As a person with knowledge of liberalism in the 1960s, the author has always brought up to his superiors the viability of strategy formation regarding its analysis and at times fails to understand the reasons or logic behind certain strategic implementations imposed on it.

By delving into this project paper, the author intends to have better insights into how liberalism in the 1960’s were thought up, formulated and then imparted down. The author hopes to have an in-depth understanding as to how the liberalism in the 1960s enabled the people in that generation to compete effectively and profitably in that era of internationalization where competition was extremely intense.

In order to reinforce the learning objectives, two key focal issues were focussed upon i.e. innovation and diversity. Innovation was discussed with regard to liberalism in the 1960’s where it was renowned for its developmental capabilities to constantly innovate. Diversity came under strategic thinking and formation as the author considered the diverse culture, political climate, economic surroundings, social environment, technological settings, government policies and legal systems in order to better understand the state of liberalism in the 1960s.



Liberalism in the 1960s was characterized by freedom of choice and expression. It can be defined as the efficient and effective implementation of the individual’s will and decision-making power necessary to satisfy his / her needs. In the perspective of mass media, freedom of choice and expression focuses on the careful management of the processes involved in an individual’s pursuit of the correct choice, whether to agree or not (Curran, 2001).

Unlike in the 1960s, ordinary people like us don’t really have the capabilities to fully exercise our freedom of choice and expression nowadays. Instead, we engage in activities that various schools of mass media typically associate with exercising freedom of choice and expression, such as whether the “medium is the message” or not. Other activities include the manufacturing of mass media products, mass media development, production and distribution (McChesney, 1997).

However, liberalism must deal with all aspects aside from the realm of mass media. Activities such as the management of choices, the control of the freedom endowed on individuals, and evaluations are often associated with freedom of choice and expression. A great deal of emphasis lies on the efficiency and effectiveness of this freedom.


The occurrence of liberalism in the 1960s reflects the growing difficulty for the people during that time to freely express their actions and expressions. And even ordinary people were no exception to these. This is the reason why liberalism flourished in the 1960s so people can have the choice to determine the most effective ways to express their actions through the application of methods derived from fields of studies such as literature, mathematics, science, and art.

Through liberalism, problems involving freedom of expression were solved in different ways and alternative solutions were then relayed to the people. The people then selected the appropriate course of action in line with their skills, actions and personal goals. More often than not, liberalist outputs in the 1960s were concerned with complicated issues such as top-level strategy, resource allocation, designing of facilities and systems, and the analysis of large databases.

Liberalist ideas actually may vary according to the ideas and philosophy of the individual. But in the 1960s, liberalism was centralized in mass media. This scenario brought the possibility of working closely with top level managers in order to identify and solve a variety of problems into reality.

Liberalism in the 1960s had four main objectives:

A)   Remain one of the top ideologies in terms of educating and entertaining people. Being one of the top ideologies upholding liberty enabled liberalism to command the respect and confidence of the public in the 1960s. Thus, liberalism was able to expand its influence through the acquisition of other liberalist disciples (Henman, 1988).

B)    Gain more following and support than other ideologies. The principles that were laid down in the foundation of liberalist outputs in the 1960s were able to meet the high quality standards of the public. As a result, liberalism was able to earn the respect of more people as against other ideologies (Taras, 2001).

C)    Establish liberalism as the best ideology in that era; and

D)   Maintaining its independence. Being an independent ideology allowed liberalism in the 1960s to continue its tradition of excellence in both its principles and services by setting new trends and standards until today.

US and Conservatism Today

The United States has been able to maintain its reputation as one of the world’s leading conservative countries for more than 130 years now. It is able to face the challenges and criticism in its conservative culture directly. This is made possible by the effective promotional and positional strategies aimed to deliver not only the growth of conservative philosophy, but also on building down the foundation of conservatism’s principles within the country.

The promotional campaigns and strategies of conservative groups in the US are focused mainly on driving the growth of its teachings and improving the credibility and popularity of conservatism among the public. These campaigns have also helped secure significant acquisitions and partnerships, even among prominent figures and clans in the US. And more importantly, these campaigns have led to the release of the potentials of the conservative Americans, thus building a quality performance- based culture.

The promotional strategies of conservatism in the US are practically reinforced by the citizens themselves. These moves certainly allow the conservative philosophy to grow even more without the costs of introducing new teachings. These efforts have resulted in increased acceptance of conservatism in the US for the last 30 years or so.

It is interesting to know the basic reasons why the US has become more conservative in the last 30 years or so.

·        Mental Stability

Mental stability is crucial especially in the pursuit of the correct decision as well as the management and development of the processes accompanying it. Americans in the last 30 years or so have given so much importance in remaining updated with the latest developments to be able to stay aware and knowledgeable in all issues.

·         Performance and Credibility

The production of America’s best outputs comes as a result of conservative activities. The strong performance of their products and outputs in the market could also be linked to the conservative strategic planning and human resource mobilization of the US. Thus, their credibility increases as their performance becomes better (Gitlin, 1980).

·        Conservative Planning and Strategy Formation

Planning and strategy formation nowadays in the US has created the need for Americans to become conservative especially in the area of marketing themselves. This is because the access to strong distribution channels is critical for their continued existence.

·        Conservative Decision-making

Upon arriving at the correct decision or choice using conservative options, Americans now gains confidence in their ability to make critical decisions or choices especially when their integrity is on the line. Thus, they will now search for even more challenges and opportunities where they could further enhance their decision-making abilities regarding conservative issues.


·        Conservative Mindset of Issues

Through the exposure to various conservative issues, Americans along the process are able to develop a conservative mindset regarding the issues surrounding them. They now become a keen observer of the truths and lies surrounding the issue being tackled, instead of relying on mere hearsays. The continuous pursuit of the truth behind the puzzling issues enables the Americans to consistently practice and enhance a healthy and conservative mindset which makes it difficult for detractors to give influence. Because of this conservative approach, the Americans are able to effectively select the right choice and continue to maximize this potential for future use (Douglas, 1986).


The results of the analysis carried out on liberalism in the 1960s indicated very significant effects, even amidst the threats of unrest. Therefore, we could conclude that liberalism could still be expected to grow and expand faster than average.

The review of the objectives of liberalism in the 1960s revealed very little inconsistencies regarding its strategies. This is coherent with its traditional inside-out approach. However, the need to reconcile both the inside-out and outside-in approaches became imperative for liberalism in the 1960s.

The analysis of conservatism in the US revealed certain gaps, most of which are biased towards the environment. However, these gaps paved the way towards determining a number of recommended strategic options to secure the continued existence of conservatism in the US.

Also, Americans have to find a balance between adherence to internal forces of conservatism and to the changing forces of the environment in order to implement such strategic options.



Curran, J 2001, Mass Media and Society. 3rd edition. London.

Douglas, S 1986, Labor’s New Voice: Unions and the mass media. Ablex.

Gitlin, T 1980, The Whole World is Watching: Mass Media in the Making & Unmaking of the New Left. University of California Press.

Herman, E 1988, Manufacturing Consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon Books.

McChesney, R 1997. Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy. New York: Seven Stories.

Taras, D 2001, Power and Betrayal in the Canadian Media. Peterborough: Broadview Press.




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