
2:07 PM Bibliography

System Development




Table of Contents                                                                                                  Page

Introduction                                                                                                             3

            Methods of Enquiry                                                                                   4

            The Use of IT in Curbishley Royal Hospital                                        6

Internet Technology for the Medical Services Sector                                  8

            Current Internet technology                                                                    8

            Future Internet innovations                                                                     9

Risk Assessment on Internet Technology                                                      10

            Likely impacts on staff and patients                                                     10

            Consequence analysis                                                                             11

Key Issues in Systems Development                                                               13

            Scope of the IS project                                                                             14

            Initial stages of the SSM                                                                           15

Evaluation of the Report                                                                                      16

            Strengths and weaknesses of the enquiry method(s)                     16

            Major assumptions made                                                                        16

Conclusions                                                                                                            17






            Curbishley Royal Hospital is a small hospital for minor illnesses for wealthy patients who require immediate short-term medical services and/or medication at short notice. There are currently twelve consultants and physicians, twenty-five specialist nurses, and twenty administrative staff currently employed under the hospitals management, and with 120 bed capacity of the hospital, the infrastructure and man power of the Hospital is considered to be enough in providing quality healthcare to patients. But due to the pressures on the healthcare industry in reducing cost to save resources, together with the continuously growing demand and needs of the society for low-cost quality healthcare services, the management of Curbishley Royal Hospital concluded that adapting Information Technology in the organizational framework of the hospital will help in achieving those goals and meet the demand and needs of the society. However, adapting IT in the hospital’s framework could bring consequential changes in the overall strategy and structure of the hospital that could possibly affect the hospital and the patients in general; this is the reason why it is important to investigate the possible impact of IT adaptation, in order to eliminate, if not, to mitigate the risk involve in such process. Adapting technology in the healthcare industry will help various medical institutions and healthcare specialist in providing quality healthcare services and medications to patients that aims to meet the demand of the society for low-cost quality healthcare and services by providing patients with low-cost innovative medical treatments and services that are more efficient and effective than the conventional.

Method of Enquiry

            Enquiry system is a system of interrelated components for producing knowledge on important problems and/or issues (1993). It is classified into three classes: Simple System (can either be Inductive-Consensual or Analytic-Deductive approach), Complex Systems (can either be Dialect or Multiple Realities Approach) and Innovative System also referred as Unbounded System Thinking. Enquiry system is important in system development in order to formulate the best possible solution for problems and/or issues in the process. It is important for the management of Curbishley Royal Hospital to determine the best enquiry approach to be use in system development.

Ø  Inductive-Consensual Enquiry

            In this approach, conclusions can be derive from observations of everyday life, by comparing the different point of views of healthcare providers and patients as well as, the values of both in order to derive a conclusion that will serve as the foundation of system development. The conclusion derived form this approach is a fixed strategy or a single course of action to solve the problems associated in system development (1993).

Ø  Analytic-Deductive Enquiry

            This approach places great importance on logical consistency and views the world as a formula in determining the success for system development by breaking down the possible problems and/or issues into separate parts and analyzing each part and formulating the corresponding solution for each; holding no significance in formulating an overall long-term solution for problems and/or issues as a whole.

Ø  Dialect Enquiry

            This approach gives emphasis on the subjective assumptions of two or more divergent positions in system development and the gathered data; that will help to differentiate the various assumptions involved (1993). According to  (1993), the purpose of data is not to settle issues but rather to surface the intense difference in background assumptions between two or more divergent positions.

Ø  Multiple Realities Enquiry

            In this approach, all the gathered data and information, together with the facts and observations are considered in order to formulate the best possible solution for the problems and/or issues in system development. A view of reality in the real world is represented by a particular model or data combination which is considered as an inseparable whole (1993). Understanding the active participation of all the individuals (management and staff of Curbishley Royal Hospital and the patients) involved in system development in order to define the problem and comparing it against a personalized created theory or model is the key element of this approach. As a result to this the problems associated in system development are defined in various representations; with corresponding solutions which can either be applied or discarded.



Ø  Unbounded Systems Thinking

            In this approach, problems are viewed and considered as “messes” – uncultivated and unrelated entities which can affect other entities. Messes functions as a whole and is incapable of a rigid definition and identity; therefore demands a more innovative and comprehensive approach in formulating a solution.


The Use of IT in Curbishley Royal Hospital

            Adapting IT n the healthcare industry aims to reduce cost while improving the quality of healthcare services that the industry provides through innovative and modern system in managing and delivering efficient and effective healthcare service through the general public. Curbishley Royal Hospital, implementing IT in the organizational framework of the Hospital can provide low-cost quality healthcare services to patients; meeting the growing demands of the society in healthcare quality. According to U.S. President  State of the Nation Address, in January 20, 2004, “By computerizing health records, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs, and improve care.” It is always a major business goal for any healthcare providers and institutions to continuously increase the safety of patients and decrease medical-related errors in providing medical services to remain competitive. These reasons have been the major aspect that drives the healthcare industry to adapt and implement IT in their organizational framework.

            Since the Internet was invented and emerged as a fast and reliable tool for communicating, the demand on adapting and using IT in the healthcare industry has been high; it has been a gateway for communication and sharing information, in a fast and secured manner. Different industries have adapted and implemented internet technology-based systems and applications in order to provide their clients with the best service and to remain competitive in today’s technology-based market competition. Technology in the healthcare industry can help in making healthcare services and medical approach more effective; making work flow in the medical sector efficient and effective.

            Through the use of IT, healthcare specialist and providers of Curbishley Royal Hospital can gain access to any medical-related information in comprehensive format; allowing them in decision making regarding medical treatments for patients. It can also provide patients with innovative, fast, and accurate services. One of the significant impacts of IT in Curbishley Royal Hospital is the broad research capability it will provide the hospital and its patients. It can give patients the ability to choose from different healthcare providers and specialist to provide them with their needed medical services. It can also provide patients with convenience and portability through mobile access. Patients can discuss their medical condition with their doctor via wireless internet access; giving patient’s mobile accessibility and convenience. The service time required for every patient of the hospital will be reduced, leading to shorter waiting period to allow more patients to have access to services. Also, error detection capabilities in medical-related errors will improve. The adaptation and implementation of IT in Curbishley Royal Hospital will have consequential impact in the organizational framework of the hospital such as:

Ø  Literally, Curbishley Royal hospital will gain new technology;

Ø  The reduction in production cost and the savings of corporate resources;

Ø  The improvement  in quality of healthcare services and practices that the hospital provides;

Ø  Competitiveness advantage that the hospital can gain in the healthcare industry; and

Ø  The expansion of market grounds; reaching new regions and providing global reach.


Internet Technology for the Medical Services Sector

            Internet technology adapted in the healthcare sector has provided the medical sector with broad and unbounded research capabilities and development in the quality of services they provide the public. Internet technology in healthcare industry greatly improved the quality of medical services that a patient can acquire and gave empowerment to them and their family through new and innovative quality medical practices that are inexpensive.

Current Internet technology

            Due to the adaptation of Internet technology in the field of medicine, the development of telemedicine technology had become possible. Telemedicine technology combines advance technology with medical procedures that expands boundaries to deliver quality healthcare services to patients via long distance procedures. This Internet-based technology is widely used in the healthcare industry due to the benefits that the healthcare providers and the patients get from using such technology; it uses advance technology tools and applications, together with reliable internet infrastructures to deliver healthcare services that cross boundaries and distance (1995). Telemedicine technology had become an important communication tool in the healthcare industry due to the continuous development of technology (1999). Telemedicine is simply a stepping stone to a more sophisticated technology-based healthcare procedure in the future (2001).

Future Internet innovations

            Adaptation of technology in the healthcare industry has undeniably changed the landscape of medical field. It provides new solutions to medical conditions through revolutionary treatments. Future internet-based technology in the healthcare industry will be based from the successful progress already achieved by telemedicine technology, with increase sophistication and communication capabilities. Future internet innovation in the healthcare industry aims to meet the growing demands of an increasing well-in formed society. Future medical internet technology-based innovation is the Health Information Technology (HIT) which allows the rapid processing and transition of critical and confidential medical data over great distance. HIT allows comprehensive management of medical information and secure interchange of such information between healthcare providers and patients. Broad uses of HIT are:

Improve health care quality;

Ø  Prevent medical errors;

Ø  Reduce health care costs;

Ø  Increase administrative efficiencies;

Ø  Decrease paperwork; and

Ø  Expand access to affordable care.

            Interoperable HIT will improve the quality of patient care, but it will also bring many public health benefits including:

Ø  Early detection of infectious disease outbreaks around the country;

Ø  Improved tracking of chronic disease management; and

Ø  Evaluation of health care based on value enabled by the collection of de-identified price and quality information that can be compared.

            Using HIT, patient information obtained from medical test can be monitored by healthcare providers over the Internet. HIT is an Internet-based technology method of medication wherein the healthcare provider can attend to a patient based on their home; this makes medication remote and accessible for the part of the patient and convenient for the part of the attending healthcare specialist.

Risk Assessment on Internet Technology

Likely impacts on staff and patients

            Adapting Internet-based technology can bring likely changes in the organizational framework of Curbishley Royal Hospital’s staff and patients. It can bring some dramatic changes in the traditional medical services and practices, as well as, changes on the relationship of healthcare providers and their patients. The following are the possible impact of Internet integration for the staff of Curbishley Royal Hospital:

Ø  Ease and convenience in traditional hospital work procedures

Ø  Reduction in patient waiting time and fast transaction (Time saver)

Ø  Improvement in the quality of healthcare service

Ø  Reduction in medical errors

Ø  Security in important medical information

Ø  Up-to-date knowledge in the latest medical innovation and practices abroad

            The patients of Curbishley Royal Hospital will also be affected by the adaptation of internet-based technology in the hospitals organizational framework. The likely impacts of technology adaptation in the patients of Curbishley Royal Hospital are:

Portability, convenience and time saving

Ø  Accessible in various medical services that the hospital provides

Ø  Empowerment  to patients through a wider rage and option in medical services worldwide

Ø  Quality and proper medical care in many form

Ø  Fast medical results

Ø  Information on various medical conditions and proper medications



Consequence Analysis

            The adaptation of internet technology in the framework of Curbishley Royal Hospital will have consequential risk that can greatly affect the hospital’s already established name. it is important to address and immediately solve the possible risk that can affect the organization, in order to eliminate, if not, to mitigate these impact for continuous business operation. Below are the possible impacts of risks to Curbishley Royal Hospital:

Ø  Interruption of business activity

            Business activities of Curbishley Royal Hospital will be interrupted due to the integration of the new technology.  This is due to the reason that the new technology will require the staff of the hospital to undergo necessary training that will help them in gaining knowledge on how to properly use the new technology that the hospital has implemented.

Ø  Loss of Business opportunity

            The interruption of business could mean possible loss in business opportunity for the hospital.

Ø  Financial Loss

            Interruption of business could mean loss of business opportunity for Curbishley Royal Hospital which will obviously lead to financial loss for the hospital.

Ø  Endangering of staff or customers

            It is a vital in any healthcare provider to ensure an error-free deliverance of medical procedures and processes. The new technology should be error-free in order to achieve this goal. Te staff which will use and mange the new technology of Curbishley Royal Hospital should be well-trained in proper usage of the new system to ensure an error-free environment.

Ø  Loss of Integrity

            The newly developed technology for Curbishley Royal Hospital should be error-free to ensure that error will not occur that will risk the integrity of the hospital. The system and the medical data it collected should be secured at all time to maintain data integrity. The hospital management should have an appropriate system and data management.


Key Issues in Systems Development

            System development incorporates various key issues needed to be address in order for the system development to be executed flawlessly. Key issues included in system development includes technological, Economic, Social, and political issues:

Ø  Technology issues

            The existing advance technology of Australia still needed further improvement particularly for low-cost medical equipment that will support the implementation of telemedicine technology and the development of better and usable application that will help users with low technical expertise.

Ø  Economic and investment issues

            The implementation of an internet-based technology in the healthcare industry requires a long-term investment plan to be formulated that will address all the future plans for development and address the values and needs of the stakeholders of system development, as well as, the patients and und users of the system.          

Ø  Social issues

            Social issues includes the societies concerned regarding remote medication and the acceptance of both the public sector and the healthcare providers in regards with remote medication such as telemedicine technology in the healthcare industry.

Ø  Political issues

            The government plays a vital role in setting the frame work that will make the adaptation of internet technology in the medical sector. Both government-owned and privately owned healthcare providing institutions should have cooperation which the government must initiate in order for remote medication to be widely accepted by the public.


Scope of the IS project

            The telemedicine technology will allow patients to remotely access the various medical services and procedures that Curbishley Royal Hospital offers such as patient stay-in reservation, schedule for medical check-up and other medical procedures, symptoms and medications, video conference, etc. such technology offers   convenience and portability in acquiring and providing medical services respectively for both healthcare providers and their patients. See table 1 or functions of telemedicine.

Initial stages of the SSM

            Soft System Methodology (SSM) aims to describe the key transformation of activities the will be affected in system development and the implementation of the new system (1998), identifying the various groups of participants and there views and beliefs in implementing a new system. The problem of Curbishley Royal Hospital is to reduce cist and conserve organizational resources without compromising the quality of healthcare services that the organization provides. It is important to conduct a study that will help system development through initial stages of SSM.

CATWOE for Tele-home Service

C – Customer – the patients of Curbishley Royal Hospital

A – Actors – the participants in this system are the Staff and healthcare provider of Curbishley Royal Hospital, and the patients as well.
T –
Transformation – provide patients with convenient and effective means of accessing healthcare service
W –
Weltanschauungan effective and convenient system that will be accessible to anyone.

O – Owner – the management of Curbishley Royal Hospital

E – Environmental constraints – technological issue


Evaluation of the Report

Strengths and weaknesses of the enquiry method

            The best method of enquiry in system development is the Multiple Realities Enquiry because of the strengths that it has which will give advantage in making system development for Curbishley Royal Hospital well planned and organized. Below are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach:

Strengths of this Method

  • Because this method is a combined approach, it is well-sited to formulate solution for problems that are deemed difficult and complex.

  • All the problems and/or issues associated with system development are addressed to formulate the he best solution to solve each problems and/or issues involved.

  • This method doesn’t assume that there is only one way to solve a problem. It uses multiple solutions are formulated in solving the problems and/or issues and mitigate the possible risk to the organization.

Weakness of this Method

  • Because more than one solution is formulated for a single problem using this method; it is best to choose the most appropriate answer that the management of Curbishley Royal Hospital will take, to avoid wasting time and organizational resources.

Major assumptions made

            The major assumptions made in system development are the possible uses of telemedicine and the advantages that Curbishley Royal Hospital can gain in adapting the use of internet-based technology such as telemedicine system. The strengths and benefits of telemedicine system will greatly benefit the hospital in various ways. Although, adaptation requires thorough planning and a well-planned strategy in order to eliminate, if not, to mitigate the possible risk and/or impact that are incorporated in implementing a new system due to the changes that are interrelated in implementing a new system to an already established organization such as Curbishley Royal Hospital.



            There is undoubtedly great potential in adapting technology in the framework of healthcare industry. Technology has a rapid constant development which empowers various industries, but the adaptation of technology in the healthcare industry is slow compare to the development of technology itself this is due to the slow acceptance of both the healthcare providers and the patients in remote medical services and medication via telemedicine technology and the capability of various healthcare industry to manage such technology effectively. But still, the support of the government and the objective of the healthcare industry to provide low-cost quality healthcare services and to reach a wider range of patients that know no boundaries of distance can lead to the future success of technology in the healthcare industry.




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