Task Management


            For Music Cross, the implementation and development of information technology systems is a challenging project. Aside from the professional expertise needed for their successful execution, IS/IT systems also needed sufficient time, appropriate management style, cost control, effective communication and other essential resources. In addition to the resources, designing and implementing IT systems involves various risks and unexpected turn outs that must requires immediate resolution to prevent them from worsening. Due to these important project essentials and risks, a figure designated to be in control must be assigned. For this, the role of a project manager in any IT/IS project is necessary.

            In this task paper, the different factors of IT projects that a project manager must consider will be raised. Specifically, the different constraints that a project manager could possibly encounter in the process will be identified. The appropriate management techniques, leadership style and communication methods that will help in addressing these constraints will also be discussed. Furthermore, the role of a project manager as a mentor and a coach in an IT/IS project will be described as well. Significant recommendations on how a project manager should handle IT projects will be developed based on relevant literatures and cases. Basically, this paper discusses the relevant issues about IS implementation particularly the Information System in Music Cross.



Task 1- Information Systems for Music Cross

            As seen in the development of the current era, information and technology turns to be the important aspects to sustain competitiveness. The efficient use of information with respect to technology is significant in determining the success of a certain organisation. Thus, the awareness to information value and the ability to manage information organisation-wide will have great impact on organisation progress results. Since information is used in every feature of business and generated in every process, a centralised supervision function is needed to structure, combine and distribute it effectively and efficiently. Where the finance department monitors and manages the financial aspects of organisation and the legal department handles all legal affairs, the Information Organisation should manage this important business asset.

Apparently, one of the most vital and difficult tasks is determining important information and the proper way of using it. Where legal concerns and financial matters tend to identify themselves automatically, although often too late, with information this is not always simple. Data is engendered in all processes in and outside the organisation. Determining the possible information value of these processes and creating a system to effectively use it requires specialised skills. Meaning to say, we need to combine in-depth business knowledge with in-depth system/process knowledge. Eventually, when the information value is close to the procedure, e.g. obtaining direct process competence, this link can often be made by the organisation. This can be very difficult when information value is business-logically separated from the information source. Information is an asset that needs processing and care. Handling it wrong can render valuable information useless where money can be transformed and traced easily. On the other hand, information can be copied and used on different locations multiplying its value. Like money the optimal use of information requires strict procedures for handling it. As for money this depends on the specific organisation.

From the discussion, this paper aims to conduct a project plan regarding information technology systems implementation.  Basically, Music Cross is planning to have a complete of information system within the organisation to respond the needs of their employees and customers.  Constraints such as use of IT systems, employees IT knowledge, time, money, and man power should be carefully assessed.  For this type of project it is suggested to have a budget of approximately 0,000.00.  This budget will be including all the expenses for the technical and non-technical aspects of the project.

Basically, the technical problems that may arise in this project include the suitability of the software and hardware to the type of information to be protected. In addition, employees of Music Cross should be aware on how this systems works. Thus, expenses for employee trainings are needed.  The trainings should include instructions regarding the use of new IT systems and conditioning the employees to the advent of work environment changes. Apparently, issues such as system design, system capacity, system control, system maintenance, and system response to requests for information should also be considered. The systems to be used by the by Music Cross must be appropriate, to capably meet the needs of both employees and customers.

            In regards to non-technical issues of information systems implementation, the inclusion of project constraints, such as money, time and staff must be analysed. The company must be able to evaluate the financial aspect needing to accomplish the project. As part of non-technical issues in the project, time in accomplishing the project should also be observed. This is important since time and the amount of money the company will be spending to accomplish its projects are intercorrelated. Every organisation wishes to lessen expenditures, so identifying the project’s specific time frame would enable the company to allocate enough resources for the project. Lastly, staff participation is also essential in the project since they are responsible for making the project move forward.

Apparently, the function of an Information System in this organisation is to optimise the delivery of products and services in the right format at the right time. According to the experts in Music Cross, the information needs changes continuously. They explained that to be useful the supplied information must keep matching the evolving information need of the individual users.


Task 2-Task Management Plan

With regards to the given constraints of the project, this part of the study will detailed the information about the activities to be done for the installation of the new IS system for Music Cross. Basically, there are five essential activities for this project i.e. (1) Hiring and arrangement of contracts to an IT Company, (2) Training of employees, (3) Buying of equipments and Installation of new IT systems, (4) Pilot Operation and (5) System Evaluation.

Table 1. Activities


1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

5th week

6th week

7th week

8th week


1. Hiring and arrangement of contracts to an IT Company










2. Training of employees










3. Buying of equipments and Installation of new IT systems










4. Pilot Operation










5. System Evaluation











With respect to the presentation in Table 1, resource allocation is important for this project.  Actually, resource allocation can help in identifying the economic and convenient way of completing the project. Thus, for this project, i.e. the implementation of IT system, the resources such as manpower, infrastructure budget, and IT trainers for employees are essential. The resources should be carefully evaluated to avoid excessive implementation costs and waste of time.

While Music cross will invest to technology, there are other aspects that should be considered in attaining a holistic performance. There are actually, several portions that needs much consideration, if not more attention and investment than technology and this is human capital management. Thus within this project, training of employees was considered (see Activity number 2).  Actually, one month training was really a big help for employees. As stated by Liepic (2001), the human capital is a critical factor that would either lead the organisation to success or to failure.

Furthermore, organisations must realise that in order for them to recruit, develop, and retain skill employees for this technological changes within Music Cross, they need to unleash their human resource employee relation’s imagination to create capability and flexibility to institutionalise a well-defined system to expedite the handling of needs. Therefore, it is imperative that human resource departments adopt a modern day progressive employee relation’s paradigm that embraces and enhances the recruitment, development, and retention of employees in concert with human capital strategic management planning initiatives.

Technological changes are keys to organisational success but human resources should not be neglected. The role of human resources is one of catalytic conversion that prepares organisations to understand their history, strategise for the present, and create visions for the future. That role moves beyond the traditional experiences of personnel, recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, health promotion and benefits, risk management, training, and organisational development to one of visionary guide, culture monitor  and change agent(Williams, 1995).


Task 3- Leadership

From the previous presentation, several factors can be determined, which need changes. Primarily, the management or style of leadership in Music Cross must be changed, which suits the style and preferences of its employees and their response to the current environment. The management style of Music-Cross’ managers must then be given enough attention to ensure the organisation and control of the company’s employees. The scope of this change must be rooted to all of the functions of the company’s manager or its chief executive officer, whom includes planning that, involves defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing sub-plans to coordinate activities (De Bono, 2005). Function also includes organising, which determines what needs to be done, how will it be done and who will do it, leading to directing and motivating all parties and resolving conflicts, controlling, and making sure that the organisation has achieved its stated purpose (De Bono, 2005). In short, the scope in the change of management entails the refreshing and reinforcing of the tasks and responsibilities of the manager of chief executive officer of the company.

            In accordance to the target project plan that have been distinguished by Music Cross i.e. the plan to initiate IT systems within their business operation, leadership of project manager should be in the right tract. As mentioned earlier, the top management of the company wanted to employ IT implementation as part of change management in the organisation that concern to enhancement of services and product delivery. Primarily, the major objective is to utilise IT in order to enhance services and delivery of products of Music Cross.  Actually, the drive of IT implementation, therefore, came from the needs of its customers and in order for the company to survive into stiff competition in the market. The management at the Music Cross have been faced with the task of integrating what had previously been disparate plants, serving customers in their own country and operating in a largely decentralised way.

However, the manager of Music Cross should be aware of the culture of the company. He/She should have respect to the company’s history. With regards to ethical issues, the manager should be able to take considerations of what would be the reaction of their employees to the changes that would be imposed.  Furthermore, the manager should have seen to it that his/her employees have undergone critical explanations about the reasons why the change of management system and strategy is needed for a certain aspects within the company.  In addition, the company should also give the employees enough time to master the skills and proficiency of their employees from maintenance, communication services and human resource management in utilising the changes made by the organisation. This is done by providing them enough trainings and orientation to explain the changes made.


Task 4- Communication

While project managers are exposed to implementation of new IT system, there are a number of different communication methods that can be used to address them. Communication in general can either be formal or informal. The project manager should then be aware which approach is most appropriate as the situation requires it. For instance, formal communication depicts confidence and control, thus, it is appropriate when speaking to superiors or to the clients. Informal approach on the other hand can be used for the project team or to the direct users of the system to develop rapport and facilitate comprehension. Project managers may also use the upward, downward and horizontal communication styles. In this case, the basis is more on the position of the speakers. For example, the upward method is used when two people of significant position, such as a conversation between two managers, are the ones speaking. On the contrary, a communication style between the manager and the subordinate may adapt the downward method. On the other hand, communication among the project team members may use the horizontal method. In general, project managers should remember that effective communication does not cost anything; thus, it is not as difficult to practice and maintain during the design and implementation process. These communication styles actually suggest that one of the keys to effective communication is know ones’ audience type. By means of understanding the audience, the communicator or project manager will be able to know what communication medium and approach are appropriate.

In Music Cross, conducting a business requires insight in the internal and external environment. Presently the information workers in the organisation need accurate and up to date information to make informed decisions. Basically, information in Music Cross has become a critical factor for success since it is the main competitive differentiator in information or knowledge intensive industries. Thus, this organisation formulate a system that accurately manage the information enters to the organisation. Moreover, communication among staff in Music Cross is also important to maintain the flow of their business practices. In employee/member relations, communications has emerged to be a necessary function in personnel management.

For communication to become effective, Music Cross must be able to address its key publics. The primary public in this paper is the employees/members in the Music Cross, belonging in all branches and sectors in the organisation. Employees/members are considered to be the first public to address because the success of the organisation depends on their overall performance, and include the company’s managers and team leaders, for they must be aware of the problems in the company/organisation.

            As stated before, an Information System is a strategic asset of an organisation but the communication process among members of the organisation should not be neglected. The communication process is also an integral part of an organisation.

Communication with the various members of departments and those with various tasks will also be helpful for the outcome because of their perspectives. Actually, the environment of the new project and the way that it is premised to be done is one of the most important parts for the production of the Music Cross, and this is also important for this new project in order to avoid some problems. Each of the staff has to be evaluated immediately and precisely according to their abilities, skills and output. The focus of their core works are important as part of the management of the human resources and also included in the ways that their outcome will be done and included in the final output of the entire project, especially during the start.

            With these requirements, Music Cross has to focus on the division of labour in order to finish the project. One is the focus on the formulation of the designs and also presentation with the client in an effort to include them with the project, especially as the outcome must be approved by them. When that is finished, there is then the need to focus on the making of the design itself, and the use of the materials available will thus be in question. The costs of the designs must also be discussed with the client as they are the ones who are shouldering the costs, while also considering the creativity of the members of the team in the new project and how they are to be recompensed on their time, effort, and their creativity.


Task 5 – Mentoring and Coaching

Mentoring is a human relationship that includes encouraging and guiding personal growth and development (Ward 2002). Here in Music Cross, the role is different from that of a friend whose relationship is more reciprocal, a trainer/manager who imparts specific skills, or a counsellor who offers personal guidance), although it may contain some elements of all these. The goal of the relationship is to open the lines of communication and assist the employee in developing competence and character. The employee/staff will learn to communicate to others and build up an amplified optimistic self-concept that will derive to the benefits of usefulness.

In Music Cross, there are lots of things that the company, managers and staff can do in order to arrive at a successful implementation of IT.  As part of coaching and mentoring capabilities of mangers, they need to talk to people, inspire them and get them excited to the possible growth of the company. They may also use reward and recognition for good response. Apparently, team effect and inclusion of people from the union should not be neglected.

Since the Music Cross staff were convinced of the benefits which would arise from implementation of IS. Then we may say that the company made a great decision and management style. From the discussion, it can be understood that the personality of managers and their implementation of leadership styles and coaching and mentoring capabilities are determined their culture. The coaching and mentoring capabilities and leadership style of the manger in Music Cross depends on his/her culture and personality, and thus, depends on the norms of the society and the culture of his or her subordinates. The personality of manager simply shows that it serves as an informative tool that emphasises the important role culture and character play in leadership implementation.

            On the other hand, the company needs change management particularly with its IS implementation, inventory, and performance of the staff in order to keep up with the competition that rapidly becomes a huge threat in the organisation. Addressing changes particularly in the human resource will directly benefit the company because the performance of the employees will either aid in the improvement or failure on the performance of the company. Investing in the human resource is important because they are the front liners of the organisation. Efficient front liners ensure the success in winning the battle of competition within the industry.


Conclusion and Recommendations

            From the discussions, it is found out that information is a key resource of the organisation, together with people, finances and material assets. Thus, it is accepted to state that information is a business issue. The discussion above revealed that through effective information management of the organisation’s resources and systems, organisation administrators can add value to the services delivered to customers, reduce risks in the organisation’s business, reduce the costs of business development and service delivery and encourage improvement in internal business processes and external service implementation. On the other had, it is recommended that when developing an information system just commence to make sure it produces important information and not data. It is better to build a report that is ideal for a specific need then to make a report based on a predefined concession between several users. The shaped information will have value and increases insight into information needs and the way the business is looked at. Adding more and more information to the system and solving the problems as they occur will eventually lead to a system as mentioned. In fact, that is the way any functional Information System is developed. Having an experienced team helping you take the first steps and educating your staff in the first period can make all the difference.



De Bono, S (2005). Assessing Managerial Attributes Case Study of Maltese Managers in the Service Industry, DBA Executive Summary.


Lipiec, J. (2001). Human Resources Management Perspective at the Turn of the Century. Public Personnel Management, Vol. 30.


Ward, M (2002). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, viewed 19 October, 2006,<http://yosemite.epa.gov/R10/OI.NSF/00000000000000000000000000000000/9d1b496115203e5b88256e7c000180a7!OpenDocument>.


Williams, LC. (1995). Human Resources in a Changing Society: Balancing Compliance and Development. Westport, CT.: Quorum Books.





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