Strategic Management Process: Ocean Park Hong Kong


Ocean Park is considered as a major attraction in Hong Kong, the luminous pearl of the Orient and known as the financial center of Southeast China. It is located on the south end of Hong Kong Island. The larger two sections are located on the headlands of Mount Nanlang, while the smaller section is located in the Huang Zhu Keng Valley lowlands. It is considered as one of the largest ocean in the world, having an area of 170 miles ( 2008).

Organizations change and organizations compete for the same resource, competencies as well as customers. It is the cruel reality that must not be neglected by any management, thus the strategy as well as strategic management must not be neglected as a vital integral part of what managers do ( 2002,).

This paper will focus on the strategic management process of the Ocean Park of Hong Kong towards their foreigner or tourists customers. It will first tackle the details about the Ocean Park. Second, it will analyze the external environment such as the economic and culture aspect that can affect the relationship of the organization to their possible foreign customers or tourists. Furthermore, it will focus on the internal environment of the organization such as its core competency, together with its strengths and weaknesses.

Ocean Park Hong Kong

            Ocean Park Hong Kong is considered as one of the most important amusement park in Hong Kong, and even in the world. It offers a gut-wrenching rides, magical animals as well as spectacular views. Ocean Park Hong Kong focuses on entertainment, education as well as thrill by offering different sections or parts of the park. For education purposes the organization is packed with creatures from the deep such as sharks, dolphins, jellyfish and a horde of other fishes. On the other hand, in order to meet the demands of the thrill seekers, the organization is offering roller coaster, Absyss etc ( 2008). The park is currently undergoing a massive expansion to be finished in 2010. However, there will no rides to be closed during the said period ( 2008).

            The Ocean Park of Hong Kong is part of the growing global industry of amusement and theme park in the world, as well as part of the tourism industry. The organization is focuses in global market, and taking advantage of the improving tourism industry of the country, targeting their tourists, regardless of their age.


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