


          Ideally, it can be that counselling theories do inform and support healthcare practitioners in such intervention and strategy the practitioner wishes to use and apply effectively within the healthcare setting such as for example, those that relates to health promotion activities as the health practitioner is amiably expected to improve community health such as through encouraging people to commence at the same time develop certain health promoting behaviors and to avoid cases of health damaging behaviors. The counseling approaches in action do provide healthcare practitioners simple yet effective processes and ways to improve their craft in such field they are involved with and thus allowing healthcare practitioners to think as well as plan out precisely of the things they are required to do in a specific situation for instance, within such health consultation sessions, the approaches would probably help these practitioners to concentrate on a particular therapy that can be relevant and helpful to such case situation as deemed possible. Thus, making them successful in providing appropriate health interventions as needed and provide ways to make such changes or adjustments in systematic and organized manner.




          There can be such suggestions that perhaps can be possibly missing for several health practitioners that may involve such specific skills pointing to such approaches as the counselling ways will then knowledge that is required to systematize such counselling theories and models like, in certain areas of health promotion for example, which amicably measure the healthcare practitioners’ ability to apply and execute such theory for a particular health intervention. Aside, it can be such concern, however, that the practitioners may recognize and consider such theory like, motivational theory to be helpful in the earlier stages of the process. There can also be established health promotion theories and models as such fact that practitioners would perceive that such approach will be utilized effectively across such range of therapeutic actions and behavior within variety of health care settings and the intuitive logic of useful elements found within each theory’s level of effectiveness upon usage and realization of goals as practitioners learn to assess and evaluate the process into such controlled situation. The health care practitioner’s understanding of the counselling theories is imperative as it do enable them to be sure that they have certain share, at the same time more deliberate and accurate, understanding of such theoretical approaches from within such functionality.


          The healthcare practitioner adheres to such ideals that the usage of such approaches is equally important and crucial in increasing their knowledge and practical skills needed in order for them to be reliable in assessing and interpreting such outcomes such as those pointing towards health care examination and tests in lieu to psychological and clinical assumptions and that, it can be that by measuring there will be determination of certain theory extent to which the approaches are appropriately used and foster the degree of professionalism of health care practitioners. Moreover, certain information could then be used to develop `best practice’ guidelines for counselling process, including such comprehensive explanation of the theory that is understandable to the practitioner and his clients within series of theory applications to demonstrate how these can be applied to diverse health care interventions as duly integrated by the practitioner.








          Furthermore, one good example pointing to such ways could be the use of the intervention mapping process (Cited from, Bartholomew et al., 2001) in which there is providing of useful tool for health care practitioners in application of such theory into an integrated health program and its design. Thus, in the Intervention Mapping, the practitioner starts by identifying the question to be answered and brainstorming certain list of potential determinants of the problem. It is at this stage that the practitioner, armed with the list of determinants and related constructs, returns to the literature to identify relevant theoretical concepts. In this way the practitioner can use the theoretical constructs to answer the question posed and identify additional constructs that may increase the explanatory power of the proposed answers. (Cited from, Bartholomew et al., 2001) In order to increase the appropriate use of theory in health care practice the practitioner will need to use several techniques and strategies as applied upon changing the behavior of those involved in intervention process from within ideal counselling approaches for a valid indication of health care programs and activities respectively.





          Practitioners being also professionals in most settings find that they provide good counseling therapy in accordance with their education, training as desired amiably for such itemized needs of their clients. In current usage, the terms tend to be used arguably will be depending on the service setting. Thus, during counseling sessions, it can be that the health care practitioner applies his or her expertise to benefit each recipient, directing them to use information in such way that serves best in everyday life. Then, the practitioner’s skills should be supported by theoretical models found with the aspects of such functionality underlying better ways that are working well in informing good health care practice as needed as possible. (Cited from, Bartholomew et al., 2001) Although the practitioner needs some advanced knowledge in the field for specific health and or mental related condition, one of the goal can be, is to offer generic approach to lifestyle behavior change directed towards unfamiliar patterns of behavior for instance, there ways that is associated with increased risk of health issues and problems faced by the practitioner.






          However, health care practitioners who are open to certain integrative perspective will find that several theories play crucial role in their personal counseling approach. Believing that every theory has its unique contributions and its own domain of expertise. By accepting that each theory has strengths and weaknesses and can be peculiar from the others, practitioners have some basis to begin developing theory that fits for them. It is important to emphasize that unless practitioners have an accurate, as well as in-depth knowledge of theories, they cannot formulate true synthesis. Simply put this into consideration, practitioners cannot integrate what they do not know (Cited from, Norcross and Newman, 1992). The challenge really is, for practitioners to think and practice integratively and critically through developing integrative perspective into lifelong endeavor that is validated and refined with ample professional experience.









          In conclusion, one health care practitioner has frequent opportunities to help patients clarify issues and alter adverse behavior patterns because of ample understanding and skills towards such counselling approaches from within their area. The formulations of ideal framework within counseling notions do possibly clarify core principle and tasks for the health practitioners that amiably represent properly the needed requirements for successful counseling. Therefore, some situations respond to brief advice, others require several repeated counseling sessions utilizing concepts from behavioral theory, and certain ones need referral to structured counseling program that employs longer timeframe and allows for the opportunity to use range of method assisting healthcare practitioners to successfully reach their clients. The practitioners would do well to consider their own personal style in the process of developing their integrative approach.







          The art of integrative counseling implies that there are no prefabricated models that fit any practitioner perfectly. Instead, the challenge is to customize counseling approach that is tailored for each practitioner. Then, as an outcome counselling theories do inform that the practitioners should give careful consideration to limitations of their training and experience and work within these limits, taking advantage of available professional support. If work with clients requires the provision of additional services operating in parallel with counselling, the availability of such services ought to be taken into account, as their absence may constitute significant limitation. Also, it informs practitioners to ensure that services delivered have to be base on the client’s clear consent. The increasing availability of counselling approaches means that most practitioners have other practitioners working in their locality from within multidisciplinary teams respectively thus, increasing better insights as well as expertise in health service oriented relationships as the practitioners have ample responsibility within themselves to ensure that their work does not become detrimental to their well-being by ensuring safe work environment and duly look for appropriate professional support and services to maintain high knowledge and understanding of certain skills.




Bartholomew, L.K., Parcel, G.S., Kok, G. and Gottlieb, N.H. (2001), “Intervention Mapping”, Mayfield, Mountain View, CA


Norcross, J. C., & Newman, C. F. (1992), “Psychotherapy integration: Setting the context”. In J. C. Norcross & M. R. Goldfried (Eds.), Handbook of psychotherapy integration (pp. 3–45). New York: Basic Books


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