
2:07 PM Bibliography

  B.           Ownership Information

The business will be established through sole proprietorship. It is considered as the simplest way of being in business for one’s self (Mancuso & Schroeder, 2007). Sole proprietorship is the type of business organization registered in Malaysia under the Registration of Business Act, 1956, which under the jurisdiction of Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) or Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) under the Domestic Trade and Consumers Affairs Ministry. Just like in other country, sole proprietorship, in Malaysia is owned by one person called the sole proprietor by a Malaysian citizen or permanent resident who attained the age of 18 years and above (Venture, 2009).

Because sole proprietorship is considered as not a legal entity, the owner is entitled to all the profits that are generated from the business. But, the liability of the owner is unlimited, not just when the business is having financial difficulty, but also when the business fails and he faces bankruptcy. Thus, the creditors may sue him for debts incurred and also obtain a court order to claim against his personal assets, including his house (Venture, 2009). Another important to consider is that all of the turnover or sales of the company will be a personal property of the owner. Thus the said money can be used in order to expand the business.

Thus, all of in-flow of money in the business will be going to the sole owner of the business, while, the process of decision making will be done with the help of the employees. However, the most important factor to consider is the fact that the owner is solely responsible for the risks that are available in the way of the business, including the risk of bankruptcy that will endanger his or her personal assets such as house and car.

V.           Marketing & Sales Management A.           Market Penetration Strategy

Market penetration strategy helps to estimates the strengths the ability to successfully launch any business (McKnight, 2004). Thus, the market penetration strategy can help to gain competitive advantages. It is important to take note that there are three approaches which can be used including: cost-based, skimming the market and differentiation market penetration strategy. Thus, in the case of the business, the cost-based market penetration strategy will be used, by penetrating the market by lower prices than the competitors (Alonzo, 2006). The said strategy involves the process of using quite low prices when introducing a product or service to the market for the first time. This is because the company is expecting to introduce the product to a large mass market and to sell a lot of product. Thus, the company believes that the said strategy will help to discourage the competitors and take a large part of the possible market from them. This strategy is important because there is a massive competition in the market (Kloppler, et al., 2006).

B.           Strategy for Growing the Business

The company is also looking forward for the future expansion or growth. Thus, the company focuses on the different strategies that help the company to be ready for the future. In the case of the business, the horizontal strategy will be used or apply. It is the process where in the business will provide the same type of products to the different segments of the customers. In the case of the business, it will focus on offering toy cars for the other age segment of the customers including toddlers and the adults.

In the case of toddlers, it will focus mainly on distributing products that are safe and can meet the demands of the toddlers as well as the changing and hard to please parents. These toy cars will mainly focus on more educational factors which will develop the physical and mental factors of toddlers. Thus, it will focus on the demand of 1 – 3 years old kids. It will focus on rubberized, blocked and musical cars, which is feasible for the kid market.

On the other hand, it will also focus on the teens or more matured market that will focus on 16 and up customer segment. It is important to consider that toy cars, especially those remote controlled one are becoming a hobby for young adults. Thus, it will be helpful if the company will cater the demands of the said groups.

Aside from that, the company can also focus on focusing on the premium products, which will enable to market products that will meet the demands of the possible customers in the upper level of the society. It is important to consider that customers have the mentality that when a product is somewhat expensive, it signifies high quality. Therefore, it will be important to offer higher priced products in order to focus on the demands of those brand sensitive customers.

C.           Channels of Distribution Strategy

In the case of the distribution channel strategy, the company will focus on the retailers. It is important to consider that retailer is in the best position in order to know what their customers require due to the fact that they have the direct contact with them (see Appendix B) (Varley, 2006). Thus, the company will connect and communicate with the retailers in the industry, which can help them gather information about the demands and behaviors of the customers towards the product. This is because the company will be able to use the information gathered by the current systems of a specific retailer that can help the decision making, including the total unit sales for a given model of toy car. By doing this, the company will be able to note what products to be developed, changed and even removed to the product lists of the company. Aside from that, it would also give the company the idea regarding what geographic segments have the greater demands.

D.           Communication Strategy

Communication strategy is important because it can help the business to deliver their marketing message towards the customers. In the case of the company, it will focus on the online marketing, as a continuation to its effort towards using technology. In Malaysia, the Internet has a great influence in the behavior of the customers, thus, it is the reason why there are many companies in the country that are specializing in online marketing including those e-marketing that focus on blog marketing.

Above all, leaflets will also used in order to disperse the information about the products in easy and wider market. This will be distributed inside and outside the retail shops and in other place where there are lots of children such as school premises, playgrounds, parks and malls. The leaflet will focus on bragging the cost-effectiveness of the product.

VI.          Service of Product Line A.           Product Description

The company will be offering 12 different types of products (see Appendix C). VB801-1689 is replicas of jeeps which come with 3 different colors: orange, and two different shades of green. VB1283-2009-10B is a van-type car, which is replica of common cars which can be seen in the street, but it comes with stickers that serve as designs. VB1275-688 is another replica of jeeps; however, it is more manly compare with the VB801-1689 because it comes with more realistic designs and colors. VB950-1689 is replica of turbo high power luxury car, with the design that is open. This type of car is the replica of cars that can commonly see in movies and television shows. VB1209-835 is replica of military jeep. It comes with missiles, which shows more realistic appeal. VB804-88A is also known as the kiddie police. It was called that way because it is the replica of police car but it comes with attractive color such as green and yellow. 0403B is another replica of police car, but is known as the wacky version, because it has face. VB912-2028 is the more realistic replica of police car. VB1264-937B and VB1016-2040 are the replicas of tour car, which can commonly see in the street with the tourists. 878 and VB1128-371 are replicas of race cars which come with two colors: white and red.

B.           Research and Development Activities

The research and development activities focuses on first knowing what are the latest models of cars in the market, together with the different famous designs of cars in the world by focusing on the different famous movies, particularly those from the West. Aside from that, the company also focuses o on the different factors that will ensure that all of the products that will be produced are safe for the children, including the issue of hazardous chemicals or materials and the safety of the physical design itself.

VII.         Financials

Balance Sheet

                        ASSETS                     2009                            2008                            2007


Cash                                              ,225                       ,569                         -

Accounts Receivable                    ,970                       ,698                       ,569

Deposits and Prepaid Expenses       3,568                         3,256                              2,589

Inventory                                       186,526                       182,563                       179,256

                                                      255,289                       245,086                       217,414

PROPERTY, PLANT                   69,568                         89,526                         95,568



INVESTMENTS                                 -                             49,526                        48,256

                                                      4,857                     384,138                       361,238          




      Bank Loan                                     $-                                 ,000                       ,000

      Accounts Payable

and Accrued Liabilities                  30,000                        20,254                         10,025

Income Tax Payable                    12,256                             -                                    -___

                                                            42,256                         70,254                         80,025   


Statement of Income

                                          2009                            2008                            2007

REVENUE                              ,056,557                  9,256                     1,689

COST OF SALES                 

      Opening Inventory                        135,569                       115,269                       99,263

      Delivery                             1,253                           1,156                           1,063

      Purchases                         670,236                       702,263                       703,263

                                                807,058                       818,688                       803,589

      Closing Inventory              123,569                       119,256                       117,489

                                                683,489                       699,432                       686,100

GROSS PROFIT                   373,068                       289,824                       305,589

OPERATING EXPENSES    238,458                       249,537                       268,923

INCOME FROM                                

OPERATIONS                       134,610                       140,287                       136,666


      Loss on disposal of

property, plant and

equipment.                        -                                   (456)                            (356)

Gain on sale

of investment.                   17,968                         16,569                         -                                  

Miscellaneous                   (1,268)                         (1,698)                         369


BEFORE TAX                                    115,374                       125,872                       136,653

INCOME TAX EXPENSE     14,256                         18,987                         -

NET INCOME                                    101,118                       106,885                       136,653


Statement of Cash Flow


OPERATING ACTIVITIES         2009                            2008                            2007

Net Income for the year             1,118                     106,885                       136,653

Adjustment for:

Amortization                            16,784                         14,325                         13,967

Loss on disposal of

property, plant

and equipment.                       -                                   456                             356

Gain on disposal

of investment                          (17,968)                       (16,569)                       -

Cash derived from operations      99,898                         105,097                       153,976                      


Decrease (increase) in

working capital items    

      Accounts receivable               52,970                         49,698                         35,569

      Deposits and prepaid             

expenses.                                3,568                           3,256                           2,589

      Accounts payable

and accrued liabilities. 30,000                         20,254                         10,025

      Income tax payable                12,256                              -                                    -___

Cash Flows from

Operating Activities.                  98,794                         73,208                         48,183


Schedule of Operating Expenses


2009                            2008                            2007


Advertising                                          ,568                       ,968                       ,896

Amortization                                        16,784                         14,325                         13,967

Bank charges and interests                5,587                           6,987                           7,997

Insurance                                            6,589                           7,532                           9,263              

Membership and Licenses                  12,596                         15,104                         17,879            

Office and General                             12,263                         12,599                         14,089

Rent and Utilities                                 20,639                         22,545                         26,263            

Repairs and Maintenance                   5,963                           9,587                           9,784

Supplies                                              4,896                           7,523                           8,987

Wages and Benefits                            128,610                       122,944                       121,564

Vehicles                                              5,963                           9,423                           11,452

238,458                       249,537                       268,923

  VIII.       References

Agency, M. N. (2009). Are Toys Really Safe? Retrieved May 15, 2009, from

Alonzo, R. (2006). The Upstart Guide to Owning and Managing a Bar Or Tavern. Kaplan Publishing.

Baschab, J., & Piot, J. (2004). The Professional Services Firm Bible. John Wiley and Sons.

Entrepreneur. (2009). Market Testing. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from Entreprenuer:

Ghani, N. H., & Zain, O. (2004). Malaysian Chilren’s Attitudes Towards Television Advertising. Advertising & Marketing to Children , 41 – 51.

Guide, H. (2007). Organizational Structure. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from Organizational HRM:

International, E. (2008, November). Toys and Games in Malaysia. Retrieved May 14, 2009, from Euromonitor International:

Kerin, R., Hartley, S. W., & Rudelius, W. (2003). Market: The Core. McGraw Hill Professional.

Kloppler, H. B., Petzer, D., Ismail, Z., Roberts-Lombard, M., Klopper, L., Subramani, H., et al. (2006). Marketing: Fresh Perspective. Pearson South Africa.

Kotler, P. (2000). Marketing Management: The Millennium Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Mancuso, A., & Schroeder, A. (2007). From Your Own Limited Liability Company. Nolo.

McKnight, T. (2004). Will it Fly?: How to Know If Your New Business Ideas Have Wings — Before You Take the Leap. FT Press.

News, A. (2000, September 21). Malaysia July Manufacturing Sectors Sales Up 27.8% Yr-On-Yr. Retrieved May 14, 2009, from HighBeam Research:

Tan, E. (2009, March 19). Malaysia a Prime Market for Cartoon Network. Retrieved May 14, 2009, from The Edge: Your Window to Malaysia:

Unicef. (2007). Malaysia. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from Unicef: Unite for Children:

Varley, R. (2006). Retail Product Management: Buying and Merchandising. Routledge.

Venture, H. (2009). Sole Proprietorship – Issues to Consider. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from Hero Venture:


IX.          Appendices


A.           Appendix A: Market Test

            The process of market test has been done by focusing on the perspective of the customers regarding the products of the company.  During the first stage, a prototype, model and description of the product was done in order to show to others. This was done by preparing a list which classifies and introduces the products and toy car models of the company. In preparation, I also tried some of the toy car models in order to ensure that the products also passed by qualification and standards.

            After that, the process of determining the prices was done, which focus on the prices of the products to be sold in the market. It includes the accurate prices and delivery from the suppliers, together with the different costs such as offices, shipping, loss, breakage, insurance, transportation and salaries, together with labor costs. After which I asked my family members, especially those young children, if they will buy the said product in the given price.

            In the end, I conducted a survey that will ask for the opinion of the possible customers, including the issue of price, quality and design. I asked the 10 possible customers including 6 male children and 4 male adults to answer the following questions:


Survey Question:




How much would you pay for these products (in average)?


What can you say about these product? Why?


Would you buy them?





Q1 (RM)





Nice, because they are colorful




Cute, lots of design to choose from




Very colorful




Cool designs




Looks affordable




Childish designs




Not so attractive, because there are some designs that needs some improvement such as blending of colors.




Good, I like it!




Perfect for my boy and my pocket *laugh*




Look nice








B.           Retailer in Distribution Channel





























Appendix C: Product Lists and Description


Model No.


Retail Packing Size

Price/Packing Size




RM 0.90 / per packet (3 pcs)






RM 0.60 / pc





RM 0.60 / pc





RM 0.80 / set (6pcs)





RM 0.60





RM 0.80





RM 0.60





RM 0.60 /pcs





RM 1.50 / box





RM 1.00





RM 0.80





RM 0.60







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