
      Today we are going to take a look at one of the most exciting and thrilling experience in the cruise ship industry and its outlook around the world. We will travel the best of the best and capture the maritime information just like a crew on a ship; we will also take a look at the current situation of the industry to why and how it has been preferred by many people around the world and its future competitive advantages in traveling. So get yourself on board now.

      Definitely this year has been a great start for cruise ship industry. Somehow the exciting new trends and featured amenities of cruise ships pave its way to stardom; features like Spa, Jacuzzi, International dining experience, Music studios, Culture and Art, Corporate function rooms, Private room and Libraries and Relaxation rooms etc. as an added attraction is simply luxurious and irresistible.  Having a trip like this is truly a remarkable experience. Passengers can’t help but be amazed especially the natural creation of the sea and horizon and the whales, dolphins and sharks spice up the travel even more challenging and rewarding on their part. Even the ray of sunlight and the rush of air makes it even more exciting, plus the sandy beaches when their on the shore. You can just imagine what happiness and excitement it may bring having this trip. It is simply an unforgettable experience and a lifelong memory for the whole family is at stake.







Fig. 2 Selected Photos of Luxury Cruise Ship and Yacht.


Current Situation:

Beside the economic situation the world is facing today, believe it or not the cruise ship industry is continuously getting stronger According to the Cruise Lines International Association and its members are very positive about its future outlook and beyond.  According to CLIA as long as the trends of high vacationer’s expectation is guaranteed the future of the cruise ship industry will brighten up even more.  Statistic shows that this year of 2011 there are about 16 million passengers expected to travel which is more than six (6) percent higher than of 2010 and probably they are expecting more because 14 cruise ship more is on its way due to the high demand of passengers. Cruise Line Industry Association members are Including European, South America, Caribbean and Asia Pacific regions.

      The trend of cruise ships industry growth margin in the last few years according to Florida Caribbean Cruise or (FCCA) for the last five years are as follows: in 2006  46.69% in 2007 41.02% in 2008 37.25% in 2009 37.02% headed by the Caribbean which possess the most numbers of travelers every years. As of 2010 continues growth of cruise ship industry is highly expected until the next more years to come. The Florida Caribbean Cruise or FCCA is a non-profit organization which includes 15 members and 100 more vessels in Florida. This organization creates the governing laws in maritime industry, including international relation, tourism development, safety nets and other maritime issue pertaining to the industry. They closely work will public and private sector to enhance the features and services of cruise ship industry for the benefit of the passengers and its members and onboard employees.

The Future demand of the Industry:

      In the recent forecast created by International independent cruise ship expert in maritime headed a formative approach to view the industry capability for the years to come research conducted by Ocean Shipping Consultants. Titled “The World Cruise Ship Industry to 2020 a detailed appraisal of prospects” a strong economic standing has been foreseen for the next few years. And these are their estimates;

1.    The cruise industry outlook is dominantly positive and expected to expand rapidly in the years to come and this are the scientific representation of the past decades from 1995 which has 16,000 to 2005 there has been an increase in over 310, 00 passengers that is nearly twice its capacity which perceive to have at least thirty three percent average increase since 2000. And these are just partial representation of the world.

2.    In terms of customers demand around the world the following list has been estimated scientifically as follows: from an estimate increase of 2005 In most part of Europe there will be an overall growth of 120%  or 5.25% per annum till 2020

3.    For Asia Pacific region there will be an estimate increase of 98% growth rate is estimated or around 3.75 to 5% by 2020

4.     For Germany estimate can increase as much as 7% per annum by 2020

5.    In North America which has a terrorist scared impact has only an estimated growth rate of about an average of 4 to 4.5% annually until 2020

6.    For United Kingdom as high as 6 to 7% annual increase is expected till 2020


The future Supply of the Industry:

      There will be a significant increase in cruise ship lines. Since the birth of the industry growth potential, the increasing demand and supply will meet each having been fully understood that this future is evidently on the list of shortages if non additional cruise ship is produced. Maritime ship manufacturer in its continuing effort to create larger and bigger tons capacity and more innovative vessels is on its way in fulfilling their dreams to become a reality. More and more additional functions of cruise ships have been added for better valued services to the customers in return continuously patronizing such luxury ships. Added attraction will soon be included for their fulfillment. Expectedly safety and security is its most concern during the process. Training of employees around the world from crew ship level to captain is still a highly sought after career around the world. Employees from this industry can expect more perks and extravagant lifestyle and opportunity to travel around the world for they are the future in the cruise ship industry.


Forecast Future Outlook:

      This forecast in cruise ship outlook is definitely achievable having a conservative estimate, still conducted by private exclusive organization such as Ocean Shipping Consultant group. The forecast they have in the past is evidently been happening in the last few years and without hesitation their expertise is subject to change in the future expectedly due to some unnecessary natural or man- made occurrence like the recent Earthquake in Haiti, New Zealand and Japan and the terrorist attacks of the rebel groups like the Al Qaeda of Bin Laden. However those things mentioned above can be included in the study although the potential and exponential growth of cruise ship industry cannot be underestimated and will continue to grow for the next few years and undoubtedly this has been one of the most exciting and rewarding industry from the customers point of view. If you have the opportunity to try some of its cruise or if you already try it, you can say that the world belongs to a happy experience like this one     and as long as the demand is there the cruise ship industry will be there to serve the world at it best.


1.     The Cruise Industry and Environmental History and Practice: October 2003 by Ross A Klein PhD. For Bluewater network 311 California St. Suite 510 San Francisco CA. 94104

2.     Florida Caribbean Cruise Association 11200  Pines Blvd. Suite 201Pembroke Pines Florida33026

3.     European Cruise Ship Builders Seatrade Cruise shipping by Corrado Antonini

4.     The Ocean Shipping Consultants Ocean House 60 Guilford Street Chertsey Surrey KT169 KBE England




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