here are special order for 4 individual students in same class with same tutor/assignment marker.

Each student is requested to prepare an individual Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 (each 2,000 words). Therefore we are going to have 8 assignment orders for U.

In order to keep a consistent writing style for both Assign #1 and #2 for each student, it would be great if U can offer the following special arrangements to us as loyal customers:

1) Four different writers to work for each of our individual student, therefore each writer works on both Assign #1 and #2 for same student, to keep a consistency writing style and knowledge-based.

2) Each assignment pls keep a fixed amount $, to avoid any arguments just as previous case. HK,000 for 8 pages (around 2,000 words) each assignment.

3) For Assign #1, essay on our own company’s specific strategies. U may aware we had ordered from you an Organizational Theory Assignment on PCCW Directories (Yellow Pages) and Star TV, U may want to have same writer who did the previous PCCW and StarTV assignments and can also ride on the previous materials :
a) PCCW Directories Ltd – Yellow Pages (Hong Kong)
b) Star TV
c) Nokia
d) PCCW Call Centre

4) Assignment #1 : Submission Due Date of April 9

5) For Assign #2, will give instruction soon after Assign #1 done. Assign #2 will be an individual assignment on two companies’ comparison (we all 4 students in a group to work on Hong Kong mobile service industry), therefore we each student will work on company A vs company B, company A vs company C…… etc


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