Customer Management System (CMS) is a system for sole proprietor, enterprise and corporate customer’s management function. It is a software program designed to collect information from customers and input this information in a central repository so that all departments within the organization can have a virtual and indirect access to customers in time they need it. For example in a corporation they have a virtual database of customers that passed on from one department to another for different functions and they use Customer Management System or Customer Relation Management (CRM) system software like “Sugar CRM” this is an open source software solution that makes it possible to make the job easier using this system.

      The system goes like this, the Accounting Department will use the Sugar CRM system to check and update the customers who have paid their bills, the Purchasing Department will use Sugar CRM to monitor their supplies if they need to purchase or delay the acquisition of some of their raw materials while the Sales Department will also use Sugar CRM to study the buying habit of their customers and follow up their sales lead. This software is highly used by more than 7,000 most successful enterprise and government agencies like Coca-Cola, Avis, Axa life insurance, BDO and many others in order to maximize their market performance.

      Customer Management System and Customer Relation Management software can be used to communicate with prospects, share different information, manage customer’s information including sales and marketing. You can simply imagine the functionality to link all departments and communicate within the information almost instantly anytime or anywhere using the internet and other media and how it expand the business into a multi-facing environment within just a system.

      Another example is the Call Center Business Process Outsourcing who uses a CRM called “Screen Pop” that is interconnected to their telephony system using state of the art technology that automatically detects the customer’s inbound and outbound transaction. The call center agent can simply browse their profile and access them using multiple device system technology that can variably handle even hundreds of customers at the same time whether this is for inquiry, sales, complaints and other transaction it can be easily traced and recorded using such system and this is the wonders of Customer Management System. Making complex customer’s information easier to access analyzes and update such transactions.

       The database of transaction and customer’s information is highly integrated and a complex thing in the past but using CRM or CMS makes it a breeze because of a perfect user friendly interface. CRM and CMS integration to business is an intelligent choice for most companies. The hard copy transaction recording system like logbook, journal and ledger can be taken out and replaced by this system and in the future generation that even a simple home business can find a need to use their systematic approach to business. Most CRM system that is equally useful in most types of business to boost sales, keep and track their records and save money.

      CRM can prove that customer management and their relation is important in all business. Another benefit of such system is the fast and efficient services that benefit the customers by individually tracing their personal files. Some CRM software can even track emails and automatically respond to customer query that can lead to sales, the strong relationship between customers and the company can be easily established if customers themselves can easily track or retrieve the profiles on the internet. One of the best CRM in the market today is “Sales Force” because of its unique features.

      Sales Force CRM enable user to chat to co-workers in real-time for easy communication and integration, each department and individual users can update and customize their profiles. This system is also best for Sales and Marketing functionality because it can provide sales leads, quotes and approval system. It can record and track various advertising and promotion online so that the company can track which activity is best to create the most leads and inquiry and therefore sales. The system can even track information and interaction and report such opportunities that you want to choose.

      Here is the list of some of the most highly popular CRM System and it is up to you to choose which one is best to use depending on your business types; OnContact, Sage ACT, Prophet, AIMcrm, Relenta, Maximizer, WebAsyst, Chaos Intellect, Contact Plus and many others. There are also Open Source CRM that you can use; Sugar CRM, Splendid CRM Software, Centric, Hipergate, Compier Inc., Vtiger, Central Views Inc., XRMS CRM, Cream CRM, Tustena CRM. This program can simply maximize the potentials of most businesses from the ground up. If you want to review and sort each of its function you may visit this websites below;                                                                   


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