ADN Nursing Synthesis Paper

A.          Describe at least one example of how you functioned within each of the BSN roles during your clinical time:

1.    Member Within the Discipline

As a nurse, it is important to know how I will be more functional to perform my duties and responsibilities during the clinical time. This part will discuss some example of how I function within each BSN roles during my duties. The role started on caring five patients with different illnesses the first shift. It can be said that on all duties, I handled an average of five clients. As a member of discipline, I can say that I have functioned very well on each of the six shifts at Medical Surgical Floor. First, I did my usual routine of checking the client’s wellness and their vital signs and provide their needs. For each of the patient’s I tried to know information about them, their clinical background and the medicines that they are taking. In addition, as a member of discipline, my role is to coordinate with other members for the sake of the patients. For instance, I coordinate with ICU nurse to ensure that all information needed for surgery of patient that will undergo VATS are received properly to ensure safety and correct care. During these hours, perform my duty in checking the condition of the patients from time to time.


2.     Provider of Care

For each of the shift, I can say that it is also my responsibility to provide proper care on each of the patient that I handle during those shifts.  My first role is to check the patient’s condition and record and documents it as a standard procedure. For instance, during the first shift with five patients, I see to it that as a provider of care I always visit and assess the clients. In addition, I also tend to attend to their immediate needs and consider follow-up if the patients still need something about his/her medication and other related aspects.  As a provider of care, my role is to ensure that all the needs of the patients are being provided.   In addition, I also give positive outlook for patients and talking to them to motivate them and help them have a positive behavior like what I have done with the patient in the ICU during the fifth shift.


3.     Manager of Care

As manager of care, it is my duty and responsibility to have enough knowledge and the ability to manage resources efficiently, be flexible as well as adaptable to different changes and cooperate or collaborate with other healthcare providers. In addition, it is also my duty to apply quality improvement measures, show advocacy and respect for clients and members of the healthcare team. Moreover, it is also my role to seek assistance if I need it to provide quality care. During my shifts, I also observed my being a manager of care when I collaborate with the Doctors and nurses to provide the needs of the patients. For instance, during my third shift in the Medical surgical floor, I have see to it that the client has been administered with the antibiotics before he went to have a CT scan.  I can say that as a manager of care, I am able to show my flexibility in providing efficient care with each of the patient from the first shift to the last shift on the medical surgical floor.


B.           Analyze your attainment of ADN program outcomes through a brief evaluation of each of your individualized clinical objectives. Provide specific examples of how each objective was met.

As an ADN, I have many duties and responsibilities to fulfill and I am entitled to attain my individualized clinical objectives. For each of the shift, I am able to encounter different patients which challenged my abilities and skills and also help me to learn more about my career. As an ADN, I am bound to various clinical objectives which is shown below and the evaluation on how I achieve it during the shifts I made in the Medical surgical floor.



Ways on attaining Objectives

Providing and managing the care of clients

  • I did it by using the nursing process and supported by evidence- based practice which results in safe and competent client care.

  • I also did it by incorporating caring interventions into all aspects of client care for each of the client in the shift.

Ensuring Client’s safety and holistic care

  • I did it by demonstrating critical thinking and problem solving skills in the management and delegation of client care for each of the shift at medical surgical floor.

  • I did it by considering the integration of ethical and legal concepts in providing client care

  • Employing therapeutic communication skills with clients and other healthcare team members while effectively utilizing various forms of proper resources in the healthcare setting.

Ensuring Personal Growth and Commitment

  • I did it by being a keen observer during my duties, specifically in times when other healthcare providers are in challenging situation and I tried to learn from what they are doing.

  • Collaborate with peers and other members of a multidisciplinary health care team to coordinate quality client care.

  • Provide culturally sensitive care to a diverse population like what I did during my duties in which I have to provide care for five patients with different illnesses and medical needs.


C.          Analyze your perceptions of each of the Department of Nursing’s conceptual framework threads

1.       Professional NURSING

Based on what I have observed during my shifts and duties in Medical Surgical floor, I can say that professional nursing means provision of holistic care for other people as well as the utilization of various complementary healing modalities. I perceived that professional nurse are the once who provide care. In addition, professional nurse are those individuals who can provide holistic care in any given situation.

2.        HEALTH

Based on what I have observed during my duties and clinical time, I perceived health as a condition of an individual in the absence of diseases. In addition, I can say that health can be perceived as the balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual condition of an individual.  I believed that being healthy means that a person not have any disease or chronic illnesses and have an improved well-being and self-sufficiency to do every physical and mental activities normally.

3. Environment

Based on what I have observed in my duties, I perceived environment, specifically healthcare environment as place where holistic care for patients are being provided at all cost. In addition, I also perceived environment wherein you can fulfil your duties and obligations for the benefit of the clients or patients.


            In the aspect of nursing, I perceived humanity as embracing more than a benevolent technically competent subject-object one-way relationship which is guided by a nurse on behalf of another. In addition, I also perceived humanity as a form of nursing which means that nursing is a responsible searching, transactional relationship whose meaningfulness demands conceptualization founded on a nurse’s existential awareness of self and the other. Nursing is an experience lived between human beings. All therapeutic action initiated by the nurse in the care of another human being occurs through a self in action, but this is not necessarily through the therapeutic use of self or the art of nursing.

D.Discuss your definition, use of, and growth in critical thinking through this course/program

Critical thinking in this course/program means, having the ability to determine the most appropriate actions for the sake of the patient or the client.  In addition, it can be said that critical thinking in this cause is very important so as to provide proper and holistic care to specific patients.  As I have mentioned, nurses should learn various skills constantly, considering that this field undergoes continuous transitions and developments. Professional nurses should partake in various activities and trainings that will enhance not only their knowledge and skill but also their competence as care providers. My decision to take up the course on ADN would be one of the many steps that I need to take to further develop my skills of emergency nursing practice required to deliver high quality, non-discriminatory practice in order to promote their health and well-being.

E.Discuss your professional development this semester and how this course has provided synthesis.

Nursing is a unique profession, particularly in terms of their role as health care providers. Aside from the needed technical skills that will facilitate proper patient care, nurses must also have the appropriate attitude and outlook to help both sick and well individuals. Patient care is a vital aspect of nursing and the fundamental role of nurses (Rafael, 1996). The provision of sufficient attention to the comfort as well as the promotion of health and treatment of patients is also part of the nurses’ role. The experiences that I have in this semester has enable me to identify various patient needs and deliver appropriate care. In addition, as part of my professional development,

I am able to develop inherent characteristics which I believe can positively help me become an efficient nurse. Through this, I am able to have a strong sense of judgment. I can react and think quickly when situations occur. Moreover, I can easily address a situation based on knowledge as well as my past experiences. I think with these experiences in this semester, I can fulfil the role of a nurse with strong conceptualization skills. Aside from this, I can also become an efficient nurse who is willing to share my knowledge and experience to others.

I can say that the activities I have done contributed to the realization of my role as a professional nurse. I believe that it is not enough to do research and consult other experts about this matter. A plan should be developed in our nursing unit, identifying specific ways on how to integrate effective communication practices. However, my consultation with a superior nurse has helped me realized the importance of interacting with the patients and their family members, particularly in understanding their situation as well as their feelings and thoughts. Much research must be conducted for this objective, particularly in sample case studies. This I believe will give me an idea on how to develop a possible plan for effective communication.


D.          Summary and Conclusion: Discuss your nursing career goals and the hopes you. Have for nursing in the future.

Based on this analysis and the experiences I had for this semester, I can say that my nursing career goals is to pursue my nursing career and take on a higher level of nursing to provide holistic and quality care for my patients. I will continue to gain experiences to enhance my knowledge and I will not stick into non-actual knowledge so that I may be able to efficiently use what I have practiced on actual situations. My plan is to continue the course and learn more about it and also about nursing. 

I believe my professional knowledge would be updated through specialized training. Specifically, I can improve my patient care abilities by working with the latest medical technology as well as with other highly trained medical personnel. These can provide significant inputs which I can use in my profession. In today’s contemporary world, nurses must have the necessary skills and training in various areas that will help them comply with the modern and scientific health research approach. In addition, these trainings can equip them with the knowledge on how to enhance the quality of patient care and apply technical skills for effective health care management. As stated by a number of authors, nurses must have the skills and abilities that will enable them to practice lawful, safe and effective patient care. These skills would have to be obtained through sufficient education and training.

As nursing is a dynamic profession, my professional skills and knowledge as a nurse must be continuously updated. Through training and constant education, I will be able to discover new techniques on patient care as well as find other means on how to enhance my strengths and overcome my weaknesses as a professional nurse. In addition, training and education will also help me develop other significant skills including flexibility, self-confidence and adaptability, which in turn can help me grown professionally and personally.


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