
From the black and white caricatures of the olden days to the full coloured version of today, the comic book has been one of the world’s greatest past times. There has been thousands of storylines and character has been created in the past years but only a few has captivated a vast number of readership. In any case, the comic book has been infused in the international popular culture. Since its rise in the mainstream several decades ago, these comic books has elevated itself from something that is shunned at to something that is revered immensely as a body of creative work. Nowadays, the name of Marvel and DC has become commonplace and consistently taken a synonymous identity with top of the line comic books. It has created several characters and icons that has become a part of the consciousness of the common man. From invincible men from planets unknown to genetically mutated individuals, comic books have time and again provided individuals a world of fantasy and an outlet for escape from reality. This paper shall be looking discussion the primary developments in the comic book industry and determine specific issues on these comic books. Specifically, the study determines whether or not the comic books were originally created for adult readership and not for kids.

Statement of the Problem

Comic books are essentially a graphic narrative that constitutes a storyline and a set of characters based on certain realistic assumptions. ( 1995, 79) Traditionally, these illustrations are in a two-dimensional form providing a frame by frame account of the development of the storyline. In the same manner, these comic books are often connected to infantile connotations because they show close resemblance to another form of literary work that infuses illustration and graphic images, children’s books. However, when one looks upon the storyline of comic books, one can uncover undertones of mature issues and social realities. Upon such consideration, this study comes to question whether or not the comic book is originally made for adult readership and not for the younger generations. To realise this main objective of the paper, the following questions shall be answered:

a.      What is the historical context of comic books in society?

b.       How did the comic book develop in the past years?

c.      How do western comic books differ from eastern comic books?

d.      What are the perceived implications of comic books to the consciousness of its readership?

e.      How are the storylines and characters of comic books interpreted in the existing literature?

f.        Are comic books considered to be directed to the adult readership as opposed to the earlier notion of it being created for the young readers?

History of Comics

The history of comic books differs from country to country. For instance, the period between the 1940s-1960s shows the rise of the comic book in Australia. (1998,) The rise of the said industry in the said nation came from the comic strips in newspapers to the more complex comic books. In any case, these mediums share a common characteristic: the conservative ideology. (1998, ) Hence, the absence of violence, bad language, and sex is apparent.

However, this development in the comic industry in Australia is predated by the rise of the comic industry in the United States. To some extent, one may also construe that the rise of the said industry in Australia may also be attributed to the rise of same in the United States within the period of 1933-1955. Studies on the progression of comic book history in popular culture refer to this period as the golden age of the comic book industry in the United States. The said period got its name because of the emergence of numerous comic book talents in this era which constitutes the likes of . Apparently, the rise of the comic book industry started during the in 1930s. Tabloid-sized comic strips were given away which contain “funnies” or simply a comic bit concluded within a strip. 

Development of the Comic Book in Recent Years

The development of the comic book started when an American company, the Eastern Colour Printing, compiled the Sunday comic strips collectively categorised as the funnies into a single book. This was printed in 1934 which was called the Famous Funnies. This is followed by what is now called the Popular Comics, which includes strips of now classic titles like Dick Tracy and Gasoline Alley. However, it was not after an upstart company, the National Allied Publications, entered the market and considerably changed the face of the comic book industry. This company acquired a lot of name changes which included National Periodical and Detective Comics. Today this comic book outfit is known by the name of DC Comics. The creation of this company set the motion for the rest of the industry and prompted all the talents in the land to engage in its improvement. In this golden age of comic books, characters like Superman, Spiderman, and Batman sported their costumes and capes into the annals of popular culture.  

The Universal Appeal of Comic Books


How Western Culture Regard Comic Books


How the Eastern Culture Treat Comic Books


Perceived effects of Comic Books on its Readership


Effects on Children


Effects on Adolescents


Underlying Interpretation of Comic Books and its Characters


A Consideration of the Gender Roles


Language in Images


Of Heroes and Villains


As a Driver of Mass Culture


The Blurring of Racial lines


As an Alternative Educational Tool


Emergence of Adults as the Target Market of the Comic Book Industry


The Rise of the Graphic Novel


Mature Storylines in Manga


Consequent Film Adaptations



Analysis of the Issue


Implications of These Shifts: An Analysis


The Present View on Comic Books: A Summary








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