International Public Relations Campaign


Due to the growth of technology and influence of communication, different nations are brought together bearing the same purpose. Through the idea of public relations, different organizational leaders reduce the bridge between them and bringing the purpose of their campaigns. Within the concept of public relations, the campaigns are being stretched into one country to another and gained respects to the foreign land. In exchange, the support of the country will be given to the campaigns in order to continue its journey in spreading the purpose of the campaigns.


Despite of the widespread anti-smoking campaigns, smoking’s persistence is high in most of the societies which ends to the government intervention and decisions. And most of the interventions that the government chose to settle is through the taxes and government warning advertisements. CLEANAIR is a non-profit organization that is engaged in drawing the public attention regarding the effects of smoking on the health and environment. In order to emphasize their advocacy and fight against the smoking, the organization created a series of posters that politely, strongly, and humorously deliver the message that non-smoking is the norm. To establish or to raise international awareness and support tobacco-free initiatives, the organization should promote the campaign in the societies in the most effective way as possible.

The kind of anti-smoking advertisers combined negative representations of smokers with positive portraits of non-smokers as far more appealing or desirable. In some cases this involves emulating the strategies of tobacco advertisers by using the same glamorization and normalization strategies in the depiction of non-smokers as popular or heroic and smoke-free environments as invigorating or therapeutic.

The Essence of Campaign and Achievement

The organization wants to create a massive information campaign about the cigarette smoking and help reduce the number of smokers in the country and even in the neighboring countries. The image in the poster signifies an opposition between smoking and health (or smoker and nonsmoker), suggesting a choice for one is a choice against the other. The headline presents the viewer with a choice between tobacco and health, while an abstraction of a human head chooses flowers over a cigarette (environment over smoking). The reason for this kind of campaign is to clear the role of smoking played in culture and the shaping of personal identity.

The Advantages and Obstacles

There are advantages that can be gained in the use of the techniques such as emphasizing the psychological, social, economic, and health benefits of smoking cessation (or regaining non-smoker status); stressing a sense of personal or social responsibility as motivation for choosing to be a non-smoker; using deglamorization strategies to suggest that the non-smoker is more fashionable; and appropriating idealistic or romanticized environmental images as symbolic representations of health and the decision not to smoke. The advantages that it might realize are to create a language even in different culture. However, the obstacles that can be faced by the organization are the cigarette promotion of the companies. In addition, the cigarette and tobacco organizations have a strategy in producing future smokers through encouraging the young population and promoting smoking within the age range.

 The Success

Many studies show that the use of advertising and marketing effectively increase the appeals and promotion to the people thus, also increasing the consumption. This same is true to the cigarette manufacturers and making an appeal for the young people. In Kazakhstan, the consumption of tobacco as of 2002 is determined to 46.5% among men and 7.6% on female. While the youth consumes about 17% and 9% for boys and girls respectively, yet rapidly increasing and attributes to the increasing death. Despite the continuous approach of the government to limit the smoking in their country, the advertisements lead to the increase in the consumption of the product. Tobacco advertising also has a powerful effect among young people. And those tobacco promotional activities are causally related to the onset of smoking in adolescents and that exposure to cigarette advertising is predictive of smoking among adolescents.

However, the success of the campaign is possible only if the campaign of the organization reach in the society. Therefore, the organization should be responsible for creating and maintaining relationships between clients and customers. One effective way is through the use of management, advertising, media relations and crisis management in which the organization should seek to foster interest, trust and belief in purpose of the campaign.


Ross, H., (2006) Tobacco and the Economy [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 2010].

Tobacco Fact Sheet (2000) Tobacco Advertising: Promoting A Future Without Tobacco, 11th World conference on Tobacco OR Health [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 2010].

Visual Culture and Public Health Posters (2009) Anti-Smoking Campaigns: The Non-Smoker and Smoke-free Environment [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 2010].

Ziedonis , D.M., Guydish, J., Williams, J., Steinberg, M., & Foulds, J., (2006) Barriers and Solutions to Addressing Tobacco Dependence in Addiction Treatment Programs, Alcohol Research & Health, 29(3):228+




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