Company A






Before a department takes steps to employ staff, it should work out the type of staff it needs in terms of grade and rank, and the time scale in which the staff are required.


The general principles underpinning recruitment with the civil service are that recruitment should:

²         Use procedures which are clearly understood by candidates and which are open to public scrutiny;

²         Be fair, giving candidates who meet the stipulated minimum requirements equal opportunity for selection and

²         Select candidates on the basis of merit and ability.


Recruitment of overseas officers is undertaken only when no or insufficient local candidates are available.



Key components


There are three key components to the recruitment process:

²         Deciding on terms of appointment

²         Selection of candidates

²         Probation


Deciding on Terms of Appointment


Terms of Appointment:           Having decided on the grade and rank of the staff required, and the timing concerned, the department should consider what the most appropriate terms of appointment would be.  This should take into account the nature of the duties to be performed and the overall manpower deployment of the department.  The different terms of appointment that can be offered are –

²         Permanent and personable terms;

²         Agreement terms;

²         Temporary terms (month-to-month or day-to-day);

²         Non-civil service appointment; and

²         Part-time;

²         consultancy


Guides to Appointment: Entry requirements of staff in each rank and grade are agreed between the Head of Grade/Department concerned and the Civil Service Branch, taking into account the advice of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service or other relevant advisory bodies.  These requirements are periodically reviewed and laid down in Guides to Appointments.


Selection of Candidates


Advertising:    Vacancies in the civil service are normally advertised in newspapers and through circulars.


Screening and Selection:         Departments screen applications to see if the applicants meet the specified qualifications and other requirements of the post. Suitable candidates are then shortlisted for subsequent examination and/or interviews. Not all grades/departments would required candidates to undergo examination, but candidates would normally be required to be interviewed by a recruitment board or an officer form the recruitment team.


Roles and Responsibilities:     The Civil Service Brach recruits staff of some General Grades while Heads of Grades/Departments recruit staff of their own grade/department.  For recruitment to middle and senior ranks, the advice of he Public Service Commission has to be sought before appointment is offered.


Flexibility:       To minimize recruitment difficulties as well as attract and retain the best people, there are flexibilities which include recruitment overseas, offer of agreement terms, lowering entry qualifications and granting incremental credit for experience.










During probation staff are introduced to the mission, objectives and values of the civil services     and their departments.  Probation is a serious process which provides regular feedback on performance and assesses suitability for employment in the civil service.  It includes:

²         on-the-job training: staff should be exposed to the different duties required for their rank.  In this way they can learn the skills expected of them and managers can verify their long-term suitability;

²         supervision and guidance: staff should receive close and sympathetic supervision and guidance to enable problems and difficulties to be identified early and timely counseling or other action to the taken.


Newly joined staff must be told the length of their probationary period, which varies with the requirements of each grade.  If there are indications that staff are not suitable for confirmation, they must be counseled and then warned in writing if the problem persists.  Confirmation is the step whereby a member of staff on probation is found suitable for the job and employed on permanent and personable terms.





















Company B


Recruitment Requisition Procedures


PER will check for any staff members who may be suitable for the opening, before recruiting from outside sources as below:


Past Applications:

²         PER will check recent records for any potential past applications for interview.


Advertising or Re-advertisement:

²         Dept. Head could submit the advertisement request through the RRF for insertion, and which must also be approved by respective Director.  The advertising content should be attached with the RRF and sent to PER for handling.

²         Dept. Head could request for “Re-advertisement” by sending a written note to PER on his intention to re-advertise, and he should also specify changes in the advertisement content, if any

²         Upon receipt of the RRF or re-advertisement request, PER will prepare and place advertisements as soon as practicable.

²         PER may amend the requested insertion in a more const-effective manner, including the insertion timing, media choice, size inserted, and insertion wording.  Normally, “blind-adv.” Insertion will be avoided, so as to comply with personal data privacy principles.

²         Dept Head should forward the proposed insertion on or before the deadline of respective media.  Advertisement requests cannot be met of inadequate time is allowed for content checking and proof reading.

²         Advertising through the Internet: PER could also insert some vacant positions on internet job sites.


Employment Agencies and other Related Organization:

²         PER will coordinate with external organizatins such as Labour Department, Technical Institutes, Universities and/or employment agencies for potential applicants.

²         However, the use of employment agencies should be limited, and must in advance be approved by respective Director in the RRF.  Any contract or agreement with an employment agency must be checked and signed by PER, so as to avoid unreasonable terms, or illegal agency set up.


Preliminary Interview:

²         PER should initially interview candidates; upon request, PER may pass application letters/forms directly to Dept. Head for his own first screening.

²         Some candidates may be given employment test/s, e.g. PC-skill test or written test. Such test results should assist in the selection decision-making.

²         PER will put down the comments/results on the Job Application Form after the first interview.

²         Screened & qualified candidates will be referred to Dept Head for considering second interview.


Employment Confirmation:

²         Dept Head should confirm his acceptance or rejection of interviewed candidate, by giving comment on the rear page of the Job Application Form and such comments should only cover aspects

²         Dept Head must sign on the rear page of Job Application Form of the selected candidate.  The form should be sent to PER who would verify the Proper terms and position title offered, according to the approved RRF.  PER may refer the abnormal case back to Dept Head for adjustment, if required.

²         Upon verification, PER will confirm the offer verbally with the candidate, and prepare the Letter of Employment

²         Dept Head & Per should only offer the employment with completed supporting documents which are:

-              RRF approved by Director

-              Job Application Form signed by Dept Head

-              Job Application Form approved by Director; such employment approval could be previously authorized to Dept Head by Director.

²         Dept Head should not confirm any offer of employment which has employment terms not in line with the general Company policies and practices.  Prior verification by PER, as well as approval by respective Director, is required or any special offer.


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