use different sets of evaluative criteria.

According to the text book, “evaluative criteria are the various features a

consumer looks for in response to a particular type of problem.” So that

evaluative criteria depends on the person purchasing. For example, before

purchasing a PSP, a consumer may concern with number of games available,

screen resolution, and space of memory. These are evaluative criteria for people

who just want to play games on the console. On the other hand, someone else

could approach to PSP with a totally different set of evaluative criteria, such as

number of movies available, shape, sound effect, speed for internet surfing. These

criteria are used by people treat PSP as a multimedia entertaining machine.

Therefore, for the same product, different individuals would use different

evaluative criteria.

2. Do potential customers differ in their loyalty to existing products/brands?

In this case, potential customers can be divided into two groups, users and stickto-

Sony customers. Users will pay attention to new product and games; it’s

relatively hard for them to be loyal to any existing products/brands. Sony Loyalty

customers, which might be minority, will stick to their loyal brand, they will

intend to buy new product from Sony, include PSP.

3. Product positioning

(B. Decision-process influences)

1. Which evaluative criteria are used in the purchase decision?

These evaluative criteria can be used in the purchase decision:

• Price – Price is a fundamental evaluative criterion for most of customers.

Customers have to be provided with relative purchasing power before they enter

the purchasing process.

• Battery consumption – Battery is an important evaluative criteria when

purchasing a portable console, or portable multimedia player. Customers would

prefer the battery can last longer for long usage time.

• Memory space – Memory space relates to how many times that games can be

saved, capacity for downloadable content, movie trailers and other essential

information. Consumers would prefer a bigger memory while using.

• Games – For loyalty and games players, games choice is very important. More

games can be played with the console, more consumers would be attracted. For

example, some consumers they might not plan to buy a PSP. But if they saw some

games that they interested in, they might consider buying one. Moreover, games’

price is also an important evaluative criterion. The games’ price can influence the

sale of the console because of games are complement goods to the console, if the

price is too high, it will influence other consumers’ decision.

• User interface friendly – Whether the console is easy-of-use.

• Screen (resolution and size) – A high resolution screen can provide a better vision

effect to players, such as color and the 3D vision. Some consumers would pay

more attention to the vision effect. Besides large screen size makes better effect as


• Multiplayer allowance – Multiplayer allowance could definitely bring more fun. It

allows players play against the others by connecting consoles together.

• Compatibility – Whether the console can be connected to other related consoles or

computers for exchanging data and information.

• Accessory – Accessories, such as memory stick Duo, AC adaptor, battery pack,

headphones with remote control, soft case and wrist strap, car adaptor, accessory

carrying case and cleaning cloth. Accessories also can be part of the evaluative

criteria for consumers seek for better outfit.

• Life – How long it can be used until it’s replaced by next-generation consoles,

and secondly the usage life.

• Warranty – Warranty is kind of the confident that the Company gives consumers.

A good warranty condition can influence a consumers’ decision.

• Loading time – Loading time which is the loading speed. It’s very annoyed by

spending long time waiting until the game is loaded while playing. Less loading

time refers to the hardware and space of memory.

4. Pricing

(D. Decision – process factors)

1. Can a low price be used to trigger problem recognition?

According to the text book, “Problem recognition is the first stage in the

consumer decision process and it must occur before decision making can

begin…the recognition of a problem is the result of a discrepancy between a

desired state and an actual state which is sufficient to arouse and activate the

decision process.” In this case, whether to purchase a PSP refers to the problem


In current console market, PSP is the latest and the most expensive one, the

official console price for PSP is 9, games and UMD movies vary from .95

to .95, although PSP equipped with multimedia playing ability, most people

would buy PSP as a console only. The price is a bit high for customers who

mainly are low-income teenagers. Indeed, lowering price would definitely trigger

problem recognition. For example, when the PSP approached into the market,

consumers might not be ready to buy a PSP due to lack of purchasing power. If

they see the PSP with a reasonable price, they might be interested to buy one.

2. Is price an important evaluative criterion? Is price likely to serve as a surrogate

indicator of quality?

Price probable is certainly an important evaluative criterion for consumers before

purchasing a product. Firstly, before purchasing a new product, consumer had to

consider their purchasing power. Every consumer has different purchasing power,

such as different people have different income. Secondly, if the price is

reasonable, people who are not interested in playing games may start to pay

attention to PSP’s other functions; they may end up buying PSP as portable

multimedia player. Therefore, price can influence consumer to make a decision on

buying things thus it is an important evaluative criterion.

In this case, price is likely to serve as a surrogate indicator of quality. The PSP is

made by most advanced technologies and hi–tech electronic materials which

normally cost higher price, in another word, the cost would be low if the parts are

outdated and low-end. Therefore, most of electronic product equipped with

outstanding performance cost higher than the rest in the market. Regards to PSP,

the price can be seen as a surrogate indicator of quality.

3. Are consumer likely to respond to in-store price reductions?

Consumers are likely to respond to in-store price reductions, for the reason that

will increase the customer purchase motivation, as well as the price is the most

important evaluative criterion. The customers always walk into store to browse or

check the information of products. When they saw the price is reduced,

sometimes they will purchase the items immediately.

5. Distribution strategy

(D. Decision-process factors)

1. What outlets are in the segment’s evoked set (the set of alternatives that will be

considered for the solution of a particular problem)? Will consumers in this segment seek

information in this type of outlet?

There are 13 outlets when customers seek for purchasing:

• EB Games

• GameRush


• Harvey Norman

• Dick Smith

• JB Hi-Fi

• Target

• Big W

• K-Mart

• DoDo Shop

• Duty Free Shop

• Sony Shop

• E-Shop

According to research the Dick Smith sells PSP at 394 dollars and 350 dollars

member price in In addition the Downtown Duty Free Shop

sells a kind of PSP package; included one PSP console and one game for 0.

Most customers will not seek information in this type of store because PSP

already publish and put in circulation in America, Japan, and some Asian

countries. The most of them already got the information from internet or

magazines. Nevertheless, there are some players will still seek information from

the outlets, such as price.

2. Which evaluate criteria does this segment use to evaluate outlets?

These evaluative criteria can be used to evaluate outlets:

The evoked set for buying a PSP:

1. EB Games

2. GameRush

3. Sony Shop

• Price – price is the most important criteria that will influence customer to

buy the product.

• Location – people would always look for product in the closest outlet.

• Promotions – special offers will always attract customers such as

Downtown Duty Free shops promote the special PSP package.

• Refund policy – such as Myer have the good refund policy, if customer not

satisfied the performance of products, they can bring the receipt and

product to return and get totally refund within 14 days.

• Warranty – warranty is very important for the new technology product, if

the machinery is broken down the warranty will free repair within the

period of guarantee

• Option of Game – due to PSP just new arriver, some stores don’t have too

many choices of the games

• Staff – staff’s knowledge of PSP is important for customer to seek

information and also staff’s attitude in attending to customers

• Financing – customer can to have possession of PSP immediate just to pay

small amount of deposit

3. Is the outlet selected before, after or simultaneously with the product/ brand? To what

extent are product decisions made in the retail outlet?

In this case, for purchasing a PSP, consumers often select outlet after the product

or brand. As we mentioned before, PSP had been released earlier in other

countries. Most of the players have already made a decision to buy a PSP before it

approach into Australian market and they put the deposit in pre-order list from

different outlets. The outlets for PSP player is not really important, cause the most

important is to get the PSP.

6. Promotion Strategy

(D. Decision-process influences)

1. Will problem recognition occur naturally or must it be activated by advertising?

Should generic or selective problem recognition be generated?

There are two kinds of situations, for the loyal customers or people interested in

new technology or novel staff the problem recognition occurs naturally. They

would keep seeking latest information and always be aware of new stuff. But for

most of non-players who are not always tend to master all this sort of information,

problem recognition must be activated by advertising then, such as parents choose

their kid’s birthday presents, they may started thinking of buying after browse an


Generic problem recognition refers to the recognition of a discrepancy that a

variety of brands within a product category can reduce. Selective problem

recognition refers to the recognition of a discrepancy that only one brand in the

product category can solve. (Neal, Cathy M. 2002) In this PSP case the generic

problem recognition was generated, for the reason that PSP is not the very only

product when people goes after a portable console or a portable multimedia player,

there are many other brands can be found as NDS and GBA or PDA and palm.

2. Will the segment seek out or attend to product information prior to problem

recognition, or must its members be reached when they are seeking the information? Can

low-involvement learning processes be used effectively? What information sources are


In this case, there are two groups of potential customers. One group is PSP

players who are interested in video games or trendy stuff. These customers will

seek out or attend to product information prior to problem recognition. And others

would attend to stores or official webpage and brochures for getting information.

It is believed that low-involvement learning processes be used effectively. Lowinvolvement

products which are bought frequently and with a minimum of

thought and effort because they are not of vital concern nor have any great impact

on the consumer’s lifestyle. Advertising can persuade the customer, especially

where low-involvement products are concerned. There are few information

sources are normally used, Internet, magazine, newspaper and Internet.

3. After problem recognition, will the segment seek out information on the product/brand,

or will we need to intervene in the purchase-decision process? If they do seek information,

what sources are used?

In Australia, segment will definitely seek out information on the product. Due to

the release of Australian version is half a year after launch in Asia and North

America. Setting information and users’ feedback from those areas can be viewed

from internet and presswork. They are helpful for customers to get an in-depth

introduction. But at the same time, after problem recognition, customers will go to

different stores and enquire for detailed price and promotions, so they can get the

best deal. Therefore, dealers don’t have to intervene the purchase-decision process,

but they would influence customers’ directions.

When customers seek information themselves, they may use internet, game

magazine or information from friends.

4. What types of information are used to make a decision?

There are 7 types of information to make a decision, and this sticks to the

marketing theories:

1. Product

2. Place

3. Promotion

4. People

5. Physical evidence

6. Process

7. Price

5. How much, and what types of, information is acquired at the point of purchase?

The PSP has just approach Australia’s market, the price is 9.95. Moreover,

normally game magazine cost around to , internet and BBS fees cost no

more than , virtual mail is for free.

6. Is post-purchase dissonance likely? Can it be reduced through the promotional


Yes. According to text book that post-purchase dissonance means doubt or

anxiety about the correctness of one’s decision after a purchase has been made.

Yes, it can be reduced through the promotional campaign. However, the after

service and refund policy must be very straight-forward and comprehensive, for

instance if consumers are dissatisfied with the performance of PSP, whether it can

be refund or the after service can be charged in reasonable price. There are also a

special pack for sale such as buy one PSP plus 2 games for 9.

7. Has sufficient information been given to ensure proper product use?

According to research, since the release of PSP in Asia and North America, Sony

started throwing several promotional campaigns in Australia for preparing the

official launch of Australian version (Area 4), billboard mostly. The content

describes an obvious PSP logo trailed by a series of well-regulated notes, game

controllers, and film frames, and they all go into the pocket located on the back of

a girl’s jeans. This billboard graphically describes the major functions that PSP


On the other hand, virtual ad-mails were sent to Sony Playstation members in OZ

and Playstation world-wide official homepage present a detailed description of

PSP’s features and introduced the best way to maintain the PSP for achieving best

performance and usage life.

Moreover, there are different kinds of presswork in those outlets sell PSP. The

presswork gives potential customers a general idea of PSP’s performance and


So, apart from any unexpected quality problems occurring, Sony has provided

sufficient information which ensures the proper use of the product.

8. Are the expectations generated by the promotional campaign consistent with the

product’s performance?

PSP’s Australian version (area 4) was released on 1st Sep 2005. According to

observation; there are large crowd of pre-ordered people waiting for the launch in

front of every game outlet around 00:00am, local TV channels reported such

situation. It proves that Australian players were possessed with high expectations.

Since then, regards to interview with outlet staff and press released on Sony

official webpage, the sales of PSP kept increasing, it is no doubt that PSP’s

outstanding hardware and software have attracted more and more people and

satisfy them. It is to be believed that PSP will take over considerable amount of

market in a short period of time.

9. Are the messages designed to encourage repeat purchases, brand loyal purchase, or


From those messages delivered to customers in Australia, there are not any signs

or metaphors indicating encouragement of repeat purchases. One thing is to be

considered, PSP in white color has just been released in Asia, so it may land in

Australia sooner or later. It may affect people who are console collectors, but

there are not any promotions about white PSP until today, and spend 9 just for

a color change might not be accepted by most of players.

Besides, Sony didn’t monopolize the issuance of accessories, so speakers screen

protectors developed by Logitech, and PSP bag made by Porter are all available in

the market, and Sony didn’t force customers to purchase PSP and accessories

from Sony shop only. In this case, Sony doesn’t anxious to establish customers’

brand loyalty towards PSP, but as complement goods to PSP, games and UMD

movies will help PSP to take over the console market for sure.

7. Product

(D Decision-process influences)

D.1. Does the product/brand perform better than the alternatives on the key set of

evaluative criteria used by this segment?

PSP = Sony’s Playstation Portable

NDS = Nintendo’s Dream Swan

GBA = Nintendo’s Game Boy


(Ratings varies from 1~3, 1 = worst, 3

= best)

According to the statistics, PSP

successes in most evaluative criteria

when compare with NDS and GBA

(won 8 out of 12).

Evaluative criteria PSP NDS GBA

Price 1 3 2

Battery consumption 1 3 2

Memory space 3 1 2

Games 1 3 2

User interface friendly 3 3 2

Screen (size & resolution) 3 2 2

Multiplayer allowance 3 1 1

Compatibility 3 1 2

Accessory 3 1 2

Life 3 2 3

Warranty 3 2 3

Loading time 1 3 2

8. References

• Neal, Quester and Hawkins, 2002, Consumer Behavior: Implications for

Marketing Strategy, 3/e McGraw-Hill.


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