204/232 / 336 Fiction and Cinema  2007


Second  Essay due date:  Midnight, September 26, 2007.



Second Essay Topics:



1.         The short story “L’altro figlio” (The Other Son) by Pirandello and its adaptation in the movie Kaos by the Taviani Brothers:

Making specific reference to narrative structural differences between the two texts and to shooting and editing techniques (i.e. use of lighting, filters, sound track, montage, etc.) discuss the way the Taviani Brothers adapted this short story by Pirandello so that it is consistent with the view of the world expressed in the rest of  their movie Kaos.


  • Michelangelo Antonioni’s Al di la delle nuvole and the Taviani Brothers’ film Kaos are film adaptations of not just one but a number of literary works by Antonioni and Pirandello.  Both films have a “frame”, that is a unifying structure that gives the film order and links the various segments while at the same time interacting with them.  Discuss the similarities and differences between the frames.  Your discussion should include a description of the frames and their function in each movie’s overall vision.


    Length:  1000 to 1200 words for 204/232 students.



    Please note: 

    •    You may submit your essay to me directly  Please send the essay as an attachment in Word for Windows format, possibly saved in Rich Text Format.

    • Late coursework will be penalised.  Extensions for coursework will be granted only in exceptional circumstances and should be accompanied by relevant documentation, such as a medical certificate.

    •  Your essay should make specific references to the primary texts read. References must be in Italian if you are registered in Italian 204.

    • Your essay should demonstrate some reading and thinking beyond what was presented in class, that is: reading and application of ideas from the articles available, the use of citations from parts of the text not explicitly looked at in class; and a discussion that goes beyond the ideas presented in the lectures.

    • Ideas and quotations from published material should be properly acknowledged. Document your sources in the assignment using an appropriate set of conventions. Your references should be complete and consistent. Whenever you borrow ideas or information from a source, you should indicate this in a footnote or a parenthetical reference (depending on the citation style you are using). Just mentioning the source in the bibliography is not enough, as it would not allow the reader to distinguish your ideas from those you have borrowed, and therefore you could be guilty of plagiarism. 

    • Plagiarism occurs where someone copies another author’s text, verbatim (i.e. word for word), without acknowledgement. An extreme example is when a complete essay is downloaded from the Internet and submitted for credit as if it were one’s own work. This is a very serious form of misconduct. But even the use in a university essay of a small number of direct quotations from one or more sources without referring to the author would be plagiarism, and is unacceptable. Of course, in research essays, it is often appropriate to use a direct quotation from another source, to help develop your ideas. When you do this, it is essential to acknowledge original authorship through accepted referencing practices.

    • Internet sources are to be treated like any other sources: if you are quoting from the Internet, you must acknowledge the source and give the full address of the website


    If you have any questions regarding your essay, please feel free to contact me.






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