Change Management: The Case of Warwick Castle
Management of change is a course and method which involves a precise comprehension of the need for alterations in the management and also competencies of the establishment which support change and also the course and method to execute and employ change. Warwick Castle which is a UK based company to attain organisational change strategy for the tourist destination, specifically in terms of their operations management and marketing strategy. For this kind of industry, the change plan needs a comprehension of the current status at Warwick Castle. This industry is a part of tourism and leisure industry in UK and it draws about hundreds to thousands of visitors yearly, Nonetheless, because of competency in the tourism tourist industry environment it leads to market saturation which calles for a new marketing and operational management approac. In this regard, the current condition of the tourism economyc displays a great chance for Warwick Castle to change its management course and method. Primarily, the main goal of this paper is to explore the background to change for Warwick Castle, develop systems for comprehending and involving other individual in the change process and the consideration of strategic plan to initate change models for ensuring ongoing change.
Warwick Castle UK
Warwick Castle UK is noted as one of the finest medival castles in England and now consider as one of the sought after tourist destinations. The castle has been one of the favorites because of its historical roots and backgrounds. Nonetheless, even if the castle is well-known there are still some aspects and features which influence the current situation of this tourism industry. In this regard, the management of the casltle should be able to employ strategic transitions which will adhere to these influenceing asepcts. In addition, with their objective of attaining significant growth in earnings per share, the transformations and reforms in the castle’s present operations woult have to meet the various demands of the highly diverse segments. While such transitions will benefit this well-recognised tourist spots, specific challenges and issues might arise. Hence, proper management of change is needed by the company to overcome this.
Background Information
In spite of the success of the Warwick Castle in drawing hundreds and thousands of tourists to visit the tourist hub yearly, the competent tourist industry environment as well as the changing market trends leads the management of specific organisation to change specifically in terms of the leisure and recreation sector. Warwick Castle is facing issues and problems with all the new amusement and theme park that has been established in England which creates economic losses for the company. In order to meet such demand, Warwick Castle should introduce transitions in terms of their marketing aprpoach and its operations through a strategic management of change plan to commence in the years to come. The change requires the company to change their operations management course and method and its market strategy through market segmentation In addition, transformations such as site improvement will also be considered. Warwick Castle should also consider change for ensuring quality of the services.
The strategic management of change plan will consider a six-year design service redevelopment plan in terms of marketing course and method and operations management. For this change, the time line will be divided into three stages. The initial stage will be completed in 2010 with the consideration of new marketing aprpoach such as consideringf consumer survey to know the latest trends in the tourism industries and other information. Then the next will be the initiation of their new operations management course and method at the castle and the implementation of service quality course and method to satisfy and meet the needs of their target market.
This change plan has been considered because of the external and internal drivers of change. Accordingly, external drivers are aspects and features external of the establishment which influences business operations as well as marketing operations (Reigeluth 1994; Carlopio 1998). In the case of Warwick, there are two external drivers that influenced and advocate the strategic management of change. The first one is the changing demands of the market since the growth of the younger segments affects the current marketing course and method of the company. And the last one is the heightened competentness in the tourism and leisure market with the entry and development of other tourist spots not only in the locale of england but the entire UK and in the global market as well. Accordingly, argeting the same market segment results to the rapid saturation of the tourism and leisure market and this shows the ability of Warwick Castle to recognise key transitions to attain strategic benefits.
On the other hand, the internal drivers for this change plan are those aspects and features within the establishment which influence the change course and method (Reigeluth 1994; Carlopio 1998). In this regard, the first internal factor which influenced the strategic management of change plan is the need to improve the market segmentation to obtain consumer satisfaction (Adler 1991) with the higher aim of retaining them. In addition, Warwick Castle needs this to ensure its competentness and secure sufficient revenue to meet the needs of their shareholders and to sustain their operating cost. Such indicates that Warwick needs to increased customer focus of Warwick Castle expressed in the strategic management of change plan.
Giving emphasis on the growth phases of the organisation and the establishment by looking its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is also relative and significant in comprehending the internal as well as external aspects and features which determine strategic management of change (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson 2003). In this regard, the strengths should be able to support the change and moreover, the chances should be sufficient to make the transformation and reforms worth the threats and risks ahead.
Accordingly, one of the Warwick Castle’s greatest strength is in terms of its brand valie and equity. Being part of the history, Warwick Castle were able to generate and build the tourist destination as historical, recreational site which advocates conservation of historical elements and modernising the tourist spots to meet the needs of the changing market. By merely encouraging various individuals, specifically those enthusiasts for historical matters, the theme park was able to draw the interest of various individuals and other market segements who in turn brought their families to the tourist destination. In this regard, the further strengthening of Warwick castle’s brand equity still remains as their future strategy was actually based on the trend of the market.
A weakness of Warwick Castle is its weak as well as bureaucratic strategic management aprpoaches. Accordingly, Warwick castle has been able to implement transitions even before, Nonetheless, prior to such new features considered in the last years, , Warwick Castle still remainted to be slow in terms of change management aprpoach,specifically in line with the preparation and adjustment to transitions in the business tourist industry environment. With the entry of other tourist spots and regeneration of the old ones, Warwick Castle experienced major downturn and loses.. In addition, the board members are also experiencing transitions in the previous years having new memebrs which considers creative and innovative ideas.
In this regard, a great opportunity for the company can be considered in terms of market expansion specifically to attract international and global market through the consideration of strong and effective promotional and marketing agenda which aims on drawing the attention of the people the tourist destination based on distinctive value and historical offering such as the entire castle itself and other changes and development. For this change initiative, a threat to Warwick Castle is the rise of various alternative historical tourist sports in the global market and also other factors such as recreation including online activities and other tourist destinations. Furthermore, the cost of generating new attractions as well as services could challenge the affordable price in which Warwick Castle offers which could in turn influence its competentness relative to its closest rival markets.
The strategic management of change at Warwick Castle and any other change is said to face major challenges in terms of f resistance as noted by by Fisher’s transition curve (Fisher 2000). Upon knowing the change plan and the benefits that it can give, staffs and personnel would feel anxiety because of questions on the idea of coping with the demands of such change plan. Nonetheless, by realising the benefits staffs and personnel, the stakeholders will be glad for the enhancements. Then perceptions of fear as well as threat then happens specifically when staffs and personnel consider the impact of the change to them such as possible curback or cost cutting or increase in their tasks which they feel incapable to do. Depending on the response of the corporation, staffs and personnel may develop hostility to the strategic management of change or development should consider gradual acceptance before moving forward and cooperation in the strategic management of change.
The people/individuials involved in the change course and method include the current staff, marketing management and board or shareholders of Warwick Castle together with other management consultants. The strategic management of change plan involves an increase in the number of staffs and personnel of the tourist destination to give efficient services for their local and international clients.
The following table presents the stakeholder analysis to know which among stakeholders will have high involvement, interest, influence, significance and implications on the change process in Warwick Castle.
Table 1
Stakeholder Analysis
Involvement in Issue
Interest In Issue
Influence. Power on outcome
Importance to SH
Impact on SH
The shareholders are the main target of the change management aprpoach
Very Relative and significant
Staffs and personnel in marketing and operational management
They considered as a major stakeholder for this topic.
Very Relative and significant
Top management
They give financial support for the implementation of the improvement
Very Relative and significant
Educational institution
Can help in disseminating information regarding operation management and service delivery improvement for the historical place
Relative and significant
Consumers and target market
Highly influenced for the change process
Very Relative and significant
In this proposed strategic management of change enhancements the potential stakeholders include the shareholders of the organisation, staffs and personnel in marketing and operations management, top management, consuemrs and target market and also educational institutions. s. Accordingly, various stakeholders have varying amounts as well as type of power for this course and method, and those with the greatest influence shape a course and method from various decisions (Shafrits & Ott, 2001). It can be noted that in the case of Warwick stakeholders are being gived the outmost authority in tourism industry and market environment, like in this case the implementation of the strategic management of change course and method for the Warwick Castles. Their power and their significance are starting to obtain advantage when compared to other team memebrs. Aside from that, stakeholders give a diverse influence to both kinds of organisations and they are able to guide individuals for the achievement of goals.
In this regard, the stakeholders for this strategic management of change can be considered as significant for the decision making of pursuing the new course and method used by the Warwick Castles as a tourist destination. As mentioend by Johnston & Clark (2001), the design of services considers translating the needs and demands of the stakeholders in terms of the service requirements, through the formulation of quality objectives as well as cost target, documenting specifications, refining curent services, and also developing new ones as well. In line with this. Stakeholder analysis, the management can be able to change the new course and method used by Warwick Castles to give better service delivery to meet the needs and demands of the stakeholders and most specfically provide good income for their shareholders.
Change Model
Strategic management of change method is basically referred to as the consideration of transformation in an organised mannet. The major objective of strategic management of change method is the presentation of innovative manners as well as systems in the operations of the organisation. In this regard, the company usually undergoes changes so as to evolve to a higher level of organisational capacities, stability, management and even enhanced market position.
Establishment and organisations such as theme park or tourist destination change is part of the goal of the company to survived in the tourist market. Aside from that, strategic management of change method is relevant with with endeavouring to handle their competing demands..
It can be said that establishment and organisational change is one of the crucial and very essential and significant determinants in success or even failure of the company (Appelbaum et al 1998). Studies have shown that the emphasis of successful Establishment and organisations such as theme park or tourist destination is on clients and target markets as well as their changin g demands, that involve investing in manners to enhance and develop market sales and enhanced service to target market (Appelbaum et al 1998). In order to ensure that the company is able to initiate change effectively, the company must consider the most appropriate change model. For this approach, the change model for the company includes changes power-coercive and also changes in marketing and operations management.
To be able for the management of Warwick Caslet to satisfy the demands of its highly diverse market segments, the management should then consider general service context would have to be established. In this regard, the context of quality service is opted for Warwick Castle. One of the reasons why such ervice context is preferred is because of the growing competition that surrounds the historical and toursit spot. The integration of quality in the products and services of the castle can be of great benefit to the formulation of its strategies. Recent reports showed that the castle is surrounded by other historical and tourist spots that travellers and visitors go to; by means of integrating quality in the strategic change plans, the warwich caslet can be able to develop p manners and means that will make the tourist attraction to be chosen from the rest. Visitors and guests in this generation are very much after the quality of the services. Thus, the inclusion of this service context into Warwick Castle can aid and improve in obtaining high levels of tourists satisfaction.
In order to enhance the profit generation status of this tourist destination, it is essential and significant that it generates and builds a strong market position. The consideraon of quality as part of the services can then be an efficient means for brand-building. In particular, the brand speaks of how the business enterprise works and serves its clients; thus, the brand of the company suggests the level of quality a business enterprise puts on the tourist services (Kohli & McBahn 1997).
Quality service in Warwick Castle is also essential and significant so as to establish a good relation with the clients. The visitors of the castle are essential aspects o future business growth and success. Quality for Warwick Castle iis also significant as the public expects a lot from the castle’s management. As a major player in the leisure and tourism industry in UK as well as in Europe, Warwick Castle had already established a brand name. Now that tourists are considered to be more demanding in terms of quality and in meeting their needs and demands,, Warwick Castle must ascertain the quality of its services in the development of its strategies.
Aforementioned, the main objective of the Warwick Castle is to acquire a growth in its earnings per share for their shareholders. To be able to attain such objective, certain transformations will have to be done in the operations of the toursit spot. Since the quality service aspects were preferred for Warwick, the four changes preferred for the case will be based on these aspects. Such changes will include change management approach, employee changes, tourist development and communication systems improvement.
For strategic management of change, the main functions will be the implementation of continuous improvement through service quality development. his strategic management for chan can be applied in Warwick by assigning appropriate management to its various business aspects and by dividing its operations to designated members and staffs. This change can aid and improve in increasing operational efficiency as it promotes employee empowerment and team organisation.
. The courteousness of the employees is also an importan factor for the change.. However, considering the amount of clients that visit the historical and tourist spot, employees that provide client’s assistance should be made more visible. This will somehow adhere to the issues in terms of queues as clients in need of assistance are directed where they intend to immediately go. This change can be done by assigning designated employees for each area and site in the castle and more employees and personnel for popular historical and tourist spots.
Change is a very importnat factors for the organisation to meet their target, may it be in terms of profit or the number of clients and visitors. In the case of Warwick castle, because of the growing number of tourist spots in the global market, the company is forced to consider major changes in its marketing and oeprational management approach. Hence, the management consider changes in marketing strategy, service quality and operational managment. Based on the discussio, the company should be able to choose efficient stakeholders for them to achieve the objective. In addition, the management should also ensure that the change goal adheres to the overall needs of the company and the result will eventually benefit the entire organisation. The company has also been able to consider change model to ensure that the change implement adheres to the needs of the organisation and the stakeholders. Consequently, consideration of change management is important to ensure that the organisation cope with the changes in both the internal and external market.
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