How do the Foundation Subjects Enhance and Extend Children’s Learning Experiences in Relation to the Aims of the National Curriculum?
The school curriculum is composed of all learning and other experiences, where in each school provides for its pupils. The said aspect is included in the National Curriculum, religious education, collective worship, sex education as well as careers education. In more extensive curriculum, the National Curriculum secures that for all pupils irrespective of the social background, culture, race, gender, differences in inability as well as disabilities, the right to a diversity of areas of learning. Thus, it make sure that every young person to develops the knowledge, understanding, skills as well as attitudes that are important in achieving their self-fulfillment as well as development s active and responsible citizens (TeacherNet 2007).
Thus, the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects are governed by different statutory programmes of study that is set out in extensive terms where in the knowledge, skills as well as learning should be covered in the subject in the different key stages (TeacherNet 2007).
This paper will focus on the vital contribution of developing a positive attitude to Information and Communications Technology or ICT, together with the different skills that are needed to be acquired in order to use the said tools in effective manner in order to improve, at the same time extend, the learning of children in the areas of National Curriculum, at the same time help them to be prepared on the life in the 21st century (Cheam Park Farm Infants School n.d.).
Part 1 – The National Curriculum
The main goals or aims of the National Curriculum are to provide different opportunities for all of the pupils in order to learn as well as achieve. At the same time, it also helps to ensure the promotion of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupil, and prepare them for different opportunities, responsibilities as well as experience of life (TeacherNet 2007; Elston 2007, p. 16). Thus, the different foundation subject such as English, mathematics, science, design and technology, ICT, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education and Citizenship were all included in the curriculum in order to meet or achieve all of the mentioned goals.
Information Communication Technology
The important aspect that must be considered is to tackle how the ICT curriculum can contribute to the achievement of the aims of NC, at the same time how it will reflect on the values. There are different factors that must be considered in analyzing the importance and contribution of ICT in the entire achievement of NC’s goals.
Computer technology has been available within the schools for many years; it can be rooted from the days of the Acorn computers during 1980s. But it was not until 1988, due to the Education Reform Act, that a formal curriculum was defined for each subject, including Information Technology or IT (Elston 2007, p. 14).
There is no doubt that ICT can help NC to achieve the first goal, and that is to give different opportunities for the entire students to learn and achieve. This is because of the current changes and trends in the world, where in the world is becoming dependent on the information. The increasing use of technology in different parts of the society can help to make the confident, creative and productive use of ICT as an essential skill for life. This is because of the fact that ICT capability includes not only the mastery of technical skills and techniques, but also pertains on the application of the said skills decisively, safely as well as responsibility in the process of daily life and employment (National Curriculum 2008). Thus, it shows that ICT is a crucial curriculum in the current time, in order to ensure the competitive advantage of each and every people. At the same time, ICT can help each and every student or pupil, regardless of his or her status in the society and physical and mental capability to have an access to new technologies that will enable him or her to learn more about the positive impact of technology in life. Aside from that it can also help teachers and instructors to focus on the learning process of their students by applying different technologies that will aid their learning approach such as the application or use of electronic whiteboard and other presentation hardware and software. It will also help to maintain interesting teaching session. This is because of the fact that including the ICT curriculum in NC enables the teachers and school administration to take the challenge of searching and applying innovations in their learning process, in order to maintain the smooth flow of information inside and out the school. By the process of informing and training the students regarding the usage and application of ICT in their daily life, it will give them the ideas regarding what is going on in the real world. Thus, they can apply their learning outcomes in the latter part of their education, particularly in the college level, where in there is an ongoing intense dependency over technology.
On the other hand, it had been mentioned that NC focuses on promoting Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural or SMSC values in schools. It is important to consider that SMSC is not confined to one particular subject or area of study in curriculum; however collective worship is doing an important contribution. It can be developed through all of the subjects and the degree of contribution will be dependent on the perception of the functions of the subject beyond the teaching of its basic material and upon the approaches adopted by the teachers and pupils (Cairns & Gardner 2000, p. 76). In the case of ICT, because of its connection with the aspect of communication, and application of modern technology, it can be said that curriculum focuses on the aspect of social values.
It is important to consider that ICT capability is vital in the process of participation and engagement in the modern society. Mavers & Lakin (2001) stated that going digital showcases many advantages. First is that it enables immediacy of access, where in images can be brought into action as quickly as required and can be shown on the computer monitor, thus can be discussed as a whole. This can help to develop the self-esteem of the students, at the same time, contribute to their ability to become involved in the process of decision-making during different significant moments in their learning. In addition, making the said images available to the parents and guardians, in electronic or printout manner can have a considerable value for home-school links as well as for the creation of electronic portfolios for record keeping. In general, ICT can help to promote communication, collaboration, positive social value as well as self-esteem in an exciting and dynamic way (Monteith 2004, p. 105).
At the same time, ICT can also be used in order to find, develop, analyze and present different information, model situation and solve different problems. It also helps to enable the rapid and vast opportunity to access different ideas and experiences from vast range of people, communities and cultures, thus allowing the pupils or students to collaborate and exchange information on the wide scale. This is because of the application of different computer technology, primarily the Internet. Thus, it can be considered as a influential force for change in the society and citizens must have an understanding the regarding the issues about social, ethical, legal and economic implications of its use and application, together with the issue of how ICT can be used in safe and responsible manner (National Curriculum 2008). That’s why, in this case, the issue regarding moral will enter the picture.
Part 2 – Context of Placement and Planning
The goals and objectives of the National Curriculum is considered as an important guidelines for teachers in order to ensure that all of the activities and lessons that he or she is preparing for the entire learning process. This is because of the fact that the National Curriculum focuses on the fact that education is an influential factor that reflects the values of society as well as the kind of society that wanted to be achieved. Thus, it focuses on the process of recognizing the variety of common purposes, values and aims that will support the different school curriculum and the work of schools (National Curriculum 2008).
ICT plays a very important tool in my overall teaching approach. Application of ICT can help me to promote and contribute to the success of NC and school curriculum by focusing on offering opportunities and growth as well as social values for the my students.
Primarily, the applications of ICT enable me to use different technologies that will capture and maintain the attention of my student. At the same time it helps me to have a strong connection with my students. With the support of the school, by implementing different new technologies inside the school, it had helped me to focus on giving quality and updated information towards my students.
First is that the goal of NC focuses on giving or providing the students with the access to the different opportunities for all of the pupils to learn at the same time achieve. In that case, ICT had helped me to offer my students a wide variety of online sources for their lessons. This is with the advent and help of the Internet. My students had been able to learn more, not only regarding the technology, but also regarding the story, evolution, past and present of a specific body of knowledge. In that case, it enables the student to have the control regarding the knowledge or areas that they want to explore. At the same time, it helps them to learn, while they are enjoying it.
On the other hand, it is important to consider that the world today is facing major change, that had affected all of the industry and field, and particularly the sector of education, and that is the technology dependency. That is why, by the help of ICT in the leaning process, it enables me to give my students, the basic knowledge regarding the said important subject. This is important because, it can be observed that more and more organizations or the future employers of my students are focusing on the importance of IT in their overall performance, process and system. As a result, it enables the students to see the vitality and application of ICT in their everyday life.
On the other hand, it is important to take note that ICT cannot only help in terms of learning process regarding the different academic and theory-based subject, but it also play an important role in the different values, primarily social and moral. This is because of the fact that ICT enables my student to connect to different people from different parts of the globe, therefore enables them to encounter different culture, and later on understand them. The said aspect is important because it enables them to have a virtual social life which enables them to gain friendship with other people that help them to gain self-esteem. Aside from that, it also enables the student to share their experiences, knowledge and story with other people who have the same and opposite perspective as they have. Later on, it can help the students to reflect on their attitudes, behavior and culture with their online friends. This can help the students to have a wider view or perspective regarding the world. The said aspect is important in my career in a Jewish State aided school in London. It can be seen that the student have different cultures. Aside from that, ICT can also help me to have a direct contact or relationship with the parents, primarily those parents who do not have much time for their children, with the help of modern technology, primarily e-mail, at the same time, enabling the student and the parents to have a strong bond or connection.
On the other hand, ICT can help to focus on the goal of NC to promote SCMC values. This is important because of the growing moral issues that are related to the Internet, the most important aspect of ICT. By applying the ICT curriculum, students are also becoming aware of the different netiquette or the standards of how to act, communicate and threat other people in the cyberspace. By doing this, it enables the students to gain more of the moral values, because, they can develop good and proper online behavior, that can be reflective in their real physical aspect. Thus, it also helps them to gain discipline by focusing on the different contents that are only suitable for their age. The said aspect is important, especially today, where in different people can upload and download different media and application in the Internet that can affect the mentality of children. The said aspect is important because of the fact that ICT acts is considered as a controlling element for change in the entire society, thus, it will be important for the people to know and understand the social, ethical, legal as well as economic connotation of its application and use that focuses on how t use ICT in safe and accountable manner. At the same time, increasing the capability in the usage of ICT in order to support initiative and independent learning, as the pupil are able to make informed judgments regarding when and where to use ICT in order to enhance their learning, and the quality of their work (National Curriculum 2008).
Part 3 – Personal Application
It is important to consider that ICT can help the process of reading, writing, understanding and communication. Thus, it enables ICT to become not only contributes in achieving the goals of NC, but it is considered as a core activity in supporting, enhancing and developing NC, school curriculum as well as the aspect of SMSC.
In order to develop the writing skills of my student, I decided to give them a project that will help them to express their emotions, feelings and opinions. At the same time, in order to ensure that ICT is applied in the project, I instructed them to use word processing software to encode their piece and then upload it in the class webblog. A webblog or simply blog, is a chronological publication of online journal or posting to a Web site. It can include text, image, and links to video files, links to audio files or even link to other Websites (Sweeney 2006, p. 317). I asked my student to choose what topic they want and the writing style that they want to apply, if they want to write a letter for their love ones or themselves, it will also be acceptable. With the support of modern technology, I asked my student to look for the different current events and issues that are going on in the world, in order for them to look for the topic that they want to tackle. Aside from that, asked them to look for different images or pictures that will represent their piece.
I also made it clear, that I will not be the only one to judge their works, but the whole class. Each and everyone in the class will upload their work not more than 1000 words piece or work in the class weblog, with the corresponding image and other design that can help their piece to be noticed. After all of the articles or pieces were uploaded, I asked them to rate each of the piece in the class weblog, and the result of the voting activity will be one of the basis of grading their works.
As a result, each and everyone exert much effort in researching for topics that can capture the attention and heart of the reader. This is by surfing the Internet, and socializing with their virtual friends, as well as visiting cyber-society. At the same time, it also helps them to search for designs that will be suitable for their piece. There are some students who even created their own image, by using imaging software, primarily paint. Some even consulted their own brother and sisters regarding the combination of colors and images. At the same time, they focus on structuring their piece, in creative, alive and strong manner, because the voting activity awakens their competitive side. That’s why, it can be said that ICT is considered as a must in terms of achieving the overall goals of N as well as school curriculum, because it enables the students to have a wide range of knowledge and information. However, it is important to consider that all of the information that must be accessed or retrieved by the students is filtered, or those contents that are suitable for their age. At the same time, it also enables them to have a contact or communication to other people and community in other part of the world in order to know their perspective regarding their chosen subject or topic.
Above all, ICT also helps to ensure moral and social values that are very important goal of NC. This can be seen on how my students react, judge and rate the other works of their classmate. They have tried to use words that will not hurt the feeling of other, at the same time try to improve the self-esteem of their classmate by giving advice regarding on what to improve. Aside from that, they also learned to respect the opinion, emotions and perspective of other people, by not imposing any negative or violent reaction. They have tried to focus on the differences of their culture, behavior and beliefs. In that case, the students have learned the importance of respect, because of their prior experiences in the cyberspace.
Part 4 – Conclusion
Overall, it can be said that ICT can help NC to achieve its goals in providing the student the access to learning processes, at the same time, enabling them to acquire different social and moral values towards the students. It is important to consider that it can help the student to get connected to different information and knowledge resources, at the same time, enables them to communicate with the different beliefs, behaviors and cultures in the world. Thus, help to enhance and extend the learning of the children in the different areas of the National Curriculum. Above all, it can help them to be prepared for the life in 21st century (Cheam Park Farm Infants School n.d.).
Cains, J, Gardner, R & Lawton, D 2000, Values and the Curriculum, Routledge
Cheam Park Farm Infants School, Find Out About Our Curriculum, viewed 24 January 2009, < ulum.ikml>
Elston, C 2007, Using ICT in the Primary School, Paul Chapman Publishing
Kennewell, S, Parkinson, J & Tanner, H 2000, Developing the ICT Capable School, Routledge
Monteith, M 2004, ICT for Curriculum Enhancement, Intellect Books
National Curriculum 2008, Information and Communication Technology Key Stage 3, viewed 24 January 2009, <>
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Sweeney, S 2006, 101 Ways to Promote Your Website: Filled with Proven Internet Marketing Tips, Tools, Techniques, and Resources to Increase Your Web Site Traffic, Maximum Press
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